I know the whole "Vocaloid fandom is dead" thing is pretty touchy for some people and some people can get really worked up over it, so thank you everyone for keeping things civil. 
An unpopular opinion that I've been meaning to share for a long time:
Tei is not a soft/weak vocal. When I think soft vocals, I think of a voicebank like Momone Momo--that's soft to me. I realize a lot people will probably think I'm biased 'cuz this is Tei we're talking about, but I've worked with her extensively for the past 2-3 years and I've learned she's not as soft as people say she is. I think she's closer to a "normal"/neutral voicebank and doesn't completely lack strength. Ultimately, I think it boils down to a matter of knowing the ins and outs of using a particular vocal and the engine they're on.
An unpopular opinion that I've been meaning to share for a long time:
Tei is not a soft/weak vocal. When I think soft vocals, I think of a voicebank like Momone Momo--that's soft to me. I realize a lot people will probably think I'm biased 'cuz this is Tei we're talking about, but I've worked with her extensively for the past 2-3 years and I've learned she's not as soft as people say she is. I think she's closer to a "normal"/neutral voicebank and doesn't completely lack strength. Ultimately, I think it boils down to a matter of knowing the ins and outs of using a particular vocal and the engine they're on.
I've also seen people say since she's soft, she can't sing heavy metal, rock, etc., however, I disagree! I think whether or not Tei (and other vocals of that type) can sing a particular song depends not on the genre, but rather the arrangement of the song. I know from experience I have had no trouble making her sing an Utsu-P song like "I thought I was an Angel", but I've had difficulty making her sing something like Abstract Nonsense, which has more of belting chorus and some really high notes... (though, it's entirely possible that was a lack of skill on my part since I attempted that in my early tuning days...)