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Unpopular Opinions


Apr 9, 2018
-I don't particularrly like the Fukase or Len are "memelords" headcanon. (Where did that come from anyways? I've seen a bunch of talkloids that portray them that way, but can't find where it originated.)
I keep hearing people complain about Fukase being a memelord (haven't seen too much of Len being one). I was thinking about it and this is my tinfoil hat theory on where it came from: Because Fukase looks spooky, him being "funny" is meant to even out his spooky appearance with an unexpectedly funny personality. It might also be from people who bought his voicebank but can't write music, so they make funny talkloid stuff.

Sort of related, but I don't like the Fukase, Len, Oliver, and Piko grouping. I think people draw them together because they all look/sound young. But Piko and Fukase are full grown men and their Vocaloids are Vocaloid versions of them, not really characters (the box art has characters on it, but they aren't voice acted voice banks, they actually sound spot on identical to their voice providers).

Even less related, but Kiyoteru has one of the most uncool backstories I can think of for a Vocaloid. I hate that he's a school teacher but somehow finds time to moonlight as a jrocker. I know it's probably so him and Yuki could be related vaguely, but seriously? You have to put in a lot of time to be in a band, let alone a jrock one from Japan (apparently they have crazy schedules and have work related meetings/parties that last until like 3 am).


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Here's one that might be a little risky to post: Fukase/OliKase fangirls kind of ruined Fukase for me. (And I'm talking the massive, rabid, bad fangirls, not people who just really like Fukase/OliKase. Y'all are okay and I support you 100%.)

One OliKase shipper flooded one of my Talkloids on my YouTube, calling me a p*dophile for pairing Oliver with Len (which, okay, I forgot to mention they're aged up in all of my works, that was my fault - it was one of my first YouTube videos). I ended up removing that video in fear of it getting reported and my channel being taken down. But a lot of stuff on Tumblr especially treats some of my favorite characters like crap to promote Fukase or OliKase - one in particular portrayed Fukase as Oliver's loving, perfect boyfriend while Len was Oliver's abusive, manipulative ex that tries doing horrible things to him. And they ALWAYS tagged it "OliLen" so it showed up in the ship tag. Like, do what you want in your works, but do you really have to tag a rarepair if all of your content for them portrays them as abusive?

And a lot of Fukase works I see on YouTube (it might be better by now, I haven't listened to one in a while) is mostly filled with comments about "OUR SUPREME MEMELORD" and "THE GAY CACTUS" (which I think is a reference to a Talkloid that got popular or something? I dunno) and not even paying attention to the songs or the tuning because IT'S FUKASE, SEXY GAY CACTUS DADDY - basically a repeat of rabid Len fangirls from the late 2000's/early 2010's.

I love Fukase and I love his voice, but I think people get carried away with it, you know?


Bless the Lord, O my Soul
Apr 8, 2018
I love Fukase and I love his voice, but I think people get carried away with it, you know?
I am glad I am not the only one who feels this way towards Fukase. Shortly after hearing his voice, I enjoyed him, and drew many illustrations of Fukase.

After some time, the community began portraying him in ways I did not agree with, or felt uncomfortable with. It didn't feel like the same character any more. The idea of drawing this kind of character troubled me, and cause me to lose my interest.

I still enjoy Fukase, and when I draw him, I depict him in my own way. Besides, that's what is nice about some characters in Vocaloid: they are like an empty canvas. You write your story.
It's unfortunate though when those stories get projected or forced on others, especially if you don't agree with them.


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I have to agree with this too. This is one of the reasons I don’t think I’ll ever buy Fukase.

I get very uncomfortable with the popular portrayel of Fukase in the community. I already feel fairly uncomfortable seeing any “memelord” portrayels, but I think Fukase has been the worst.

For me, I can enjoy Fukase music but I could never make it because I don’t want people coming to my music solely for a character and not caring for the song at all.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Same. Like, I get being attached to and loving the characters themselves - I write fanfiction, after all, and a lot of it - but the level particularly bad Fukase fanatics go to to express that attachment can get outright uncomfortable.

God, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.
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Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
Len and Oliver's older fanbases creeped me the hell out sometimes.
Especially Oliver.

This also applies to the way the Voiceroid fandom (i've heard) treats Ai btw.

OK also I've heard a bunch of people praising Kagamine Act1 recently and like
no offense
but either i believe you, or the entire target audience at the time
who hated it so much it had to have an update within a year
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Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Definitely agree on Oliver's older fanbase. In all of my stuff, he and Len are aged up and it's made explicitly clear they're older physically and mentally, and I've had at least one person tell me it's a shame I didn't leave them 12 and 14. Given the kinds of things I sometimes write for them... that implication is more than a little disturbing. They were swiftly blocked.

