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SynthV Synthesizer V Discussion Thread


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I didn't get any crashes when I used 1.7.0, but I'm using an i7 gaming laptop so
But you are in fact not the only one, I've read several reports of constant crashing
Hmm… maybe it’s kinda like V5 in that there’s now so many features, it requires sturdier computers to run? If that’s the case, that’s kinda crummy. At least V5 had the decency to announce the needed specs beforehand. :kaito_lili: That said, I’ve been getting crashes with it too, and my laptop runs heavier programs just fine, so maybe it’s a case-by-case basis?
Sep 21, 2019
I don't use SynthV very much but from what I've gathered, this seems to be uh... quite the embarrassment for Dreamtonics. It makes me wonder what their QA process is or if there even is one at all. It saddens me to see because a lot of these features seems very cool but it feels like they're just trying to pump out new features for the sake of having new features before they've even fixed the old ones.
It seems like they need to/should have nightly/alpha/whatever builds available for people who want new features early and use the feedback from those people to fix the bugs before updating the main build.
Makes me glad I'm not a hardcore SynthV fan who's bought tons of voicebanks and stuff for it because if I were, I'd be very peeved right now as a user.:yohioloid_lili:

Hopefully they can fix their QA and communicate better with both their consumers and the developers/third-parties.


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
i think they would really benefit from some kinda opt-in beta/early release build for users of all kinds specifically try and test and give feedback for, seperate from the existing full release. cuz in this case its just "full release" and while you could just not click update.... its being put up like its expected to work as expected. honestly i find a lot of newer software in general doesnt really look to the community for feedback nearly as much as they should, when often times for such niche software the users often do want to keep giving that feedback and test all the upcoming things. (course, i do think they should have some pretty decent testing of their own bc it doesnt currently feel like it. but it really wouldnt hurt to make testing an open thing too). and sometimes when certain methods for giving feedback exist, it doesnt feel like its actually used by the companies. so i mean like, a proper submission form tried to a beta version of the updates.

as per the crashing topic: i had it crash a few times when trying to load the retakes. only twice, and i think i was just spam clicking it really fast which overwhelmed it- so, kind of expected lol.
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Miss Retrocore, at your service!
On one hand, open-source would give the community full power. Meanwhile, Dreamtonics deadass won't give glottal effects, installing a growl was the first thing I did after rolling back.
On the other hand, we spent so much money on it that releasing it for free so soon would be the final nail on the coffin for straight-up betrayal.


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
On one hand, open-source would give the community full power. Meanwhile, Dreamtonics deadass won't give glottal effects, installing a growl was the first thing I did after rolling back.
On the other hand, we spent so much money on it that releasing it for free so soon would be the final nail on the coffin for straight-up betrayal.
Ah, just to be clear, I wasn't suggesting the project go open source, I was joking about the release model used in open source projects.

I would like a modern open-source engine (and will happily die on the open source hill at any time), but I agree that it would be hard to make it right with consumers that already paid full price for a closed-source engine. Not impossible... but unlikely to be carried out correctly.

EDIT: And because I can't hold myself back from this topic ever, just to be clear in a general sense, open-source != free. A lot of open source projects are still paid software. But it does generally make it possible for users to compile the program for free, if they know how to compile things.


Aspiring Fan
Aug 23, 2021
This could just be my pro-FOSS bias speaking, but I think this whole shitshow situation should ultimately be seen as a lesson on the dangers of monopolies and "walled gardens". This all happened because one entity up at the top, the one with the most power, did something for their own benefit without caring about how it might effect those lower on the hierarchy. Now various users and third-party developers, who Synthesizer V really owes much of its success to, are having to deal with the fallout of an update that no one even seemed to ask for. And there's really nothing direct anyone outside of Dreamtonics can do about it. Users can try to complain loud enough, and third-parties can try to leverage some of their bargaining power to get DT to change things. But ultimately, the owners are the only ones who get any of the final say, and everyone else just kinda has to deal with it. Which is just the nature of proprietary software.

Remember, corporations are not your friends and you should always maintain some level of skepticism, if not outright mistrust towards every single one of them. Also open source is the future :)


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Ah, it seems AHS will start releasing beta versions of future major updates. At least one good thing came of this?
I do have to wonder how much damage has already been done though. Knowing patterns of the SynthV fandom, I'm willing to bet this will pacify a good chunk of people who were upset, but I've never seen anything come from SynthV that was so unanimously hated, which makes me wonder if fans will retain a more critical mindset towards it or not.

Whatever the case, I'm glad they're implementing betas in the future. That should avoid another catastrophe like this!


Jul 18, 2019
Same here I love Maki's new voice modes and I would hate to not have if I downgrade


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
Unsure if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but Saki's logo/color scheme has been changed.

The new icon is displayed on the store page:
Saki Voice Database - Dreamtonics Store

Indeed, the new image file is called 'SakiNew'.

I'll miss old tricolor Saki, but this brings her in line with the visuals and colors of the rest of the single-character vocals.

What I'd like to know now is if there's supposed to be a technical, functional, or thematic difference between vocals with one and two letters. Maybe it's just separating the "generations" of SynthV vocals from Dreamtonics.

EDIT: Sorry, I guess this is old news. It first popped up during the June AHS stream, which preceded the release of HDVM.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
I do think it's really nice that her AI now fits in with the other DT vocals! Although tbh I preferred her old style to the new letters, and wish they'd stuck with that instead. Ah well, c'est la vie. At least they match now!
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Probably an Artist, Probably a Praying Mantis
Apr 8, 2018
Same... I really want Natsuki Karin but a bit unsure about navigating AHS download store page and trying to buy as an overseas download buyer.


Jul 18, 2019
Same... I really want Natsuki Karin but a bit unsure about navigating AHS download store page and trying to buy as an overseas download buyer.
Would honestly buy Karin on dl site because she's on sale there and it's pretty easy to navigate.

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