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Other Cryptonloid voicebank updates, collabs, & concert news (crypton_wat Twitter translations)


Apr 9, 2018

You must uninstall both "NT Voice Library HATSUNE MIKU" and "Piapro Studio NT" from Windows Settings before installing this new update from your Sonicwire catalogue (MY PAGE > LICENSED PRODUCT > DL/LICENSE > Red Installer button). Japanese instructions/screenshots: Miku NT ライブラリ を公開しました | Piapro Studio Official Website

Her voice is going from to, NT is going from to

(This is not a word-for-word translation of today's Sonicwire update as I am pressed for time, it is the gist.)

The update is for singing database beta 2 (last month on June 30th 初音ミクNTプロトタイプ版・音声データベース改善アップデートのお知らせ | SONICWIRE BLOG , they said this was going to be beta 3, looks like that has still not happened) and a software update.
- They updated the entire voice bank's tone and pronunciation
- Implemented a new function for how pitch curve and notes work together (see Piapro Studio NT の新機能について | Piapro Studio Official Website for screenshots), increased processing speed
- Optimized auto envelope and attack speed function
- Improved flaws / did minor updates

Notes on the new function which interlocks pitch curve and notes:
- When moving notes or changing their size, directly edited pitch curves are interlocked and can be moved together.
- Fixed issue where ppsf files containing vibrato crashed NT
- Vibrato track: Notes with vibrato not set won't display on the property bar.
- Adjusted behavior of the pitch curve of 'Sil' / 'Asp' notes (temporary fix)
- Increased processing speed a little
- Improved several flaws
When moving notes, changing note size, copying and pasting notes, copying tracks, pitch curves that were edited directly are interlocked.
When you change the note length from behind, the pitch curve is preserved at the beginning of the note.

Future update schedule:
- Adding EVEC to the voice database (phone selection) (end of August ~ somewhere between the first 10 days of September)
- Voice bank tone / phoneme improvement (as needed)
- Minor updates and flaw improvements (as needed)

They have continued working for the August 31st major release deadline, but now they are going to delay it. The new release date is planned for November 27th. Sorry for the trouble and thank you for understanding. The development team will continue to work on overall betterment/new feature implementation/quality improvement.

Her product listing updated to reflect the new date: HATSUNE MIKU NT(初音ミク NT) | SONICWIRE
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Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
They have continued working for the August 31st major release deadline, but now they are going to delay it. The new release date is planned for Novemeber 27th. Sorry for the trouble and thank you for understanding. The development team will continue to work on overall betterment/new feature implementation/quality improvement.
There was no way Crypton were going to be able to release the full version of Piapro NT by Miku's birthday, considering how many delays it's had in just the beta stage.


Apr 9, 2018
I swear, we are just getting EVEC and not Chinese/English... They've been working on Miku Original's phonemes for like 2 years and are STILL improving it. There is no way they're gonna suddenly pull our two additional languages in 2 months. Right? S:

Forgot to say that I love the new feature which locks pitch to the note.


Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
We all knew she wouldn’t be ready on time but wow the new date, she’s practically coming out in December. I’m wondering will they need even more time than that but are just going to try and rush it. Crypton really should learn from the past and take more time with these releases. This might have gone a lot smoother if they had just told fans from the beginning what was really going on. Still I hope they’re able to get Miku in shape since this is a very important release for them and that we don’t have to wait too long for her new design.


Apr 9, 2018
Okay, I actually like this update compared to the previous updates. (Shocking, I know). It has some useful and cool features and actually seems more "finished" than before, so I spent a bit of time messing with today's update more compared to the last one and felt happier with my purchase. I am kind of intimidated wondering how EVEC will be in NT, guess I will practice with Rin/Len's EVEC while waiting for that feature

But I am still having issues with the space bar playback (doesn't work half the time, especially after importing a song). I also had some issues where pressing play/stop would send the play bar all the way to the front of the song. (Rather that than crashing, I guess.)



Feb 27, 2019
I actually liked how flexible EVEC was when I played with the LukaV4X demo. She still had a lot of issues (mostly just not sounding enough like her original V2 unless you were REALLY crazy with EVEC and tuning) but I liked having that level of flexibility in one voicebank.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I'd actually be really happy if they gave all of NT's VBs access to EVEC (Not sure if that's even possible, but....). I mean, I haven't even gotten to try it yet since it isn't available on English VBs. At least not Miku's; can't remember if Luka's has it.


Vocal Synth Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2020
I'd actually be really happy if they gave all of NT's VBs access to EVEC (Not sure if that's even possible, but....). I mean, I haven't even gotten to try it yet since it isn't available on English VBs. At least not Miku's; can't remember if Luka's has it.
Luka's V4 ENG does not have EVEC.
As for my own thoughts on EVEC, I tried it a few months back and I couldn't tell the difference between the note before and after applying the EVEC on it(I think the actual term is "coloring the note" but I can't remember), so I personally didn't feel like it was worth the extra effort. I was using the Kagamines and Miku though, so maybe Luka's is different.


