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Unpopular Opinions


kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I don't think comparing vocals is really a bad thing, I just think it can get ridiculous. I can't find the comment now, but I once saw someone say that Kiyoteru sounded like a mix of Len/VY2/Gakupo/Kyo with a hint of Iroha, and it was genuinely unironic (I responded and they tried to argue with me about it). It's so funny thinking back on it now, but if you need a whole list of synths to compare one voice to, especially if that list includes loids that came out after the one you're analyzing, I think that qualifies as a unique vocal, haha.

For me, I think I could tell apart most Vocaloids? I wouldn't be able to name all of them just from hearing them probably, but if I was given two vocals and was told to say who is who, I probably could. The only ones I genuinely can't tell apart are Rana and Unity-chan, they genuinely have the exact same voice to me orz


Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
What Ryli said- comparing Vocaloids isn't bad but I'm so used to it being used as a backhanded insult that it can come across as rude.
I think it's more a matter of optimism/pessimism. To some people, new(er) Vocaloids having similar voice types to older ones but having more features/better quality is a good thing. Rin has an idol-like voice (her VA is literally in Idolm@ster) and so does Mirai, but Mirai is more mature sounding. It doesn't help that nasally tones tend to sound even more nasally in Vocaloid lol
To others, most new Vocaloids are just boring rehashes because they're more of the "same stuff". And then you can have a more realistic view, which is that companies largely make what they think will sell, which doesn't usually include Iroha-type voices or baritones or whatever. A lot of newer cutesy vocals like Akari or Rikka have reasonably large fanbases despite being "more of the same".
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Jul 18, 2019
I never really got it until chika. Kokone was unique enough that I felt she could stand on her 2 feet by herself. But chika on the other hand was so disappointing because she sounds just like gumi but a just a little nasally in a unappealing way and sounds nothing like her voice provider. It's really disappointing because her design is so perfect. Other than her design I don't know why anyone would use her instead of the vocaloid with the most appends gumi. It just seems like a waste of resources I guess. I do think most vocaloids do have something special for them that sets them apart. I do wish we get more variety sometimes like with v4 trend of having nasally English females. I also think vocaloids are general unique like I can pretty much tell which bank is used


Dec 10, 2020
This is something I'd always seen in on youtube comments when I would check for new VB demos. I might be completly wrong but I think people are saying 'sound the same' but mean 'they have a similar vocal tone as x, y, z,...' and if you take into account that vocal synths are recorded a certain way for each company that makes them. It's inevitable for some for them to sometimes have a similar timber to one an other because like @TheStarPalace said "companies largely make what they think will sell"


Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
This is something I'd always seen in on youtube comments when I would check for new VB demos. I might be completly wrong but I think people are saying 'sound the same' but mean 'they have a similar vocal tone as x, y, z,...' and if you take into account that vocal synths are recorded a certain way for each company that makes them. It's inevitable for some for them to sometimes have a similar timber to one an other because like @TheStarPalace said "companies largely make what they think will sell"
Yeah I agree, that's why I tend to be chill about it. I compare vocaloids sometimes too, in terms of what they can do. Like Chika, Kokone, and Gumi are all husky mature feminine voices and pointing that out isn't strange, but saying Kokone sounds like a mix of Gumi, Cul, Lily, and Lapis and treating that like a "roast" is ???


MYK-IV's #1 fan
Jan 23, 2020
My computer
RE: Similar voice types

I think it can work if you don't have the money to buy a particular vocal, and there's one that sounds similar (so, for example, Unity Chan and Rana) and, maybe for a program like UTAU, if you don't have money for a program like VOCALOID, and there's an UTAU that has a similar voice type, and you could use that to get a similar voice without pirating
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Oh yeah I can totally see where it'd get frustrating when tone can be hard to read and it can be used more as an insult or a show of disappointment. Also agreed @ Rylitah, that if you are using a whole mishmash of voices it's probably,, time to stop LOL.


MYK-IV's #1 fan
Jan 23, 2020
My computer
Ok so NOW that i’ve been listening to them a lot-

My opinion is that Len is the better sounding of the Kagamines. Rin just....her voice can get a little grating sometimes to me. I just like Len a lot more

Now I wish I could buy Len separately because,,,yeah I don’t really care for Rin dnjebdj (shhhh don’t let the wiki mod see me say that I like Len at all)

don’t really know how unpopular this is but mm


Oct 8, 2019
I like them both and ngl I have developed very soft spot for Rin but yeah in certain...........spaces.........it's said Rin is more natural of the two cuz the vp is putting on less of a voice but honestly of the two, Len's voicebank just flows a lot more naturally and is actually less problematic ( my girlfriend lets me borrow them here and there ) while Rin actually has artifical quality to her vb.
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Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
Now I wish I could buy Len separately because,,,yeah I don’t really care for Rin dnjebdj (shhhh don’t let the wiki mod see me say that I like Len at all)
To be honest, I've always wondered why the Kagamines still aren't sold separately to this day. I know Crypton want to maintain the mirror image/two VBs in one package gimmick, but considering there are plenty of producers who buy the Kagamine package solely to use either Rin or Len and never the other, it still kinda baffles me from a business standpoint.
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Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on his English bank, as that is one particular bank of his I like listening to (even if there are times I can’t understand him lol)
Hoo boy. His English is a real pain... I harp on it a lot out of love and teasing, but I haven’t worked with it since, oh, 2018, 2019? I remember it took me months to finish the cover I was using him in at a time where it usually took me a few hours a day at most for others, but to this day it’s one of my favorite covers I’ve made. I should try using him again and getting a more up-to-date opinion on him. :clara_ani_lili:


Hardcore Fan
Apr 11, 2018
Iunno whether I have already expressed it here but...

While people always go like "Chika and kokone are Gumi's sisters/long-lost voicebanks", since day 1 I've heard them I am more like "... They do remind me galaco's voice despite being unique each in their way" OTL ;;;;; Like no joke, if I had to compare them with a vocaloid, it would be galaco, not GUMI
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カイミク || Len English || Arsloid || V5/Piapro
Staff member
Apr 9, 2018
I wish I had the confidence to do a cutesy Rin English, but I always stick with her being a bit mature. But 10/10 to some original songs that use her like that and make her work. :rin_smile_lIlI:

More Len English originals would be neat, but I actually don't know since there was a few I heard that I wish did better on Len English. :len_lili::len_smile_lili:
like my Len Original song with Daina that I did a long while back
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Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
But yeah, when I first heard Kokone, I didn't point at her and scream "GUMI".

I think people just brush off Kokone too quickly, she has a beautiful voice
I've always been confused by the Kokone-Gumi comparisons because I honestly don't hear Gumi at all whenever I hear Kokone. Either my ears are weird or everyone else has different hearing from me lol.

I can't make any comparisons between Chika and Gumi because I haven't heard Chika enough (due to her severe unpopularity) to make a proper judgement.

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