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  • Mei has a cystitis flare, mild dental disease, and a cataract in one eye. She just had her teeth cleaned in December and her eyes were perfectly fine in January, so that’s really weird.(she’s only four) Plus she’s only had cystitis once which was while we were here, so it makes me wonder if all the mold is making really awful inflamation in the cats. At least the second vet was nice.
    The one emergency vet was like well we can’t do a metabolic panel and your cat looks okay, so now we are at another one. Hopefully they can figure it out. (I am so tired now didn’t end up with a lunch)
    Taking our cat Mei to the emergency vet today. Poor cat just isn’t acting like herself and isn’t wanting to eat.
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    I’m praying she gets better soon!! I’m here to talk if you need. After what my Binx went through, I know how scary it is.
    Thank you!
    I think I’ll dl as many installers for normal programs(word, avast, reaper, yada yada) as possible and stick em on a thumb drive for ease when reinstalling.
    That's always a good idea! Just remember to be super careful when handling any sort of external hard drive, no matter what the label says. I once had a "a fall/damage proof" USB stick with very important data that I ended up dropping. I ended up loosing up all the data even though it was like a 2 foot drop. It's also a good idea to back them up digitally as well so there won't be the fear of loosing your data physically. :)
    Thank you. I am so carefull already with my backup drive and thumb drives. Yeah, my backup drive says it’s shock proof, but it always lives somewhere safe.
    I’m going on a hiatus from any computer work that requires more than a browser. Going to shelve any work I was doing and reset my computer when I have the time and energy. rip productivity
    I'm seriously considering backing up all of my data and doing a refresh/reset on my computer since restoring it didn't work. If I end up doing that would it be possible for someone send me the installers for the vocas I have in storage? I don't know if that violates vocaloid terms or not.
    Today’s schedule: Try installing utau on another user and try searching through the japanese utau community for info.
    More in the utau not working saga. I have tried so many things and cleared out every bit of program related data I can think of and it still won't work. I am so upset right now.
    Tried the Project Sekai demo. The rhythm gameplay is like a carbon copy of T7S. Leo/Need is so cool! Def my fav group. Since their vocaloids look to be Miku and Luka, I hope that they include some of Otetsu’s songs in the game.
    I want to figure out where the shareware key for utau is stored. Maybe the issue I’m having has its roots there.
    Now Utau won't render wav files at all. I'm going to try reinstalling. Hopefully that will work.
    Finally got Gumi v4 registered. Wow Internet Co's registration process is really convoluted. Crypton's was much easier to use.
    I literally couldn't figure out how to register Gumi (I got the complete download ver from the Japanese site) for some reason it wouldn't take ANY of the serials and I tried for a really long time before giving up. orz You're the only person I've seen saying they actually succeeded in registering Gumi.
    I was tripped up for a bit since you can't use the english registration portal. Were you using the vocaloid serial numbers? It was a bit confusing, but the codes that worked were shorter than the serials for vocaloid and started with a V.
    Thanks for the info! The email I got when I bought Gumi complete had the serials and those other numbers for every voice bank. So when I tried to register, I tried out like every number I could see and none of them were working for some reason. It was just so frustrating/taking forever that I gave up. I think I probably won't try again, because I don't really have a desire to buy any other Vocaloids from Internet Co. I did buy MegpoidTalk and was able to register that with zero problems in Japanese, though. (ramble)
    I very much hope that the sale on Rion is not because they are getting rid of her box version. I really really want her box, but I so don't have the funds right now to consider buying anything much less something from out of the country. :/
    I checked it out, and she’s part of a site-wide sale! Like half the website is at 30% or 50% off. I can’t get much more info than that, but it seems to be an annual thing. I wouldn’t worry too much!
    I was thinking about what I would do if I had lots of money and near the top of the list was buying a few more vocaloids and right below that was doing something nice for the vocaloid/utau community. Don’t know what that would be though. :/
    I wish Stella Hoshine was still available for download. :(
    aw Ive seen her around bunch of old utau vids, whats her story?
    I heard something like her vp pulled all of the banks because people were harassing her about the fact that Stella's voice didn't match up with the quality of the voice or something like that. It's a shame cause Stella really grew on me over the years.
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