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  • Just ordered my first copics! Mom gave me some money to spend on them for my birthday. Amazon has the best pricing, but the reviews are terrible, so I'm trying the price matching at Blick art. Hopefully it works. Its only like 12 buck difference but it all counts.
    Have fun with them. I recommend leaving a window open or having a running fan nearby however, as copics and other alcohol markers can have a rather foul odor, and causes some people to get dizzy.
    Thanks, I had forgotten about that. I’ve previously used markers with that issue, but it’s been a long time.
    You're welcome. It is hard to remember things when it has been a while with art. I am surprised I remember as much as I do about watercolors when it has been almost a year since I have touched them.
    I caved and got some of those cosmic sharpies. I feel weird buting art supplies, but my last ones were 4 years ago(some colored pencils) so I guess its really okay. Still need a lightbox, but don’t know how much they cost or if I can buy one now. The one I have now is in storage in GA, is clunky, and older than I am.(It’s from when my mom was in fashion design school in the 80’s.)
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    This is kind of weird advice, but when I was in animation school, we had to buy a light box, I don't know how much they cost nowadays but it was too much. So we made our own by using one of those round "touch lights" for less than $10, and flipped over an empty transparent plastic container/storage bin (the kind you store papers/decorations in around the house) as if it were a table. Put the touch light inside the flipped over box so it's shining through the bottom and you draw on it as if it were a table. (Hopefully that makes sense.)
    *Listens to any song*
    Me: Wouldn’t it be great to cover it with *insert vocaloid name here*
    My brain: Don’t you remember, you deactivated your vocaloids so that you could reset your pc
    (I was waiting until I felt better to touch my pc, but I don’t think I’ll feel any better until we move. Who knows when that’ll be)
    Just realized that the markers I have are 8 years old already. I was going to get some skin tone copics to work with my prismacolors, but I guess I’ll have to try the ones I have first. Hopefully they’re still good, I haven’t used them in a few years.
    Have to return the apple watch I got. Got a burn from it. Wasn’t too bad, but there’s still a small mark a few days later. :/ Did some research and it looks like all of the smart watches/fitness trackers have the possibility of burning. Oh well.
    One of my cats either scratched or bit my switch ac adapter and now it won’t work. Luckily my mom’s phone runs off of usb-c so I could borrow one of her cords. Ordered two ac adapters cause you never know what these cats are gonna do. You wouldn’t believe how many surface chargers my mom has gone through because of them. Oh well...
    Finally watch Patema Inverted today It was a little cryptic at the beginning, but I really enjoyed it especially the bit at the end.
    It’s like whenever I post online about a project I jinx it and something happens to keep me from working on it or finishing it. I guess I should have a new rule in which nothing gets posted about projects until they are finished.
    I think the fun part of buying something that ships from overseas is seeing it bounce from country to country before it finally makes its way to the US.
    I’m starting to think that mitchiem uses something like vocalistener on his vocals.
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    I think it's definitely possible, the only reason I have doubts is because no one has replicated it even after all these years. Of course, is tuning is definitely possible in the editor itself, but to get it to sound exactly like Mitchie M (the way his vowels sound, etc) would require meticulous editing, and we don't even know what he uses, so we may as well call it impossible. I think he might heavily reference human vocals - as in he gets someone to record for him - but I also think it's possible that he somehow blends the Vocaloid and human voice (especially in his more recent works, cherry pie maybe?). this is ALL speculation though, because I don't actually think we'll ever know.

    don't forget that his mixing is amazing too, and that plays a factor in how good his vocals sound.

    EDIT: to add something... given that he has a pretty good relationship with crypton, he probably has access to tools and such that we don't
    to be honest I think it was semi-confirmed he uses a bunch of different editing programs besides vocaloid. (and like msmmsm said, we know he got Cherry Pie).
    Scarlet Illusion
    Scarlet Illusion
    Mitchie M’s website has a bunch of the things he uses, which certainly play a role. It’s all in Japanese, but it’s interesting to read even with a rough google translation.
    Ordered an apple watch today, psyched to have realtime bpm measurements! Also can’t wait to upgrade my 6s to the next iphone.
    Just found out that my favorite earbud brand is no more. There goes getting wireless earbuds without hours of research. :(
    I feel so sick. Sometimes I really really hate the people that caused my kidney disease. Not being able to take any nsaids right now is killing me.
    I bought some shirts from for fans by fans and the graphics are not good at all. I guess I can’t return them since they were washed. Not happy at all :(
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    You can talk to their customer service! One of my designs is on there and when I bought it it had a really bad misprint, really spotty. I got a complete refund and the next print was perfect :)
    I was going to work on backups today, but my mom wanted to grocery shop. It is 5 pm and we still haven’t left the hotel...-_-
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