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Unpopular Opinions


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
The problem with that is, the samples needed for realistic speech and singing are totally different. If you try to do both, one ends up substandard. Notice CeVIO sells song and talk banks separately, and almost no voices for the engine have both.

Also, honestly I don't think SynthV sounds very good. The engine noise seems to make female voices (save Chiyu) take on a weird gross nasally tone and the synthesizing doesn't seem to stand up to vocaloid/utau/cevio/sk.

This isn't really an opinion, but evaluting CeVIO on an update we won't see for years and years due to it's technical advancement isn't fair.
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Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I don't think Flower's Engrish is that good, despite some people in the fandom praising it. It sounds really muffled to my ears and I need to look at the lyrics to understand what she's singing. Though this is a problem I have with many English Vocaloids too, including native English ones. orz

First Sound Future

Passionate Fan
Apr 8, 2018
@ using non-eng vbs for English songs

I'd rather people use actual English Vocaloids for songs than non-eng vbs because it would be so cool if the English Vocaloid fandom loved their Vocaloids like the Chinese fandom loves their own. I especially don't like seeing stuff like "Japanese Vocaloids are better than English ones!", it's even worse when people claim that jpn vbs do better English. :confused:

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I'd rather people use actual English Vocaloids for songs than non-eng vbs because it would be so cool if the English Vocaloid fandom loved their Vocaloids like the Chinese fandom loves their own. I especially don't like seeing stuff like "Japanese Vocaloids are better than English ones!", it's even worse when people claim that jpn vbs do better English. :confused:
That mentality drove me nuts in the older days of the fandom before there were more English Vocaloids to choose from - it was especially painful in regards to Luka, who had an English VB but it wasn't the best at the time compared to the native English VBs. (Then Miku's English VB dropped for V3 and suddenly and hilariously, everyone bitched about it being low quality... :LOL:)
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kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I don't mind people using non-English Vocaloids for English songs, actually. You can't force someone to use an English Vocaloid if they really don't care about them. Sure, the results will never be as good as using a native English Vocaloid, but I think results can be satisfactory, and as long as the person doing it is happy with the result, then that's fine.

(If they're trying to say that the non-English Vocaloid can sing better in English than actual English ones, well... that's different.)

Admittedly though it does kind of bother me when people say "[insert Japanese loid here]'s English is so good!" when... any Japanese Vocaloid will basically be the exact same. It just depends on how they were tuned, which isn't a strong indicator of English capability at all (more on the tuner's skill).


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
I don't mind people using non-English Vocaloids for English songs, actually. You can't force someone to use an English Vocaloid if they really don't care about them. Sure, the results will never be as good as using a native English Vocaloid, but I think results can be satisfactory, and as long as the person doing it is happy with the result, then that's fine.

(If they're trying to say that the non-English Vocaloid can sing better in English than actual English ones, well... that's different.)

Admittedly though it does kind of bother me when people say "[insert Japanese loid here]'s English is so good!" when... any Japanese Vocaloid will basically be the exact same. It just depends on how they were tuned, which isn't a strong indicator of English capability at all (more on the tuner's skill).
I don't necessarily mind people using it per se...but i'm not a fan of listening to it for the most part. (Using non English vocals for english backgrounds can be a good strategy though.)

I do think certain non-English vocaloid's english will sound clearer than others, just because of the vocals traits. For example, Lily "English" sounds clearer than Yuki "English" imo.
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@ using non-eng vbs for English songs

I'd rather people use actual English Vocaloids for songs than non-eng vbs because it would be so cool if the English Vocaloid fandom loved their Vocaloids like the Chinese fandom loves their own. I especially don't like seeing stuff like "Japanese Vocaloids are better than English ones!", it's even worse when people claim that jpn vbs do better English. :confused:
I actually quite like when Japanese VOCALOIDs sing in English - it sounds very interesting to me. But I do dislike the hate that most English VOCALOIDs get. I do wish they got more recognition in even the western fandom.


Luka enthusiast
Jul 18, 2018
It boils down to the voice type and design, along with notable originals and covers that makes people care about certain vocaloids. Maybe a few haven't found "the" one English voice bank, artist or song yet.

