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  • theres two artists i keep wanting to cover with a vocaloid but their vocals are just so....unique and human i just dont feel like i could ever be satisfied making a vocaloid sing it lol. like its something special that just cannot be recaptured... but i love the artists and wanna cover them just cuzz i like them
    Who are the artists? 👀
    So relating
    @mahalisyarifuddin they are both very different artists but the first one is Amanda Palmer/her old band The Dresden Dolls. have loved her for years and im hugely into dark cabaret. just adore her often 'imperfect' singing and have this half finished cover of her song 'Coin Operated Boy' but it feels impossible to capture it in the way i enjoy her songs lol.

    the second artist is Jun Togawa (was/is also in a band called Yapoos, sometimes collabs with Vampillia). shes an interesting japanese artist with quite a range and some intentionally messy/imperfect singing. her most well known song is 'Suki Suki Daisuki' and also shows off her voice very well.
    thinking about how the gynoid twitter is like...basically dead. not really counting the repeat tweets. so far nothing else has really come up as far as ive seen so i hope its not a bad sign for the company as a whole but, its hard to tell what they may be up to at this point due to next to no news, not even regarding the flower cevio thing...
    man. i was 16 when i recorded my utau, it just hit lol..... its 5 years since i released it (recorded at 16, got it out at 17). while im slowly working on new voicebanks, i also plan to start testosterone in the future and now im like. hm. maybe i should wait to record a new bank? or get a pre-T bank done? i did not think about how my voice might change and now im conflicted kdjhgkhgf
    i remember quite a long time ago when i was actively making my utau stuff someone said i sounded like a soft flower and that made me so happy. still think about that.... i dont think i sound just like flower really general voice vibe? i guess?
    if they're public utau lemme know cuz then I will put them on my utau sound alikes thread hehehehe
    @patuk oh yea! i am planning to remake him someday soon since its quite old and not great pronunciation, but for now the old ones are still available! the demos are here and the links should be on the descriptions of the posts

    god, it really has been like 5 years.... id say my voice is a bit more accented/husky and honestly deeper in some places but! if you see a similarity and wanna add it, feel free! i look forward to updating him because the new banks ive done test recordings of are promising.... im just so lazy at otoing
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    aaaa i hate it when i export a vsq file in v4, start mixing in my DAW and the whole time something feels "off" only for me to realize by the end of mixing its that the vsq maker put a compressor on the vocals in v4 with a plugin AND changed all the volume for the main tracks/master track. idk if its just me but i never ever use eq/compression IN the editor and i never change the volume?? it seems pointless to do when you do that in a DAW when mixing, and i feel like it skews the end results. i never check because i assume people done use it lol
    yeah once i got deeper into mixing outsider of the editor those things were no longer useful to me i think. i wish people would at least turn them off/make all of it 'neutral' when giving out a file, would make things easier since it is kind of a subjective choice to make!
    It's actually a good thing, If user set the level and panning they desire before exporting and send it to someone, I assume there is no effect or something, Just a raw mono track.
    It's very important to know what they want (if you mix for someone) rough mix is important to the overall image of the song.
    reverb in editor is nice to have wihle do voice programming, it's give the feels of glue to the track and not boring, also can get the first grasp what it's sound like, it's help refresh perspective.
    i mean yes this makes sense if you are giving vocals to someone and are not mixing them/need them to have an idea of what should be done- but when you have all the resources and are mixing everything yourself from the ground up in a DAW and dont want to tracks to be affected by someone else interpretation/settings (as in, the mixing theyve attempted in the vocaloid editor- turning up volume and EQ in editor can cause clipping when put into my usual mix preset in my DAW for example) it can be annoying to turn it all off/make it all plain so i can do what i want instead, mostly when its something i dont often realize has been applied until the last minute.

