The key word in the tweet is "initiatives" - these aren't banks that are in development or even 100% going to happen, it's more a list of authorized characters that can talk about getting a future Synthesizer V bank in an official way without getting vagued or striked down by Dreamtonics. (Which VirVox didn't do - they were talking about crowdfunding for Genbu AI specifically and were almost set to launch it before Dreamtonics stepped in like wait hold up)
Rosa, Karin, and Chifuyu almost certainly (Rosa for sure) are going to be crowdfunded still. Being on the list just means they're authorized to do so; I wouldn't really consider them leaks since we've known for a long time that they were going to try and raise funds for this - it's not a leak if we knew about it beforehand. (Karin and Chifuyu I think got a "we'd like to do it in the future" that seemed a little vague so seeing them on there was a bit surprising, but if it's been mentioned on their website then there isn't really anything Dreamtonics did that revealed information TOKYO6 haven't, regardless of how many people saw or knew of it prior) Rosa's Cevio AI crowdfund just ended so we probably won't be seeing anything regarding her on Synth V for quite a while yet, but we know she has the clear to do so once she does.
As for Seika and Tsuina... if they weren't authorized, they would've been shot down a long time ago.