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Unpopular Opinions


New Fan
May 3, 2021
~ Reasons To Kill Me ~

i hate fukase and gumi

rin's power append v2 will always be superior

vy1v4 is the best vy to ever exist

vy2v3 is the second best vy to ever exist

galaco v2 can burn in hell(edited)

akari's voicebank can get annoying as fuck

yuzuki sounds super nasally in v3

ken is one of the best vocaloids to ever exist

miku nt can also burn in hell

seeu isn't that good

rikka standard > rikka ai

saki ai > saki standard

iroha natural falsetto is amazing

iroha soft falsetto sings in cursive so ew

i dont like hime that much but mikoto is amazing

flower isn't actually that interesting

i don't actually like mitchie m's miku tuning because it makes her sound like she's a 40 year old trying to sound cute

yukari > akari

amy = bad

chris = fukase but cheap

kaori = amy japanese but better

cocorobo was great and should've been released publicly

galaco red isn't actually that bad but blue can suck my-

cevios kinda sound nasty sometimes

except for minato and airi


kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Also I've been thinking about this all day might as well share this, anyone else find Yukari super difficult to use 😭 ? I genuinely find Cul easier than her.
I actually see a lot of people say Yukari's really hard to use, but I never thought that myself. She's one of my favorites to use just because she really doesn't take much to sound nice, but I always figured I was in the minority on that OTL
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Oct 8, 2019
I actually see a lot of people say Yukari's really hard to use, but I never thought that myself. She's one of my favorites to use just because she really doesn't take much to sound nice, but I always figured I was in the minority on that OTL
Really? My people 😭 I wasn't sure cuz she's universally really beloved and very often used. But I understand where you're coming from too! She's pretty realistic w/o much input and you could pass with leaving her raw too lol...but I guess she just isn't for me and for my tuning style cuz I just really like to go out of my way when using vbs and leaving them more-less untouched just isn't satysfying for me personally!


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I actually see a lot of people say Yukari's really hard to use, but I never thought that myself. She's one of my favorites to use just because she really doesn't take much to sound nice, but I always figured I was in the minority on that OTL
Really? My people 😭 I wasn't sure cuz she's universally really beloved and very often used. But I understand where you're coming from too! She's pretty realistic w/o much input and you could pass with leaving her raw too lol...but I guess she just isn't for me and for my tuning style cuz I just really like to go out of my way when using vbs and leaving them more-less untouched just isn't satysfying for me personally!
On this topic: I actually think Yukari’s capable of producing wonderful results! But she’s the type of VB, to me, that either sounds really good or really, really gross. I wouldn’t call her a bad VB (though Rei and her V4 add-ons are another story), but far too many usages of her are just bad.

Perhaps this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black, because I’ve never been able to make her sound good myself, but 😅


kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
This is kind of a weird opinion, but it kinda... bothers me when people put "TRIAL" in their cover titles?? There's literally no difference between the trial and full versions of the bank (when it comes to Vocaloid, anyway), so it just seems really useless to me. If they mention it's the trial version in the description or something that's fine, but putting it in the title when there's literally nothing distinguishing it from the full version other than the fact that they only temporarily have it just annoys me since it implies otherwise.

Synth V is an exception because afaik you have to specify when a Lite version is used. At least I know it's the case for Saki, Rikka, and the Kotonohas, but it's part of the terms you agree to when you go to download them that you write in whatever you publish that it's their Lite version. (And also... the lite versions actually are different from the full versions orz)


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
This is kind of a weird opinion, but it kinda... bothers me when people put "TRIAL" in their cover titles?? There's literally no difference between the trial and full versions of the bank (when it comes to Vocaloid, anyway), so it just seems really useless to me. If they mention it's the trial version in the description or something that's fine, but putting it in the title when there's literally nothing distinguishing it from the full version other than the fact that they only temporarily have it just annoys me since it implies otherwise.
I wonder if some people do it so their audience knows they don't own it and don't ask about it in the future. I remember following cover artists who would regularly get requests like "can you do this with piko!" or "can you cover *blank* with lapis" and theyd have to be like "vocaloids arent free i dont have those voicebanks", so they put trial in the title so their subscribers don't ask them to use that loid in the future. Plus, Idk if Pocaloid is as big as a controversy now since more voclaoids are unattainable these days and a lot of people have the belief that abandonware is okay to pirate, but i remember when pocaloid was like the biggest darkest no no in the community, people would be afraid of looking suspicious that they were pocaloiding. I think people might have worried that if they had like 50 different vocaloids featured on their channel and didnt have boxes or receipts to prove they owned them people would be like "pocaloid!!!111111!!!!111!!!!" So theyd put trial in the cover to clarify.


kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I wonder if some people do it so their audience knows they don't own it and don't ask about it in the future. I remember following cover artists who would regularly get requests like "can you do this with piko!" or "can you cover *blank* with lapis" and theyd have to be like "vocaloids arent free i dont have those voicebanks", so they put trial in the title so their subscribers don't ask them to use that loid in the future. Plus, Idk if Pocaloid is as big as a controversy now since more voclaoids are unattainable these days and a lot of people have the belief that abandonware is okay to pirate, but i remember when pocaloid was like the biggest darkest no no in the community, people would be afraid of looking suspicious that they were pocaloiding. I think people might have worried that if they had like 50 different vocaloids featured on their channel and didnt have boxes or receipts to prove they owned them people would be like "pocaloid!!!111111!!!!111!!!!" So theyd put trial in the cover to clarify.
Those reasons make sense! I still think putting "trial" in the title won't stop those kinds of people from asking about it though orz, but it makes sense if some people do it as a last ditch effort to stop those kinds of comments since... nobody ever reads descriptions, haha.