    i feel like when distributing covers that stuff should be turned off to come extent. tuned files are suitable to the voice it was tuned with, but even more so EQ and volume are- way too many times do i change a voice with someone's already set EQ/compression/upped volume in editor for it to be peaking horribly because it obviously doesnt work with other voices the same way. i just think its better to turn it all off when redistributing the files for public use because it unlikely to work well
    listening to kafu is like going through stages of grief every time. ill start hearing a good demo (bc yeah, the demo songs are good, theyre by good artists!) and think to myself "huh, kinda like it" and then "the voice is unique, i really would like to own a voice like that" then "but those quality issues... and the fact it couldve sounded different...." and finally "there was so much potential here for a good voice and it was lost in messy production... i cant waste my money on something that will never be what i wouldve hoped it would"
    yes yes one of those impulse cover nights where i hear a well tuned vsqx, download it, edit it, and mix it all in 30 minutes while my eyes ache from staring t my screen without blinking for so long in the middle of the night
    Godspeed! Go! Go! Go!

    but please take care of yourself, have some water and something yummy and rest for a bit
    Be sure to blink for 30secs and not look at the screen every hour to protect your eyes
    sometime i go through my own covers n i feel like my improvement is random/sporadic but honestly i think its just that i purely churn out covers w out spending time on them sometimes-- not in a "oh this sucks i made this too fast" kind way. but i think i (used to) make so many covers without spending lots of time on every bit bc i purely like hearing the result. idk maybe its my autism brain and attachment but i like the tech and i just like hearing robots sing, and doing it myself makes me so happy even if i dont tune things at all. so sometimes ill be pumping out covers bc the Dopamine is just coming in loads every time i hit play in the vocaloid editor and whip up a quick mix in fl studio
    very confused by a kid whos come into my twitter inbox asking for.... my Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow the Hedgehog utaus and will trade an 'unreleased vocaloid' for them. first of all. how are my Sonic utaus worth it enough to apparently leak an unreleased vocaloid?????? you can literally make these jinriki utaus yourself. like. what. they were quick to drop that is was Vivi probably in attempt to make me more interested but what use would i have for an illegal, unlicensed vocaloid anyways?? cant use it thats for sure.
    and ive seen people like... remake "cancelled" or "fake" vocaloids anyways (using the dev tools or other means), i know i heard some ppl doing that with vivi, stella, etc and making your own box art doesnt...prove anything... even 'demos' that also sound nothing like the 2018 demos lol. i am just. intrigued by the lengths to ancquire fuckin hedgehog jinrikis
    should've offered you that alter/ego Flower lol, you can at least use her if you won't mind the ensuing 20 callout posts and the status of T*ra 2.0
    oh yes i remembered that too as they just sent the Shelter demo stems/vocals and the original art too lol, i remembered at least the art and vocals going around so i dont doubt it exists (i just missed out on those links when i used to see them every where kdjfhgkdfg) out there but im not actually sure this person had them haha. their comments of "well i would show you but the dev tools only work on windows and i use mac!" like ok... good proof so far /s and the boxart they sent too like.... she was never released, that stuff doesnt matter as proof anyways

    but man like. i just do not understand what would be so cool about having an illegal, unreleased vocaloid cuz its not like you can show it off! most people would really dislike the idea of acquiring it and bragging about it when its not even legal lol
    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    I'd tell that kid to make their own Sonic UTAUs, since jinrikis are extremely legally dubious to begin with.
    spitfire audio does have the free Labs instruments which are great, but they also have some very cheap single instruments too with more flexibility (around $29) and i decided to get one of the piano ones since ive really been lacking a high quality piano vst but dont wanna dump $100+ on one. and man it is so nice. very glad spirtfire produces such high quality stuff and has some cheaper options aside from free bc the Labs dont have a lotta things you can do with it, as much as i like them!
    i got the Mrs Mills piano btw! Labs comes with "soft piano" and i love that one, but i really wanted a more typical, hard piano sound. the others are all tempting too but i just wanted that different sound since Soft Piano was free. but the Firewood piano is very tempting... may get that one sometime
    man i really didnt realize how long its been since Flower v3 came out, i remember seeing the boxes widely available for some time....really shouldve bought her back then.... really want her v3 for the sake of completing my flower collection but it looks like i will have to go hunting or begging to find any v3 box now
    waking up to like 15 notifications on my post last night i was like "oh god did i say something bad" but nah theyre all likes. thanks yall lol
    dont mind me more rambling thinking about the vocamerica email

