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  • why doesnt gumitalk have as much of a voiceroid fanbase? i never really see her. is her program too expensive or something :o?
    It's a little hard to pinpoint an exact reason, but I honestly mostly think it's because she just wasn't part of the Voiceroid brand. She released in 2014 - Voiceroid community was already thriving by then - but since she used a different engine and had a different UI than AI Talk, people just.. weren't interested, I guess? Her quality also isn't exactly great, and there wasn't really any reason for anyone to go out of their way to get her when other competition like CeVIO could utilize multiple talk banks within one program (which Voiceroid eventually was able to do as well in Voiceroid2). Gumi was just the standalone voice from a different engine that people weren't used to, and there wasn't even the draw of having multiple characters with it that people could justify learning it for.

    I think had she released later, when products like Una Talk and Gynoid Talk (which... both use the exact same engine and UI as Voiceroid which probably helped them) came out, people were more open to using multiple talk synths with each other and she could have done better. But Megpoid Talk released during a time when the Voiceroid brand was at its strongest and people didn't really care about anything else, so she just kind of immediately fell into obscurity.
    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    I didn't even know there was a TTS version of Gumi until I saw this post.
    • Haha
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    I think it's because of the other engine and it not being a "voiceroid". The non voiceroid ai talk banks like galaco talk and una talk and gynoid talk aren't as popular as the voiceroids. It's to the point where they saw it valuable enough rebrand una into a voiceroid. I think it's also because the engine wasn't the best quality of but gumi talk did have one function no one seems to talk about you could export the data as a vsq and then use any vocaloid with it.
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    could plugging talking samples still work for an AI bank which is meant to sing? i imagine it'd sound incredibly bad or wonky, but is it possible?
    I bet it would work and would just sound like it's "talk-singing"... You know? Like the kind of, the tone clearly isn't that of a genuine singer, maybe sounds kinda bored, but the pitch itself is fine?
    Big al v2 was talk sung. And I have made many talknet banks that can sing from talking samples.
    @Prism ooooh i see! i wonder if the reverse of that would produce decentish results or not
    kind of disappointed they took every interesting aspect of Flower's original 2 designs (the goth, punk type look) and scrubbed it clean
    wait so, synthesizer v studio pro voicebanks have a better range, right? if so is there someone who can export saki for me on this SVP im working on> >_<
    wshats difference between cevio ai and cevio pro? just the price models?
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    It's noted that CEVIO pro is a completely different engine built from scratch than Cevio AI, so both have different technology. Which can make some Cevio AI banks incompatible to CEVIO Pro. But it's noted on TechnoSpeech Tweet that they are working on that issue with a cross-platform feature so some selected AI banks can be used in Pro in the future
    @YOYo_MAMA ooooh i see. does that mean cevio ai wont be having voicebanks released for it anymore, and instead technospeech will focus solely on Pro? or will they support both systems?
    Cevio AI is still going since a song bank for SEKAI (she's voiced by Isekaijoucho) is confirmed by Kamitsubaki Studios, the same studio who helped release KAFU, but still in the early stages. There are also Rikka's friends/posse for Cevio AI Talk bank, Karin and Chifuyu. But that still depends if they will still get 3rd party clients for an AI Voice Bank in the future. There's just now another option besides CEVIO AI.
    i finished my first decent sounding song but i cant decide for a P-name for my alt account to post it on DX
    i have a question, what program is Canon using here?
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    aru ii
    aru ii
    The interphase looks like melodyne. It's a vocalshifter like program. But it says that the vb uses enunu. I don't have much knowledge about it, other than that it's an ai synth (and is similar to nnsvs?), it's also open source
    She's using Melodyne inside a DAW. It's noted in the video description.
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    i wonder if i should make a TALQu for one of my UTAU's....Masha would be the easiest
    I would suggest making a TacoTron 2 tts if you want a English tts
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    @Prism ooh ok! is there any english tutorials i can look at?
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    it always bothers me when people call forums outdated since i prefer a public forum to a public discord group
    Like Milly said both have their pros and cons but at least forums have moderators unlike popular social media apps. Twitter has became a very toxic place over the past few years and I'd only think it would get much worse.
    I joined Discord in 2016 and have made friends I would consider friends for life, but these days I only ever use it to communicate with people I know IRL and file-share. (or online friends I made back then.) But man, it is so hard for communities on Discord to thrive long-term... you either have impenetrable fortresses with thousands upon thousands of users that don't really have a community 'feel', or smaller communities that start out strong but inevitably eat themselves alive. The asynchronous and massive nature of Discord makes it so easy for people to forget classic internet axioms-- remember the human, don't take everything everyone says as gospel, etc...

    Successful Discord servers are possible. But it is exceedingly hard to pull off. In addition, I worry for the future of the platform. They came very close to adding NFT and Etherium integration before Twitter did, and still do not make enough money to repay their investors. I fear the end is coming. Maybe someday forums + IRC channels will finally come back as mainstream.
    Discord is nice because it provides basically real-time interaction with other people. Which is sometimes fun; sometimes, you just feel the need for actually talking to a person right in-the-moment, rather than swapping messages hours apart.

    As far as I can tell, though (not using Discord too much), forums have the big advantage of letting everyday users create threads. This lets topics be stored discretely, which helps keep things organized to a much better extent. The organization makes it possible for a forum to be a repository of information, rather than just a discussion medium that best serves only the current moment. (I mean, if you've ever tried to find a specific piece of information on a Discord, you're basically at the mercy of the search box and your memory, right?) I think it also helps keep behavior on forums above-board--when the things people say are easier to find (Rather than being buried behind 1-200 posts about other topics that have come up over the intervening time.), it discourages misbehavior.

    As I've learned since joining VVN, forums also have the advantage of being able to have pages that aren't primarily meant for discussion. Our art galleries and resource pages are features that are used by both members and non-members; I know that I personally use our resource pages all the time, and I actually received a grateful message on SoundCloud once regarding one of the resources I wrote on VVN. Especially in a self-study sort of hobby like vocal synth work, I think that's a really worthwhile thing.
    does anyone have any tips for tuning english synthVs? or any english synth? im totally new to it its so more difficult than jpn
    omg sorry for double posting but are there any tsuina-chan mmd models for download? i cant find any and the most popular one was for the kickstarter backers only im pretty sure
    ah nvm! found one
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