I didn't realise this cover was in English since I didn't know the song, but it
shows Chalili's English pronunciation off very well. I'm hoping that the vociebanks end up being Xingchen's rather than ZERO since it'd be cool to see all of the Medium⁵ girls on the same software. According to
this poster on the Synthesizer V Forum, they asked about Cangqiong and she will definitely be a Synthesizer V voice.
About Cangqiong's library, I asked an official, Synthesizer V is guaranteed.
For those of you who need a reminder about how Cangqiong sounds, check out her audition song,
D!slodge. This was near certainly made using UTAU like Haiyi, but her voice will of course be moved to Synthesizer V. I wonder if all of the Medium⁵ girls will get the append treatment that Haiyi got...
Who is ZERO?
I think a lot of people are asking this question now. Please watch this video first, the Medium⁵ Concept Trailer "ZERO":
It would seem that she is the originator of Medium⁵, living in what seems to be a war-torn world. In the trailer it seems she splits herself into the Medium⁵ girls. You can see that she posessed the full "Metatron's Cube", which now the Medium⁵ girls represent in parts. Since she most resembles Xingchen, Ddickky said that they would use Chalili as her voice provider as well, and depending on how the results turn out they'll make the voicebanks into either Xingchen if it sounds like her VOCALOID, or ZERO.
On another note, though I didn't notice before, it seems that Quadimension are releasing an album featuring Xingchen, Haiyi and Cangqiong called 天方夜谭Fairyland. 天方夜谭 translates to... Arabian Nights? I can see the official English title is Fairyland though. The songs they have revealed so far are
大地回望 featuring Xingchen,
千古鸣钟 featuring Xingchen and Cangqiong and
鲸落之栖 featuring all three. Ah, this is getting a bit off topic now... Should I make a thread for discussion of Medium⁵ and their voicebank's development? @Mods