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Unpopular Opinions

Sep 21, 2019
Opinion: I think the Vocaloid editor has one of the weaker interfaces of any vocal synth on the market. A lot of the tuning process ends up being left to guesswork. I can't wait for CeVIO and SynthV to release more vocals, because I adore their interfaces!
I agree with this so much. It's really not very intuitive and it's just kinda clunky. (Though, what do I know? I haven't used Vocaloid in ages; I just use Piapro! :ROFL:)

Also, opinion: UTAU tuning > Vocaloid because I can actually pitchbend exactly the way I want instead of guessing how to draw the damn pitchbend and hoping that it works. I wish more synths used that method; it's so much easier and efficient (at least with the Pitch Editor plugin anyways).

I think more synths need to allow third-party plugins; it benefits UTAU so much that I basically rely on them to get anything done.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I'm not a fan of how high Miku's speaking voice is pitched in live events. It sounds like she's intentionally trying to sound as cutesy as possible, so even when it sounds realistic, it doesn't sound natural. (The first minute of this video's a good example.)



Apr 9, 2018
I feel like her overly cutesy tuning is supposed to be Mitchie-M-ish or idol-ish. I also think the clip you showed is less offensive than the terrible voice acting Miku and co did on Project Diva X when you completed a song, though (I literally can barely understand them and they sound like they were somehow tuned by the most confused person ever who thought their job was to make it sound really bad):
Timestamped examples at


P.S. I can't remember if I said it on here, but I will say it again in case, the plot of Project Diva X was super stupid and felt like I was being forced to participate in Sesame Street: Vocaloid Edition. The way they talked to you like you were a pea brained idiot, and especially in the Diva Room where they would clap their hands like a wittle baby all happy to get stupid orange juice. Arg, I feel my blood pressure rising just writing this. (I really liked the songs/animations, though. Just not the plot/dialogue.)
Sep 21, 2019
I think some of the dialogue is good and funny, and the plot had an interesting premise but was poorly executed (I mean restoring music or sound or whatever to the Vocaloid world is a cool concept). Also, the fact that they get all happy over orange juice is stupid, especially considering they're teens and up. (It feels even dumber when it's Meiko, Kaito, and Luka because they clearly look like, and in Luka's case, are officially grown adults.
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Oct 8, 2019
Also, the fact that they get all happy over orange juice is stupid, especially considering they're teens and up. (It feels even dumber when it's Meiko, Kaito, and Luka because they clearly look like, and in Luka's case, are officially grown adults.
I dunno what this orange juice talk is about but I'm the same age as Luka and ngl I would get hella excited for orange juice too so I sympathize with her :luka_lili:


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I love the way Miku speaks in live concerts. To me that's her normal speaking voice.
When it comes to her speaking in Project Diva X, it's a mixed bunch. The chaos modules had the cringiest sounding speech, on beauty modules she didn't sound like Miku. Neutral and Cute were just fine.

I like the idea of inplementing a story into PD X, but it was quite uninteresting and forgettable. For the next Project Diva game I wish they make a story again, but a better one (and since Miku has been voicing the Shinkalion anime, please Sega, make it voice acted).

Also the gift cutscenes are the cutest thing ever. When it's the female Vocaloids. What I don't like is Kaito and Len have exactly the same reactions as the girls. It just doesn't feel right when Kaito is acting all girly sometimes. Meiko is borderline, I kinda feel she should act more mature than others.

About 13:30 onwards is Kaito's part:


New Fan
Dec 11, 2019
I think Synth V has potential to get a lot of users from the west if they released more English Vocals. I just don't like the only English bank (voice is a little too nasal for my liking.)
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Alright going through some old fandom stuff in a group chat I've come up with one.

Do y'all know who I still miss? STELLA.

Honestly her design was so GOOD and it is WASTED. I also really enjoyed her voice (or, rather, the mix of voices used to achieve "her" voice). Even though I understand that it will never happen (and totally get why) I would back a Stella revival 100% :')
EDIT: ALSO the Core, Sun, and Moon voicebanks were such a cute idea. Stella you were too good for us 😭


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
Do y'all know who I still miss? STELLA.

Honestly her design was so GOOD and it is WASTED. I also really enjoyed her voice (or, rather, the mix of voices used to achieve "her" voice). Even though I understand that it will never happen (and totally get why) I would back a Stella revival 100% :')
EDIT: ALSO the Core, Sun, and Moon voicebanks were such a cute idea. Stella you were too good for us 😭
I loved her design and her name stella is such a pretty name

Also Rose not happening broke my HEART I loved her design and then she just died im so SAD ABOUT IT
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Oct 8, 2019
There were def previosu posts made in this thread about Gumi ( eng ) being overrated but I think this is a bit different take so here goes:

I dislike how people put Gumi eng on a pedestal, I see other engloids getting teared to shreds and people being unreasonably harsh about their flaws while Gumi gets a pass and is praised when really she is as flawed as them if not more in some cases. Very few people actually shed light on her issues and how problematic of a vocal she is to work with and gets constantly recommended to beginners without any prior warning.

I'll be transparent and say this post was inspired by that Ruby status I made a while ago but Ruby isn't the only one getting this treatment so I made more general post here.
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Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Since this is a relevant (tm) topic right now and I've seen a few people complaining...
I actually really like the song that was made for Mikus Coachella appearance
If you haven't heard it yet it's been posted on YouTube:
This was put in the official Coachella 2020 playlist, so it'll likely be at the show
It doesn't feel like a song you'd play at a concert to hype up the crowd, but I really love the style and the tuning isn't that bad! This producer has more Miku music in a similar style too.


kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Huh, I was curious as to what song they'd play, but from what I know of Coachella, that's not a bad choice at all.

I actually really liked that.

edit to clarify: It's a very safe choice, I think. And there's nothing wrong with that. I don't think it gives a particularly good impression of popular "Vocaloid-style music" (however you would personally define that), but it's not something that would immediately turn off a lot of people, except maybe for how gen'd Miku's voice is -- they wouldn't know it's not her default tone. But still, I think it's nice.

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