    vocamerica is one of those things i think just is a clear project based around what people so badly want, without hiring the right kind of team to handle is scope. yeah, commission artist and animators thats obvious enough to do. but in any other case how do you manage a *concert*? this isnt just about getting to the place and throwing up your projector. its everything that comes with hosting a series of shows... there is so much to it i feel vocamerican scrambled to do every time. how do you know what you really need, manage that money, and then make it happen? there are many things i dont think people consider enough in kickstarting stuff. get someone to manage the finances or some shit, for real. get someone who can properly figure out the places that money will go. unless you literally went to school for finances or have a good understand of the math that comes with it- its really not a surprise when so many kickstarters spend money in the wrong place/dont have enough/etc.

    its kind of a wider statement to put against lots of failed kickstarters tbh and not just vocamerica... but w vocamerica it makes me think of many other fandom projects ive seen with vocaloid. people so passionate to do something but literally lack all experience to do it and not in a 'they want art but cant draw' kind of way- just everything. but they do it anyways. i think in fandom context its easy to know you need art n shit to make it look nice for fandom presentation. but all the other technical stuff needs to be considered too- in vocamerica's case its management and experience with concerts, having a solid timeline and backups for when things go wrong.

    in the end vocamerica was a failure imo. yes, they got some concerts done, they made some models. but 5 years of not getting the other models done? they barely got around the country for me to see it myself after (my dad) backing it, even with numerous shows they manged to have for a bit there. the fact i felt like it was obvious aki was putting money into the wrong things when announced, not focusing on what mattered, and making new plans that obviously impacted what they had remaining... overall poor management, someone who did not have the expirience to plan something as big as it. it totally couldve worked with the right people and right plan, but in this case it just did not.
    im constantly forgetting i have a cover i could finish and post right now if i did the art and posted the video but im being very forgetful about it;; and i wanna start the flower cover for her anniversary too but again, forgetful. but its more like, im definitely more occupied with non-cover things im enjoying right now. i do like making cover still but it may be time to accept i dont need to meet deadlines like 'anniversaries' when i dont feel like it. or getting out covers immediately after i finish mixing them...
    i went to like a post and the site brought up the prompt 'confirm that you want to like this post?" and im. so confused ive never seen that before when i liked a post;;;;
    Happens to me as well! But only on mobile.
    It happens sometimes to me (I only use PC to access this site), I think it might be related to the page finishing loading or something.
    yes it happened to me on PC as well, i never use the site on mobile. i had a feeling it had something to do with loading or somethin
    you know its a good morning when u wake up to various new flower songs. absolutely in love w the music video for 柊キライ's new song
    theres also a new FLG4 song coming out tomorrow at 3AM!
    thinking about v4 and v5, i am so glad the rendering is faster in v5 now, bc honestly how slow rendering was every time i made one small change was so awful, it was the one thing making me not use v5.... it can still be slow from time to time, but since they put out that update to improve it i definitely am thankful and use v5 way more since then.

    i used to do like, all possible editting in v4 and then render out in v5 for one or two additions v5 had! but now i can do most editting in v5. i do like editing parameters in v4 more tho because of the tools, was never a fan of the node/points in v5, probably the only thing (to clarify i like the idea of the points and how to use them, but it would be nice to switch between that and the very smooth lines/no points as an option easily)
    before the update I just cut the track into sections and joined them when necessary:Oc
    i mean i did that too but, i disliked managing tracks being cut into pieces lol. mostly when some melodies can be so long, having to click into ever single part i want to edit, and making changes i have to then make sure are the same on every track (at least very early on, i had issues with custom singer presets saving a lot but again, fixed issue).... yeah not convenient. (and some glitches that have existed in v5 when notes are at the end of a part? yeah not fun either- luckily those are mostly gone)

    i like v5 but on launch there were issue that made me not care for it as my main thing. its better now.
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