Unpopular, maybe?

I never understood the popularity of Echo by Crusher P. It's an okay song and I'm happy for its success. Just don't know what made it stood out from other dark electro/techno English songs.
I never understood the popularity of Echo by Crusher P. It's an okay song and I'm happy for its success. Just don't know what made it stood out from other dark electro/techno English songs.
Glad I'm not the only one with this opinion. I can't stand any of CrusherP's songs, they sound like they're trying too hard to be edgy. I've never understood the hype around her songs in general. Same with CircusP's new songs. And I'm a huge, longtime fan of Circus. I wish people would realise how good his older songs were, too. And not just iNSaNiTy.


☐single ☐taken ☑mentally dating Kaito Shion
May 8, 2019
-Len is about as, if not equally or more, overrated as Miku. I just don't like his voice or design. Neither do I get the hype around him. And his fangirls, oh his fangirls.....
-Meiko really deserves more love. She's one of the only female Vocaloids I like.
-I would rather go to VocaMerica than Magical Mirai or Miku Expo, since all the attention is not thrown on only one Vocaloid and the rest are shoved under the rug. Yes, most of the attention is on Dex and Daina, but yes, I understand why. And plus... I actually like all the Vocamerica vocaloids, whereas at Magical Mirai, I only really like two of them.
-Cyber Songman is great, you all are just mean.
-I hate most of the same gender ships. Yes, I have just committed the greatest sin known to otaku kind. And any yaoi ship with Kaito is my NOTP.
-Even though Kaito is already my husbando, I ship him with Meiko more than any other Vocaloid. Since they are closer and age and they look/sound better together. (and Tsugai Kogarashi is one of the best love songs there.)
-Len is about as, if not equally or more, overrated as Miku. I just don't like his voice or design. Neither do I get the hype around him. And his fangirls, oh his fangirls.....
-Meiko really deserves more love. She's one of the only female Vocaloids I like.
-I would rather go to VocaMerica than Magical Mirai or Miku Expo, since all the attention is not thrown on only one Vocaloid and the rest are shoved under the rug. Yes, most of the attention is on Dex and Daina, but yes, I understand why. And plus... I actually like all the Vocamerica vocaloids, whereas at Magical Mirai, I only really like two of them.
-Cyber Songman is great, you all are just mean.
-I hate most of the same gender ships. Yes, I have just committed the greatest sin known to otaku kind. And any yaoi ship with Kaito is my NOTP.
-Even though Kaito is already my husbando, I ship him with Meiko more than any other Vocaloid. Since they are closer and age and they look/sound better together. (and Tsugai Kogarashi is one of the best love songs there.)
Why is this post exactly everything I think?
I don't know if this is an "unpopular opinion" or not (I haven't really seen too many reactions to it), but InternetCo refusing to give Gakupo an English VB is probably the worst decision ever. I get it takes time, but besides Gumi, who has more than enough VBs, Gakupo is their only other kinda popular VOCALOID. And I know quite a few people would throw money if they made an English VB. (I swear I remember seeing a tweet where they refused to give him a Eng. VB... am I wrong? Because I can't find it at the time of writing this)
To a lesser extent, the same goes for the original three (LEON, LOLA, and Miriam) not getting an update. I know for a fact Miriam Stockley would do it in a heartbeat, though I don't know about LEON/LOLA's voice actors. I feel like it would've been better recieved than the new V5 voices. At least, most of the reactions I've seen to V5 voices have been negative.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. Just two dreams that have died.


Apr 9, 2018
To a lesser extent, the same goes for the original three (LEON, LOLA, and Miriam) not getting an update. I know for a fact Miriam Stockley would do it in a heartbeat, though I don't know about LEON/LOLA's voice actors. I feel like it would've been better recieved than the new V5 voices. At least, most of the reactions I've seen to V5 voices have been negative.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. Just two dreams that have died.
Maybe this opinion is just unpopular with Zero-G. :{ Customers/fans are literally telling the company what they would throw money at (aka Miriam V5) and they refuse to do it? I don't get it.

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