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SynthV Synthesizer V Discussion Thread


Apr 9, 2018
My Chinese is REALLY bad, so don't expect this to be perfect. Please correct me if there's anything wrong.

If you don't count Cangquiong from this year:
1. Chiyu
2. Shian
3. Stardust/ZERO ENGLISH
4. A male voice
5. Stardust/ZERO CHINESE
Plus VOLOR we estimate we make 10 voice banks

VOCALOID synthesized voices and voice banks have a comparatively large gap, Synth V's is relatively small, it is possible both voice banks will have different tones, if the gap is not too much it can be Stardust, if the gap is large it will be ZERO, but again it is the same voice source being synthesized, [I can't understand the last two bits, not gonna try to translate them].
So I guess he's saying that they're gonna use the same voice for the Synth V version, but Synth V sounds more like the sound source files compared to VOCALOID does. So if it doesn't sound like the Stardust we know, they're going to call her ZERO.

Edit: This is kind of weird/but interesting, but it looks like they call Stardust/Xingchen "Chen Chen (尘尘)" and they're calling ZERO "Ling Ling (零零)" (Ling = Chinese for zero). (Now I'm getting flashbacks to "Ling Ling practices 40 hours a day" YouTube comments.)
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long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
Holy s**t. I didn't see this.
First of all RIP my wallet. Rest in peace.
Ddicky is the head of Quadimension/Beijing Photek. I talked about it before but they're the distributors/Mainland Chinese arm of Animen. It seems like they are planning to create SynthV voice libraries now instead of VOCALOID (which I predicted a while ago LMAO). Don't know about Haiyi but definitely all of the others then.

"ZERO" is the character from the Quadimension movie trailer thing they showed with her splitting into the Medium5 girls. I assume since ZERO looks a lot like Xingchen they're also using Chalili for her. I'm really glad to see Xingchen get an English library as I've been wanting one for a long, long time (her VP is fluent!), though I guess it was difficult with VOCALOID's production costs. So in total, we end up with:

Xingchen/ZERO Chinese
Xingchen/ZERO English
Quadimension Male voice
Animen voice 1
Animen voice 2

Which totals to...8 voice banks? Animen may be looking into doing multilingual voices as well. Do take note that dev times may run over and we may not get all of these this year, and that they may include Haiyi and simply forgot to mention her here. As a self-proclaimed Medium5 fanboy, this post makes me very, very happy.

(Chenchen and Lingling sound like pet names, so they may be referring to them like that casually)


Probably an Artist, Probably a Praying Mantis
Apr 8, 2018
The Mac update came out btw I think yesterday or something like that.

I'm glad another company might be joining in! Stardust English would be interesting if it's true

I haven't been able to download an update since the big one in December because my computer is stupid and thinks SynthV is a Trojan Horse rip


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I haven't been able to download an update since the big one in December because my computer is stupid and thinks SynthV is a Trojan Horse rip
@Eviltreat16: There's an FAQ on the Synth V forums that indicates this issue is being fixed (the part under "Q: Synthesizer V is blocked by Anti-virus / Windows SmartScreen"). Having Windows Defender detect Win32/Spursint.F!cl as a false positive on legitimate software is apparently a relatively common false positive, which it looks like they're trying to fix by having Microsoft certify Synth V so that Defender knows it's legitimate. The last time that FAQ post was updated was Feb. 2, 2019, at which point it indicates the certification was still getting approved.

Depending on if that approval has gone through yet, maybe your update will work now? Since the software is available for purchase and even has physical versions now, I'd think they would want to fix that kind of issue in a hurry.


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I believe the issue hasn’t been fixed. My last laptop, I had to disable the entire firewall. I’m not going through that hassle on my new one haha

Last I checked of it, kanru couldn’t become an authorized publisher because there was no office phone line, and he posted on Twitter about it and refusing to get it (I think) since it’d never be used.
So if you don’t have a firewall installed (which auto turns off Defender), you’re kinda stuck since it’s an unregistered vendor.

But anyway, Stardust is pretty exciting even though I’m not a big SynthV fan. I’d like to at least see how she sounds in English.


Probably an Artist, Probably a Praying Mantis
Apr 8, 2018
I believe the issue hasn’t been fixed. My last laptop, I had to disable the entire firewall. I’m not going through that hassle on my new one haha

Last I checked of it, kanru couldn’t become an authorized publisher because there was no office phone line, and he posted on Twitter about it and refusing to get it (I think) since it’d never be used.
So if you don’t have a firewall installed (which auto turns off Defender), you’re kinda stuck since it’s an unregistered vendor.