I also agree with the Act 1 thing. I know @RoboCheatsyTM 's been trying to hunt down Kagamine ACT1, and I couldn't comment on your post about it, but trust me: there's a reason an update had to be released so quickly. I think it'd be cool to own for the sake of novelty, but you're better off sticking with V4 (or at least ACT2 if you really wanna use V2).
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Sep 21, 2019
I also agree with the Act 1 thing. I know @RoboCheatsyTM 's been trying to hunt down Kagamine ACT1, and I couldn't comment on your post about it, but trust me: there's a reason an update had to be released so quickly. I think it'd be cool to own for the sake of novelty, but you're better off sticking with V4 (or at least ACT2 if you really wanna use V2).
Hey, I appreciate the info and the mention, haha! I actually know full well what I'm getting into with ACT1; I just prefer their tones over ACT2's, and I like the idea of challenge! XD
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Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I also agree with the Act 1 thing. I know @RoboCheatsyTM 's been trying to hunt down Kagamine ACT1, and I couldn't comment on your post about it, but trust me: there's a reason an update had to be released so quickly. I think it'd be cool to own for the sake of novelty, but you're better off sticking with V4 (or at least ACT2 if you really wanna use V2).
Back in the day, Japanese producers pointed out the flaws with Rin and Len Act 1, so Crypton had to release the Act 2 bug fix because Yamaha doesn't allow patching for Vocaloid... Only for producers to complain about new issues with Act 2. Crypton can't win with tone and quality sometimes. :tongue:

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I love cute silly voices like Nemu, Rion, and Gacha. Sometimes your song calls for a nasally goofy voice and I'm glad they exist.
I like Gachapoid/Ryuto, and I don't care if he's just a goofy dinosaur (or a young boy dressed like a Vocadinosaur) - his voice works for lighthearted, happy songs. It's also why I secretly want a SpongeBob VB, or just a Western moe-equivalent Engloid - there's a niche hole missing within the Engloids for a higher, cutesy VB.

Random opinion time - I've stopped caring about producers changing their music styles overtime. I joined the Vocaloid fandom when I was around 11/12, and now I'm 23. I've changed a ton as a person growing from the preteen years all the way to adulthood, and many Vocaloid producers who are still around probably feel similar to me despite being much older than me back in 2008. When you grow as a person, your personality and outlooks can change, and if you're a musician, your style can change overtime. It's how people evolve, and if some producers want to experiment with different genres or shift to something else entirely, then I'm not gonna complain. I'm too old and busy to whine in the comments section of someone's older songs saying they sound better than their newer output.
Sep 21, 2019
I actually think Sega does a good job with the PVs for Project Diva. I've seen a lot of people (mostly on YouTube) complain that all the recent PVs are lazy (there's a lot of hate for Ghost Rule's PV, which I think is p. cool), but I disagree.
I also don't think Future Tone is a very good game. The gameplay feels watered down compared to its predecessors, and I feel like they went overboard in trying to make the charts difficult to the point where the extreme charts aren't much fun to play, but the hard charts aren't difficult enough. I liked PD better when it used stars and arrow notes instead of making you press four buttons at once. >.>
Also, I like the art style and design for Gumi's V2, but I don't like v4's design or art style very much.
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Apr 9, 2018
I also don't think Future Tone is a very good game. The gameplay feels watered down compared to its predecessors, and I feel like they went overboard in trying to make the charts difficult to the point where the extreme charts aren't much fun to play, but the hard charts aren't difficult enough. I liked PD better when it used stars and arrow notes instead of making you press four buttons at once. >.>
To my knowledge, most of Future Tone is ported from the actual arcade game. So the songs in there are older than Project Diva F, for example. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)

But I really don't like Future Tone. It's the only game me and my sister gave up on and didn't even beat half of. The arcade controller is too expensive, too. The gameplay is just hard/unfun to me. :{
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Sep 21, 2019
But I really don't like Future Tone. It's the only game me and my sister gave up on and didn't even beat half of. The arcade controller is too expensive, too. The gameplay is just hard/unfun to me. :{
I've been lucky enough to play the actual arcade version, and I do have to say that is a bit easier (sitll pretty difficult, though) with arcade style controls. But, like you said, the arcade controller is too expensive, sadly...
Though I did run a across this tutorial on how to make one. I don't know if it actually works, though. I haven't tried.
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Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
Also, I like the art style and design for Gumi's V2, but I don't like v4's design or art style very much.
I don't get some of the hate for Gumi's original art style either. My personal preference for Gumi's avatars are V3 > V2 > V4. I love the bomber jacket on V3 and the cuter art, and I don't have a problem with the V2 art and design, but the V4 designs are just ugly. :sad:
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