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Other Cryptonloid voicebank updates, collabs, & concert news (crypton_wat Twitter translations)


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018

It seems they've found a particular bug in NT where sometimes a wrong parameter value was input (By the software itself somehow, I assume; maybe by whatever AI processes it has?) and was causing issues. Wat specifically says that this impacted sound quality. They're going to make a temporary update tomorrow that will fix the issue. (I assume this will be rolled into the product as a whole, of course; "temporary update" is probably more like "patch" in this case.)

Wat says they are sorry for the inconvenience and thank us for our cooperation.


Apr 9, 2018
Update available to fix issues with crashing/tuning getting wonked up when you open a file:

But Avast antivirus really didn't want me to install this and kept interrupting the installation/causing Piapro to crash repeatedly. Every time I try to open it after updating, Piapro crashes as soon as I try to add a track. I don't know if it's because something is wrong with the update or if Avast is just that suspicious of NT. Maybe if you have an important NT project going on, wait to update? If anyone else has issues with the NT update, please tell us so I know I'm not the only one.

Edit: I added NT as an exception to Avast in Settings, but it still won't stop saying it doesn't trust the file. Every time I open NT, I say I trust the file but it's still like "We're sending this exe to the lab, it'll take 23 min". Arg, hopefully it sorts itself out after that... So annoying.
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018

The next update, scheduled for the end of June, will include a "drastic" DB update, and it sounds like they're also preparing to include simple vibrato.
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Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
But Avast antivirus really didn't want me to install this and kept interrupting the installation/causing Piapro to crash repeatedly. Every time I try to open it after updating, Piapro crashes as soon as I try to add a track. I don't know if it's because something is wrong with the update or if Avast is just that suspicious of NT. Maybe if you have an important NT project going on, wait to update? If anyone else has issues with the NT update, please tell us so I know I'm not the only one.

Edit: I added NT as an exception to Avast in Settings, but it still won't stop saying it doesn't trust the file. Every time I open NT, I say I trust the file but it's still like "We're sending this exe to the lab, it'll take 23 min". Arg, hopefully it sorts itself out after that... So annoying.
I've heard Avast can be a bit sensitive with certain programs, and you might need to bug the devs to approve something if it's triggering the antivirus. (I use AVG and I don't have NT, so I can't comment if the new update is triggering other antivirus programs).


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Update available to fix issues with crashing/tuning getting wonked up when you open a file:

But Avast antivirus really didn't want me to install this and kept interrupting the installation/causing Piapro to crash repeatedly. Every time I try to open it after updating, Piapro crashes as soon as I try to add a track. I don't know if it's because something is wrong with the update or if Avast is just that suspicious of NT. Maybe if you have an important NT project going on, wait to update? If anyone else has issues with the NT update, please tell us so I know I'm not the only one.

Edit: I added NT as an exception to Avast in Settings, but it still won't stop saying it doesn't trust the file. Every time I open NT, I say I trust the file but it's still like "We're sending this exe to the lab, it'll take 23 min". Arg, hopefully it sorts itself out after that... So annoying.
It looks like it may not be just you. It's not exactly the same, but these two articles on the Piapro knowledgebase list AV software as being a possible cause of an issue when starting up the software:
Voice library not installed
Crypton product manager not installed


Apr 9, 2018
It looks like Avast tested the file and decided it was okay, because it stopped harassing me with pop-ups (lol) and seems to be working normally. I haven't done any extensive tuning or anything today, so I don't know if there are noticeable changes to crashes/tuning saving.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Wow, that's an amazingly quick turn-around time for a company to test a submitted exe and, I assume, update their online database of "ok" files or something!


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
This is only sort of related to this thread (only in that it sheds some light on how work at the company is being done), but apparently CFM has been in a state of company-wide telework for the past two months. Pres. Itoh mentioned it when thanking an unnamed fan(s) for sending the staff a huge shipment of snack items.

