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  • Okay, Ann/Al’s serial codes... any day now... aaaaaaaaaaany day now...
    i had to email them and ask when i got them :/
    They'll be active for another three days and then become unavailable... do I need to wait until then to message them, or should I message them now?
    I would just message them now to be honest, whoever was manning the help email was VERY prompt and helpful for me, but some people have reported waits.

    (you might consider asking if they can give imports at the same time; I didn't think of it when i did it lol)
    Y’all ever just cry, because you’ve always wanted to be treated with kindness and love and consideration by a romantic partner, but you didn’t realize just HOW badly you wanted it until you had it? And you’ve come to expect so little thanks to past experiences that such strong care makes you genuinely emotional, and you just don’t know what to do with all these emotions? Cause that’s about where I’m at.
    I didn’t get to learn about the Copy and Print shop, but I DID get put on register and taught how to use the earpiece and walkie talkies! Considering I just learned how to use the register yesterday, I don’t think I did too bad today, other than the eight or nine times I had to call for help. 😅 God, I’m surprised someone didn’t reach over the counter and slap me for being so slow.

    (Let me verify that I was the ONLY person on the register most of the day. Normally I’d think putting a newbie on single-handed register duty on their second day would be an all-around bad idea, so I really hope I did well!)
    Today I’ll get to learn the ins and outs of the Copy and Print shop and using the earpieces and walkie talkies! Pray for my feet. Stretching, a hot bath, and sleeping with my legs propped above my heart did nothing. This will take some getting used to after five years of office-type jobs, but I’m so happy to have it!!
    What I thought would be a few hours of paperwork and formalities turned out to be my actual, official first day on the job. My feet are sore and my pits are sweaty, but my heart is full.

    Today was all about familiarizing myself with the store (which entailed a three-hour-long scavenger hunt in which I had to track down the exact location of the store's 100 most popular items - apparently landlines are still a thing, and we sell them), then getting the basics of the cash register (which I had to learn FAST, because I got put on the register right as a massive wave of people came in seeking to get their shopping done before a bad storm hit). But I got to help a lot of people, and my coworkers are very patient, and only one customer got huffy with me for not being fast enough, and I learned a whole bunch of things today, and it was just overall a good day!

    I've finally got a job. This is like a dream come true.
    Ah, today's a good day~

    Al, Ann, Airi: welcome to my computer, you trio of As! :bigal_smile_lili: :sweetann_lili: :kizakiairi_lili:
    So, in a shocking turn of events, I DID get a financial aid return this semester, but it just now hit my account. And... hoo boy.

    Who first? Big Al, Sweet Ann, Sachiko, or all three?
    For whatever reason, Yuri on Ice is rated at an 8.3 on IMDB, but the highest-rated episode is rated 6.3... I'm not sure if it's because it's one of those series that needs to be watched as a whole and doesn't have any particular standout episodes, or if people just got salty and assaulted the episodes with low ratings for the sake of discrediting it.

    Honestly, I could see either being the case.
    I may or may not be listening to Kamome on repeat now.

    GOD I love this show.
    Episode ten stood out to me (the "twist" at the very end of it practically MADE the show for me rofl) but I guess i can kind of see how someone could make that argument. I looked at the ratings and funnily enough the ones I thought of the most *were* the highest rated but I still take any ratings with a grain of salt (because of people who would do something like in the other case you mentioned fslfds)
    Yeah, Episode 10 is definitely a standout for me too! If I don't have enough time to watch the whole series but still need a pick-me-up, that's the one I go to. It's both the fluffiest and the funniest episode.
    I've found a work-around for Haiyi (and, to that extent, Chinese SynthVs) not being able to say "ki/key"!

    Set the grid on 1/16 (I tried 1/32, but it didn't work), draw one note for the length of one space, and a second note for the remaining duration of the syllable. Type "ke" for the first note, set the second note to Phoneme view, and type in ".i". For ".i", select Note Properties, then Note Timing, and set Offset to -1.00.

    Presto! Something that sounds a lot more like "ki/key" than typing "ki" into the note does.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go petition the governments of China and Taiwan and demand they add a "ki" sound to their language.

    It might not work all the time, but you can also try changing the 7 in /kh 7/ to e, which makes it sound even smoother!
    I’d actually tried that too! It didn’t work for this particular instance, but I might try it for more broad purposes. Thank you!!
    Y'know, as unnecessarily hostile as the Vocaloid Wiki can be, there ARE exchanges that sometimes make it worth being there.

    I just witnessed someone argue that Luka's weight is rendered incorrectly: it's written in kilograms when it SHOULD be written in newtons.

    Who the 🐬🐬🐬🐬 renders a person's weight in NEWTONS?
    Ah, I turn 23 in just over a week... as soon as I get used to writing my age, it changes. Can't I just have a birthday like, every OTHER year?
    Y'ever humiliate yourself so hard you just wanna delete your account and become an isolated sheep herder in New Zealand?

    Anyway, I'm about to retire to a life of lanolin. I hope I grow an awesome beard while I'm at it.
    try not to let it bother you too much peaches, i know making mistakes feels like the end of the world, but nothings really wrong haha. everyone messes up sometimes and no ones going to hold something so small against you. :kokone_lili:
    My "idiot" moments could be immortalized in bronze. I collect mistakes like trading cards. We should swap sometime--see if we can get a complete set somehow....
    Literally my entire existence tbh .-. but after every mistake (looking at you Banjie sorry I tried to shave you the groomers are closed) just gotta laugh it off and try again ya know? You'll get through it tho!
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