I dunno why people still keep proclaiming how good it is that Crypton moved away from Yamaha cuz now they can update Miku and the engine whenever when it's only shown to have tainted their image, making them look a lot more unprofessional and less competent and also lessening the product's chances at being successful due to bad 1st impression ( also it looks to me like they're struggling in the development department more than ever), and also the very fact means little in the grand scheme of things when the products will always be a downgrade to their vocaloid counterparts

goes for other products like Rei too
ya know, i havent been paying that much to the piapro shenanigans so idk exactly whats going on with crypton but this got me thinking
People all the time talk about how Yamaha wouldn't let companies update vocals after they got released like it's a BAD thing, oh Yamaha is so controlling and won't let companies fix/change their product after it's been released if there's an issue, but doesn't that...make sense?
Think of it like video games. In the "olden days", you went to the store and bought your video game on a cartridge and plugged it in and that cartridge would stay the same forever, companies couldn't change it or edit it. So companies had to make that video game the very best quality and as possible glitch and bug free as they could on the first try. But now with technology advancements, companies can just put out video games in whatever state they want and update it along the way. This has been cool for some video games that were released fantastic and only updated to get even better (Stardew Valley), but more often than not, the case is the companies rush out buggy, unfinished games, lacking features and overall being unimpressive, and they say "don't worry, we'll just patch it along the way" (No Man's Sky, The Sims 4, honestly I think most EA games fit this bill?) Sure, the game could become something great after the updates, but because of that initial release where it totally sucked and was a giant mess (No Man's Sky) it forever has this tarnished reputation. People that just gave it an initial try and were like "oh this is garbage" aren't going to want to go back because it's better now. And diehard fans of a franchise are made they had to wait YEARS for a game to be updated with the content it should have had from release (grumble grumble Sims 4)
Voice synths can be treated the same way. Company puts out voicebank. Voicebank sucks. It has technical and quality issues. People spend a lot of money on this voicebank, try it out, and go "wow this is trash". Months later, the company goes and patches up said voicebank, sends out the update "look it's good now!"
But shouldn't it have been good from the start? Why did these people that paid full price for this product have to wait for the company to go back and fix it? It should've been fine when they bought it.
So personally, when everyone scoffs at Yamaha for not allowing companies to go back and update their vocals, and praise companies for breaking away because now they can, I kind of see Yamaha's point of view. Like Patuk said, it comes across and unprofessional, less competent, and for people that try out the product when it's released, they have a negative 1st impression that's hard to shake.