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Hatsune Miku


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Last edited:
(Forgot to reply to this thread because it was the longest. lol) I'm glad you guys & gals like it. I listened to "Dream to the Future" on Miku's 10th birthday and fell in love with it as well as with Agonasubi's illustrations. "Ballade", though I prefer the popular alternative title "Star Fragment", was the first Miku song that made me sweat out of my eyes. At least the full version which is featured on this album did. And it was somewhere back then that I decided that I have to try out composing songs too. Ironically, this random song was the only thing that I uploaded around her 10th anniversary.

Apropos Mooverse, that's a PS4 community by me which got its name derived from the closed SNS Miiverse. It currently has 55 members and we mostly talk about Miku, Project DIVA and video games there. Feel free to join!
We even have our own banner designed by @Thorn_Reed from Twitter.

Most of us have probably heard of it because I spam it everywhere, but if you didn't, please support my Snow Miku 2019 contest entry by bookmarking it on Piapro &/or tweeting it from there! It's title means "Snow Princess" in German which I have chosen to give it an exotic vybe and the color scheme was inspired by northern lights / aurora borealis and, of course, by what I associate with a cute and attractive princess. And did no one spot the EasterEgg on her head yet???
There are some designs that I like more than mine though.
Sudati's, for example.

Found this while watching Tokyo Jungle (Thanks @idoltrash69!):

Good for anyone with computer issues while producing.
Reminds me of Piapro Studio glitching when I work with cillia's VSQ files. That's someone who uses at least 3 vocal tracks with 4 parameters each.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
The boards are a little quiet at the moment, so I thought I'd share one of my favorite Miku tracks:

This is Resistance, a song by Tripshots. Tripshots has a number of good songs (I like most of the ones I've been able to hear.), but this one is possibly my favorite, depending on my mood, because it has the most drive. It's also something of a unicorn, because while it was released on an album (Another Dimensions), the album was sold at a Comiket (I believe.) and doesn't seem to be available anymore.

The PV on YouTube was done by xtokashx and is quite amazing, as well!


Apr 8, 2018
Check out the OP for hamano's selections for this week's featured content! "Traditional Japan" was the theme hamano wanted to convey with their selections. They're also very appropriate for the spring season!

Looks like we're already finished our first round of mikurating, because it'll be my turn again next week. This means that now is the time for you to request to be a Mikurator if you want to participate in the next round! So message me if you want to be a Mikurator! Any club member can be a Mikurator; all you have to do is request.

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