New Fan
May 10, 2021
I think people in this thread saying creep-ps new music is bad or boring is just annoying. not that I disagree, but it's not an unpopular opinion. sorry if I offended anyone.


Passionate Fan
Oct 24, 2020
I think people in this thread saying creep-ps new music is bad or boring is just annoying. not that I disagree, but it's not an unpopular opinion. sorry if I offended anyone.
Is his new music even Vocaloid music, though? from what I've seen he's solely creating original works for himself now.


New Fan
May 10, 2021
also, I really like Chris. I dont mind other people saying they don't like him, but I think he sounds really interesting and unique.

Is his new music even Vocaloid music, though? from what I've seen he's solely creating original works for himself now.
new music is referring to what was new in 2018. that's when those comments were made. sorry for the confusion.

also, I'm going to regret saying this, but it's a little annoying when people say that Oliver is boring and stuff. I'm pretty sure he is meant to be in choirs, as in, singing with other vocals, so it makes sense how his voice isn't powerful or super unique and exciting. he probably wasn't even made to sing by himself or stand out. also, I don't think he is boring at all. like, his voice is easier for me to recognize than like, IA or maika. honestly, I think he is really great.

edit: my posts were merged together so sorry if its confusing
Last edited:


Passionate Fan
Oct 24, 2020
I think one of the reasons people don’t like him is because his voice has left him pigeonholed in so few genres, and because it’s such a niche voice-type in general that doesn’t have mass appeal. That’s not to say he’s low quality or anything - he’s just not to everyone’s taste and isn’t as versatile as other loids.

Some people tend to be hyperbolic when expressing unpopular opinions too, particularly when it comes to loids who are liked by a sizeable portion of the fandom (just look at miku).


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Oliver was definitely a choir type voice, so his lack of strong power makes sense. I do think he can be pretty clear if you phoneme tune him, and use some nice EQ on his vocals in the mix. Also though, there was a period of time when Oliver had a ton of stans and he was almost as well-loved as Len in the English-speaking fandom, so he's definitely gotten recognition! I think the lesser wave of "actually he's really meh" people may be in response to that, which is pretty normal. You got the "Miku is bad!!" people in response to Miku's popularity too, etc. It's inevitable 😂


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
maybe not unpopular? i just dont see many people talk about it.
i love hearing all variations of Flower songs but i just dont understand what it is about ppl who put her on such a strained pitch in their songs. i could care less if its low gen (cute voice), most times the issue lies in people putting her at the top of the piano roll and it always sounds so bad. at a certain point flower becomes way too strained even if she doesnt sound like every other loid when that high, and its kinda ear-piercing. idk why i see this so much tbh.

an example of what i mean would be "mable" by balloon which became pretty well known, tho there are other artists that push it even more than that. i even covered that song myself with flower at an octave lower just because i liked it but wanted to loop it and not hear it like that lol. i like balloon a lot in general, compositions are great. but this sound, i heard in many other artists definitely after balloon got more known and its just so....bad. they're so noticeably out of range for pretty much any vocaloid and in flower it just highlights her flaws when you push it too much.


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
My thoughts exactly. Everytime I see an original song (sometimes even covers) with Flower, I just get this small wave of worry like "Oh no... please, producer, don't screw this up...". She is one of my favourite Vocaloids, I know what she's capable of! But there are a lot of songs that I just wish weren't sung by her. It honestly feels like a bit of a waste of a good song. I don't want this to be representative of her voice as a whole, and I have a feeling that this is a reason a lot of people don't like her.
yeah theres definitely a lotta bad uses of flower out there. i see many songs/covers where she is pitched too high and also literally untuned... i definitely imagine its some folk's first impression of flower which is a shame.... her voice isnt the easiest to use and if not used right it really....does not sound good lol. i like her a lot so its sucks to hear so many poor uses of the voice in that way. like idk how people do that and dont think to themselves "hm, this sounds strained/too high"
Sep 21, 2019
This is probably a hot take, but... I really don't think Mitchie M is the best Vocaloid user, and everything he's done since Seraphim on the Ring has only solidified that opinion for me. I don't really know who I think is "the best" and tbh, I don't think we should be comparing producers in that way considering they all have unique styles and it's really hard to compare. I like Mitchie's Miku usage a lot in everything up to Assassin Princess, but after that his tuning just kind of lost its charm to me...? Also, I feel like an "issue" with his tuning is that every Vocaloid starts to sound like Miku and there's no variety in the tuning. When listening to "Newly Edgy Idols", I really couldn't tell who was singing half the time and the tuning felt very boring to me.
(There's actually an explanation for this--I studied music appreciation recently, and was introduced to the concepts of "unity" and "variety" in music; too much unity can make a song sound "boring" and cause you to lose interest in it. To paraphrase what I read, unity and variety are both good, but neither one is good enough on its own to sustain the listener's interest.)

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