But anyway, Stardust is pretty exciting even though I’m not a big SynthV fan. I’d like to at least see how she sounds in English.
I'll try turning off my firewall and downloading it again later. Thank you! Also, thank you too, mobius017!

Also her VP has nice English... If this ends up being true, she could be a great English vocal.


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
I didn't realise this cover was in English since I didn't know the song, but it shows Chalili's English pronunciation off very well. I'm hoping that the vociebanks end up being Xingchen's rather than ZERO since it'd be cool to see all of the Medium⁵ girls on the same software. According to this poster on the Synthesizer V Forum, they asked about Cangqiong and she will definitely be a Synthesizer V voice.
About Cangqiong's library, I asked an official, Synthesizer V is guaranteed.
For those of you who need a reminder about how Cangqiong sounds, check out her audition song, D!slodge. This was near certainly made using UTAU like Haiyi, but her voice will of course be moved to Synthesizer V. I wonder if all of the Medium⁵ girls will get the append treatment that Haiyi got...

Who is ZERO?
I think a lot of people are asking this question now. Please watch this video first, the Medium⁵ Concept Trailer "ZERO":
It would seem that she is the originator of Medium⁵, living in what seems to be a war-torn world. In the trailer it seems she splits herself into the Medium⁵ girls. You can see that she posessed the full "Metatron's Cube", which now the Medium⁵ girls represent in parts. Since she most resembles Xingchen, Ddickky said that they would use Chalili as her voice provider as well, and depending on how the results turn out they'll make the voicebanks into either Xingchen if it sounds like her VOCALOID, or ZERO.

On another note, though I didn't notice before, it seems that Quadimension are releasing an album featuring Xingchen, Haiyi and Cangqiong called 天方夜谭Fairyland. 天方夜谭 translates to... Arabian Nights? I can see the official English title is Fairyland though. The songs they have revealed so far are 大地回望 featuring Xingchen, 千古鸣钟 featuring Xingchen and Cangqiong and 鲸落之栖 featuring all three. Ah, this is getting a bit off topic now... Should I make a thread for discussion of Medium⁵ and their voicebank's development? @Mods ❤


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
I have to wonder if they reception to their SynthV banks will be as positive, if the originals were with UTAU?

Mainly due to the general opinion that Renri doesn't sound as good on SV.

However, Renri had a public release beforehand, while the SV gals (save Stardust) did not, so maybe not?


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
I think part of the issue with Renri is that they just straight up used her UTAU recordings, which probably wasn't a good idea. This meant she had relatively poor audio quality and there were artifacts in the recordings which could have been avoided had she been done specifically for Synthesizer V. Not to mention that people were able to directly compare with her UTAU which had more pitches and edge samples. I expect them to be recorded in similar (if not idential) conditions to AiKO, who has really good quality.


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
I think part of the issue with Renri is that they just straight up used her UTAU recordings, which probably wasn't a good idea. This meant she had relatively poor audio quality and there were artifacts in the recordings which could have been avoided had she been done specifically for Synthesizer V. Not to mention that people were able to directly compare with her UTAU which had more pitches and edge samples. I expect them to be recorded in similar (if not idential) conditions to AiKO, who has really good quality.
Very true, a professional company would likely produce different results :)


Apr 9, 2018
The mysterious person from Twitter who translated Ddickky's Weibo posts said that Animen is going to have 2 new voices for Synth V also:

I wonder if it will be new voices for Aiko (such as Japanese or English) or if they are making new character(s). I feel like more Aiko voices makes more sense, because that's their mascot and she's all over the Animen website, I don't see any other characters.

Kind of related, but I saw there was an official Aiko song I don't think people noticed (it's a month old):

(Not sure how to translate the title exactly, but it's something like "With you on your 2D trip" cause she's supposed to show people that anime's kewl.

What is weird to me about Animen is that several of their news pages and social media have been abandoned for the most part. Some hasn't been updated since 2016, others haven't been updated since 2018. Even though they're working with Synth V now, it's all not updated, I think it's just odd.
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long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
As far as I'm aware from the contact I've had with Animen I believe they will be new characters. AiKO's VP only speaks Chinese from what I've seen, though maybe she speaks some English...?
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