Official Piko Husband
Apr 17, 2018
JPN Luka had like nine EVECs iirc, so hers were even less distinguishable from each other lol

I hope they don't put a lot of emphasis on EVEC this time.
Sure, it is useful in niche cases and the more options the better. But it doesn't seem like it was worth all the effort that it seems they put into that
If any, I see it less useful nowadays if they release Cherry Pie


Jul 18, 2019
Apends > evec especially with xsy I found gumi v4 so much more useful than any evec functionality. I hope they offer more banks now that they don't have to pay licensing fees.
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Vocal Synth Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2020
Apends > evec especially with xsy I found gumi v4 so much more useful than any evec functionality. I hope they offer more banks now that they don't have to pay licensing fees.
My thoughts exactly. I wish they had done a better job with EVEC. It's concept is great, but it's execution is lacking.
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Miku-Oshi all the way
Jul 8, 2020
JPN Luka had like nine EVECs iirc, so hers were even less distinguishable from each other lol

I hope they don't put a lot of emphasis on EVEC this time.
Sure, it is useful in niche cases and the more options the better. But it doesn't seem like it was worth all the effort that it seems they put into that
If any, I see it less useful nowadays if they release Cherry Pie
I remember seeing a video where they showcased Lukas EVECS in the same song and, to me, they were pretty distinguishable.
I can't recall the song tho.


May 2, 2018
With Luka, it depends on the EVEC. Most voice colors are actually just a mildly altered version of the original voice. Given the flexibility of the engine, not really needed (especially with the quality issues). Luka had a few that used new source material though. Thus, EVEC could be used to create a new tone variation.


Apr 9, 2018
Why do I have the feeling that people are going to be slightly disappointed by the EVEC in NT thing... I feel like it's probably going to be the same or very similar to the current system. As in the same colors, maybe they would tweak how you assign the colors, since NT has a few "quality of life" changes for tuning with the interface.

This is my prediction: In addition to the current Original voice, Miku is for sure getting 2 extra voice banks based on the empty spaces on her Sonicwire page.

For her V4, she had Original, Soft, and Solid, and all 3 of those had EVEC for Power and Soft. Dark and Sweet didn't have EVEC.
For her V3, she had Original, Dark, Soft, Sweet, and Solid. Vivid and Light got added later.
For her V2, she had Original, and the appends were Sweet, Dark, Soft, (whisper vocals), and Light, Vivid, Solid (solid vocals).

So it seems that, based on Vocaloid Wiki articles, Miku is meant to have her Original voice and two other sides (soft/whispery voices and solid voices). So wouldn't it make sense that the remaining 2 vocals will probably be Soft (since that name appeared in every version of Miku so far) and some sort of Solid version?

Each EVEC voice for all characters was either Power or Soft. There was also a function for long/short breaths at the end of words. Luka, who had the most voice colors, had it divided by "soft", "normal", "powerful", and "special" sounds: Whisper, Husky, Power 1, Power 2, Cute, Falsetto, Soft, Native, and Dark. So doesn't this just make it seem more likely that the two remaining slots for Miku's voices are going to be soft and hard, and not English/Chinese?


Feb 27, 2019
Luka had so many EVECs that it was obvious that some of them were going to be too similar, but if you compare some of the more distinct ones (Power VS Falsetto VS Dark for example) There's a lot of power in being able to switch rapidly between them in a single voicebank. As long as NT keeps the EVECs limited to a small selection of genuinely distinct styles, I think it will be useful.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018

They're working on "DB strengthening" for Luka and Rin/Len this week and MEIKO/KAITO within the past two weeks, with work on Miku to resume again next week. It seems to imply that each of these are NT EVEC work...? Unless he's just taking about Miku still, that almost seems to say that NT is being developed for all the Cryptonloids simultaneously.... I wonder if the machine translation is really getting this right.... Of course, it could be that the other 'loids will come much further down the line and it just makes most sense to work on all their EVECs now for some reason. It's hard to know what this means exactly, assuming it's right.

The voice actors apparently are having some difficulty with KAITO, and Wat is saying he'll have to do his best to support them. This actually surprises me also, because 1) Does KAITO's VB depend on more than one voice actor? and 2) it sounds like KAITO is getting some new samples recorded also. Maybe, if he didn't have EVEC before, that makes sense.


Apr 9, 2018
1st tweet:
DB = Japanese way to say voice bank. They've been strengthening voice banks of everyone (Meiko was 2 weeks ago, Kaito was last week, Luka/Rin/Len is this week). Starting next week is Miku, and they will also being continuing to add to EVEC.

The 2nd tweet is a mistranslation.
It says that Wat has the feeling that he has to support Kaito --> Kaito and the voice actors (this is probably referring to Project Sekai) are facing one another (I can't think of a good English word, the Japanese word is oddly specific that means to be opposite/facing of each other or to stare seriously at each other without moving).
So the grammar is:
...Shikashi (but)... tonikaku (anyway), Kaito ga (Kaito is the doer of the verb) seiyuu-san-tach (the voice actors) to (with) hisshi ni (desperately) taiji-shite-iru no (facing off against) o (this marks facing off as the object of the next verb) zenryoku de (with all of (my) strength) engo-shite-agenai to (must support) to iu (quoting particle)... nan darou kono kankaku (I wonder what is this feeling)...
The comments are speculating parental love or Vocaloid voice vs human voice = rivalry.
I think it's just some weird game plot thing.
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