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What Was The First Manga You Ever Read?


Jul 14, 2019
The Internet™
So after a call with my sister yesterday, I was reminded of some of the manga I used to read and am curious about all of you: Do any of you remember the first manga you read?

For me it was MeruPuri. I read it when I was in sixth grade, and read almost the whole series (I still have to read the third volume *cries*). Looking back at it, a couple of the chapters were extremely erotic that I don't know how my school let it be there to check out, but twelve year-old me like it a lot so idk :miku2_move: (as well as a lot of others since the books were always checked out)
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Longtime Listener
Apr 8, 2018
A friend gave me a copy of the first volume of Trinity Blood as a Christmas gift in tenth grade (at least I'm 97% sure it was Trinity Blood).

The only manga I've ever finished was Chobits though lol I can't do big series
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Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
My first manga was Detective Conan, I think my mom bought me one of the early books when I was 11 or 12. I didn't buy them very much, instead I borrowed them from the library. Eventually I got fed up and gave up on manga for several years. I kinda came back to the world of manga a couple of years ago when I picked up K-On!, but that's about it. The variety of manga you can buy here is quite limited, so I haven't really found anything interesting since.
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Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
The Kingdom Hearts manga! My primary school's book fair were offering manga on the side, but I hadn't heard of manga at the time so I bought it because I'd played the KH games and didn't have any clue it was a comic. ^^;


Jul 14, 2019
The Internet™
The Kingdom Hearts manga! My primary school's book fair were offering manga on the side, but I hadn't heard of manga at the time so I bought it because I'd played the KH games and didn't have any clue it was a comic. ^^;
I think I also read some of KH manga too! My brother actually read it, but he sometimes showed me some of the panels

I always wanted to read it though


👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
Me and my twin decided to buy each other our first manga for Christmas when we were in junior high, we agreed that we wanted to know what the deal was with the "backwards books" at the bookstore. So we went Christmas shopping at the mall and stood outside waiting for the other to buy a manga book.

I bought her Naruto vol 1 and she got me .hack//Legend of the Twilight vol 1. Leading up to Christmas, we would both go in to different rooms and read the gift we got each other. So I read Naruto 11 times before finally gifting it to her. (I really liked the art style and it was relaxing to read while listening to the radio.) Haha.
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Technically the first couple of Black Butlers, but I read them in secret and then never finished the story. The first full manga I ever actually got into and read all the way through was Fruits Basket. I know people like to hate on it because they think it's a girly manga and that Tohru's a mary sue, but I still stand by the characterization and story. It was very sweet.
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Passionate Fan
Jun 27, 2019
Highway Star by Katsuhiro Otomo.

It's a collection of short stories, much like most of his pre-Akira works. When I bought it I didn't know a word of Japanese, so it took a few years before I could read the entire volume. Fortunately, some of the stories aren't particularly wordy, so even from day one I got some joy out of its pages.
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Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
*I posted the wrong one. Honey Hunt was one of the earliest I read, but it wasn't the first. In my defense, it's been over a decade.*

Stepping on Roses was my first manga! I read up the point that we see the handsome butler with his hair in a ponytail. That's all I remember.
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Gumi English Geek
The first manga I read is pretty unknown, I think. I just happened to find it tucked away in my middle school's library and thought the art looked really cute:

Looking back it's pretty clear that the author was kind of a novice when she started writing this series (weird panel structure, hard to follow sequences), but you know how it is. You're 11 and this is the coolest fucking thing you've seen in your life.


The Man Without The Plan
Staff member
How'd I miss this thread? I think the first manga series I ever sat down and read start to finish was Chibi Vampire. I'll consider that my first since I remember right before Christmas break in highschool I went to the (now closed) book store in the mall and bought nearly every single volume in one fell swoop. It was the perfect time too as Christmas break gave me tons of free time.


Jul 14, 2019
The Internet™
Beauty Pop was another manga I read when I was first getting into manga and anime. But I only read the first volume because the others were always checked out at the library too ;-; I'm thinking on coming back to it now that I think about it cuz I really liked it
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Fruits Basket was mine because it was the only manga that my middle school had most of the volumes of and I didn't want to start a series that I couldn't read through all the way. I'm glad I did choose it though because it is what opened me up to the world of anime and stuff! I still get so nostalgic when I think about it!
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The Man Without The Plan
Staff member
My first manga was YuYu Hakusho since that was being re released at the time and I was hooked on the anime. Funny enough I never finished the actual anime ...Nor the manga now that I think of it... I should definitely get back on that lol
Yu Yu Hakusho is something I really should go back and finish. But I don't think the series was ever fully dubbed, and those voices really stuck with me as a kid.

Ika Musume

Loves Miku so much that he DIED
Apr 12, 2020
Ur mum lol
I believe the first manga I ever read was Dragon Ball, but I was 6 years old and super confused so I stopped. When I was around 10 or 11, I started reading Pokemon adventures probably like a lot of people, and then it just escalated and escalated and I've read too many manga to remember :LOL:

Salty GB

Dumb Boi
Apr 14, 2020
The first ever manga I read was an educational manga for school about Hellen Keller. I don't really remember much about the manga itself but I don't think it did a very good job of explaining what was going on. The first non-educational manga I read was likely something from the local library. Free Collar Kingdom, .Hack//Legend of Twilight, Ramen Fighter Miki, Dream Saga. Pretty much whatever my little town could afford off the Tokyo Pop catalog


Just a chill dude, doing his thing.
Oct 8, 2018
During middle school a song known as “Pomf Pomf” came out. It was a parody of the song “PonPonPon” at the time I didn’t fully understand the lyrics of the parody but I I weirdly enjoyed it. Curiosity got the best of me and I did a google search on what the song was based on. I was lead to someone’s forum post who had the same question as me. As I scrolled down the list of answers there was a link to a manga called “Light of Tsukimi Manor” which was the inspiration for the song “Pomf Pomf”. So I of course clicked it and well let’s just say it was quite the roller coaster ride for my first manga. I am definitely not proud of this being my first read and I would suggest not even searching this manga up.

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