Per the hash tag, there were 5x as many snacks as pictured.



Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018

The goal for the next update to NT (so, β2) is to launch on 6/30.

The new voice recordings are slated to be done on 7/1, to be included in the July update.
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I meant to post this the other day, but I finally got to updating my copy of NT (and backing stuff up/running an antivirus scan...just because you never know). My AV didn't have/find any issue with the update. The updater and EULA are all in English now, too.
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
It could be the machine translation, but I find it basically impossible to tell what this means....

The only obvious thing Wat says is that there are apparently other staff members tuning NT. He seems to be waiting for them.

In the meantime, today he's planning/editing MEIKO & KAITO.

Does that mean MEIKO & KAITO's NT banks are next? Who knows. The next thing he says is that KAITO is the closest match to the color of Pokari. Though, I don't recall seeing KAITO (or, indeed, any guy synth) in the Pokari Sweat commercials, so this is fairly confusing.

His next Tweet goes further into left field. He says that he wouldn't have a "corona;" he's thinking about a collaboration between Rin & Len and some sort of "yellow sour drinking water."

I don't see what the bit about "corona" has to do with anything. But I guess Wat must do things other than just NT, maybe stuff related to collaborations? And he's thinking about a Rin/Len collaboration with some yellow sport water?

Or maybe he's upset because he doesn't have any more of his favorite Mexican beer? I don't know; I'm really lost....
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Aspiring Fan
May 19, 2020
lmao rin and len corona beer advertisement campaign

I think he might be taking a jab at the fact that Corona beer tastes bad (apparently, im guessing. Ive never drank it lmao)
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Long time lurker that owns an account
May 20, 2020
I personally translate with DeepL as I find the translations more.... accurate? (At least compared to other Japanese to English translators I know, It's really good with short paragraphs from what I've seen, haven't tried big paragraphs yet.) This is what I got when I tried translating the "yellow drink" tweet:

(If only it wasn't for Corona... I would have considered collaborating with a certain yellow sour drinking water and Linleng...)​

I think that's makes more scene? I hope that helps!


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I think that probably does make a lot more sense! I guess I can shelve the idea I was toying with for a "Buy Wat a Beer" Kickstarter.... :)
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Long time lurker that owns an account
May 20, 2020
Happy to help! (You could always start that Kickstarter you know... I'd be more than glad to back it up! :teto_lili:)


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018

The next NT update is scheduled for after 6 pm today (Japan time). The update will bring the DB size to about 1.8 GB.

The next software update is planned to be on July 9.

They plan to add additional functions to NT in the update at the end of July.


Apr 9, 2018

Can't use built in updater for this, have to first uninstall "NT Voice Library HATSUNE MIKU" AND "Piapro Studio NT" and then download the new installer from your Sonicwire account (MY PAGE > LICENSED PRODUCT > Under the Miku NT box art, click DL/LICENSE > Click the red button that says INSTALLER to download the new installer).
Here is the English help ticket about it: We have released the Miku NT Library | Piapro Studio Official Website

^ The Japanese version of this shows screenshots explaining how to uninstall programs in Windows (got to Settings), but it doesn't have them in English.


Apr 9, 2018
Stuff I noticed:
  • They brought the export as Vocaloid 3 & 4 file back. <--Edit: Apparently some people still do not have this button.
  • You don't draw a region on the empty track in order to draw notes anymore (pencil tool disabled), you just double click the track and THEN the pencil icon activates.
  • Going to Note > Vibrato Settings still crashes NT.

Future Updates:
  • They're adding a beta vibrato function on July 9th
  • Upgrading beta 2 voice bank to beta 3 voice bank, will accelerate the processing speed, add a "phoneme selection function (beta)", improve pitch curve-related features at the end of July
  • Minor updates as needed
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
I read the update was supposed to help her voice sound "better" or something (forget exactly what Wat said). Has anyone updated her and tested her out yet? :>

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