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General Discussion Thread


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
The more and more VocaTone retweet fanart of Ausgris the more and more it seems like they're going to be whatever the announcement is about...and while on one hand that disinterests me because Ausgris isn't really a voice I'm into, on the other hand...an abandoned vocal synth project coming back from the dead? The shock of a century. Hibiki Lui could never.


vocal synth weirdo
Nov 2, 2020
Yoooo I just nabbed Gumi V4 Adult boxed for stupidly cheap from Amazon jp, with a forwarding service on top, it only cost me about 65 usd after shipping, which is literally half the price I have paid for pretty much every single other boxed voca I've ever purchased.
I had to stop myself from wanting to get all of Gumi V4 complete for a time, because altogether she retails for like over 300 usd or something, and some of her voicebanks are a tiny bit redundant with so much overlap in between their sounds too, especially if you're using V5 with the new parameters and no XSY, so I think that only buying one extend that i'll actually use is a good compromise this time around.

also underused adult gumi best gumi

psst here is the link for the listing if anyone wants in... there's only a few left, so I think this is like a last chance or something, all of gumi's other v4 packages are currently twice the price or more soooo
Screen Shot 2020-12-13 at 11.58.21 PM.png
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Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
Can a group who’s been out of the game for so long and is mostly fan backed now really jump back in with a new synth though? Like I don’t want to be pessimistic but anything vocatone does will definitely not happen on vocaloid. If companies that have a lot of money still don’t think it’s worth it to make new vocals/or can’t make new vocals I doubt a fan backed company can do it. Of course other synths are an option but still that would require quite a bit of money and that’s not to mention time, recording, actually making the bank all of which could have questionable quality. Like I definitely don’t want to ruin anyone’s fun but I think even if they do announce a new vocal or returning vocal people should keep their expectations low on it actually happening. The synth scene isn’t like how it used to be with the ability to have a lot of characters and synths. Plus vocafandom sometimes claims to want characters because of their design but won’t actually shell out the money to buy the product which can also lead to it failing.


kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Plus vocafandom sometimes claims to want characters because of their design but won’t actually shell out the money to buy the product which can also lead to it failing.
This is a big thing. Even if the announcement really is about, say, Ausgris... I cannot see them doing well by any means. They definitely won't make people who aren't interested in V5 suddenly want V5 in droves - I think more people are honestly more excited about the character themselves returning than the actual product, which is... a problem. Maybe if they had released years ago they would've had a shot, but it's been mentioned that other Engloids that had already been released at the time fill their role just fine as it is.

A lot of people will say they want something, but substantially less will actually pay up when it matters.

All that aside, though... they're really playing up the Ausgris angle by retweeting nothing but them. I'm sure Oliver and Yohioloid get tons more attention and fanart, but there's no mention of them anywhere from Vocatone aside from their bio. If Ausgris was an abandoned project, I'm sure they wouldn't be making things so obvious like this.... but at the same time, it feels a little too obvious? With them only RTing Ausgris art as of right now, it's hard to speculate that the announcement is anything but Ausgris. Which... ehhh.

On the other hand, if the announcement isn't Ausgris, I think people are going to feel mislead. I think the smart move here would've been to just not RT anything prior to the announcement. Either they made it way too obvious, or misleading - and I wouldn't think it's misleading had they RT'd literally anything more than just Ausgris.


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I guess this fits best here in the general thread, but anyway, Last week there were 2038 new uploads under the Vocaloid tag on NicoNico Douga, which is a new record. It is the highest weekly number in NND's documented history (the previous record being from February 2013). Good to see that the community remains active, 2020 as a whole has seen quite high upload figures compared to last few years.


Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I guess this fits best here in the general thread, but anyway, Last week there were 2038 new uploads under the Vocaloid tag on NicoNico Douga, which is a new record. It is the highest weekly number in NND's documented history (the previous record being from February 2013). Good to see that the community remains active, 2020 as a whole has seen quite high upload figures compared to last few years.

I wonder if the pandemic has encouraged some people to create more Vocaloid content with the sudden free time they might have gained?


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
Very interesting to look at that chart and see that outside of 2020, the most recent year for record uploads was 2013. I can see why people talk about Vocaloid dying and being on the decline...but damn did 2020 bring it back with a vengeance lol. I'd agree with the speculations it's because everyone was stuck at home this year. Warms my heart to see :kokone_lili:


Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I think it was mostly due to the Vocaloid Collection contest that happened from December 11 to 13. There were a few different submission categories for originals and remixes, and some popular producers submitted stems for their songs so people could do mashups and remixes more easily. It blew up on niconico, so I'm not surprised that so many videos were uploaded at that time.
But the whole reason that contest existed is because quarantine caused the niconico cho kaigi events to not happen in their usual way. Silver linings.

Edit: just realized a LOT of the top weeks for vocaloid song posting were in 2020..... Quarantine continues to inspire us I guess
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Ha ha, I don't understand how that relates to ANY announcement, really.... But maybe I'm missing some backstory on Green Army men? One of them has gum on his head, and the other looks like he list a paintball fight and has a spatula/shovel for a hand?


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
I speculate that their vocal synth will have a comic book-like narrative element to it - similar to how Chipspeech's characters existed in a shared universe. My guess is that this is a snapshot from that story. Only time will tell!

I enjoy that it's so completely different from any previous vocal synth stuff that half the fandom thought 'hm gooey sheep, guess it's not a voicebank'; it shows that the scene has become quite homogenised, and means that whatever Vocatone comes up with will be an interesting change of pace.

Since V5 we've really only have two types of vocal synth: modern anime girl and professional stock photo. No weird/quirky Western artstyles or unusual themes. Breaking the mould would help them stand out, and potentially bring in a new audience.
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vocal synth weirdo
Nov 2, 2020
Today, I am thinking about this specific auction listing for a used Mayu that just has its serial code number hanging out for no particular reason

Screen Shot 2020-12-19 at 11.59.01 PM.png

Day 180 of combing auction sites and still no Mew or VY2v3 in a box :(..., starting to lose hope. Its just an endless sea of people trying to sell yukari, gumi, miku and ia..


vocal synth weirdo
Nov 2, 2020
Not to be a disgusting double poster, but it just feels so crazy to me how many new voice synth stuff has just been announced as of late. After what feels like a 2 year drought of almost nothing?? We now have a group of new SynthVs and CevioAIs, and maybe 2 new VocaTone vocals for.. something..

The announced vocals section on the Vocaloid wiki was so sad for the longest time, but now on the horizon we can look forward to; Yukari Rei, c flower, KAFU, Kiritan, Saki AI, Kotonoha AI, Rikka + AI, Tsuina Chan + AI hopefully, Seika, Eleanor Forte AI, Yamine Renri, Zunko Neutrino, Miku Append NT, Rin/Len NT, Luka NT, Meiko NT, Kaito NT, and whatever VocaTone has in store, its just that none of it is actually on Vocaloid itself anymore lol

Still hope we get a new V5 somehow, VSinger and SBS V5 news has been slow

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