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Unpopular Opinions


Oct 8, 2019
That's fair, I suppose. Just makes me sad, but I admit fully that I'm biased!
Also, unless I've done it wrong, I've swapped files in every way I could imagine (swapping only 1 or 2, all of them, renaming, not renaming, using a V3, V4, or V5, using a V4 trial, etc etc) and it has just never sang for me. Maybe it got patched out by the time I got around to trying? :(
Ah I totally get ya tho, I also have soft spot for all the V2 engloids.

And yup, you're right about it getting patched up :C at least for V5 for sure.


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
To be honest, Prima and Tonio weren't that great imo.

They sound nice but they didn''t make money, were too hard to use for most people, and don't work well in like. 90% of music.

(The JP fandom ranked Prima as harder to use than both Act1 and Sonika at the time.)

They also don't blend well with any voices besides each other (and mayyyyyyyyyybe Oliver/Avanna) imo.
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Jul 18, 2019
V1 English vocaloids were better than v2. I actually like v2 => v5 I think it fixes a lot of the problems. I wish Avannas male counter part came out. Also wish we got a better English bank for yohioloid instead of Japanese.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
V1 English vocaloids were better than v2. I actually like v2 => v5 I think it fixes a lot of the problems. I wish Avannas male counter part came out. Also wish we got a better English bank for yohioloid instead of Japanese.
I back that for Leon and Miriam, but Lola is a problem child who likes to mispronounce things, go silent on seemingly-normal phoneme combinations, and outright ignores a lot of the quick fixes that work well on Leon (such as a general small blanket of like 70 Noise bringing out his z's. You have to crank it up to like 90-100 in tiny spurts to get Lola to say them). The quality difference between Leon and Lola, for having been released at the same time, blows my mind. And of course, Miriam is just a queen no matter what. She doesn't even really need Noise like the other V1's I've used, she's just very nice and clear all around.

Agreed that V2s sound lovely in V5, except that I've only heard Miku, Piko, Tonio, and Al in it so that's not a great sample size.

Seconded that Hio's English bank is a little bit of a disappointment compared to Yohio's English singing. But I suppose breaking the language down to its bare phonemes will bring out pronunciation errors. It's also somewhat weak. I still love him though, I'mma still buy him...

@DefiantKitsune big agree that Prima is difficult to work with outside her intended use. In opera, she's gorgeous and almost ethereal. I definitely think Sonika is harder to work with, if only because getting understandable English out of her even within her intended genre, with a tone that doesn't grate on the ears, is really difficult, but that's just personal bias perhaps. Prima and Tonio also both have a strange thing where their aspirated and un-aspirated consonants appear to be switched, as well, so that the default [t s] etc combos sound quite choppy, whereas if you change it to [th s] (etc) it sounds natural. So if the user isn't the type to spend a couple hours fiddling exclusively with phonemes, the result won't be as intuitive to a native listener, most likely. PFX's banks don't appear to have this issue AFAIK (but I still hold to it that any English bank needs extensive phoneme editing. The language is just a pain that way :'> )
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Jul 18, 2019
I've only used Lola a couple of times and thought she was decent. I prefer her voice to Ann and sonika. I think she's a voice type we haven't had since so I might be putting up with her flaws since she's unique.

I think prima is a amazing voice bank but she does this weird Dynamics thing but that can be fixed with vocal riding she also shines on longer notes

V2 vocalisner demos sound better than anything coming out of the v3 plugin also it's a shame we never got a English version because Luka's English demo is still probably the best use age of her to date
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
I've only used Lola a couple of times and thought she was decent. I prefer her voice to Ann and sonika. I think she's a voice type we haven't had since so I might be putting up with her flaws since she's unique.
Oh absolutely, I adore Lola and think she's fun to work with. One of my favorites, and we badly need a similar voicetype. I just think she's one of the more frustrating banks to use. Not as bad as Sonika (although I think Ann is p easy) though LOL

EDIT: I HAVE ANOTHER OPINION but idk how popular or not it is

I will NEVER forgive Miki's V4 design for removing her robotic limb parts. I mean it's cute and all, but it being just flat white/grey is boring AND they removed the robotic aspects of her design? Unforgivable...
Last edited:


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I don't really like it when people translate Japanese song titles into English and then refer to them with the English titles. I can tolerate official translations (like those from the PD games or if the producer has provided a translated title in their upload), but I still prefer the original title. I just find it less confusing, and easier for people you talk to to understand when you refer to the original titles. Sometimes you don't even know what song someone is talking about, only to discover later that you know the song well but didn't recognise the English title. Unofficial translations are the worst in that sense (as the translated title may vary depending on the translator), and sometimes the Japanese titles just don't translate well in other languages.


Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I'm all over the place, it usually depends on what's in the title. Like I'll call Tsumiki no Ningyou by its japanese name, but "Butterfly and Flower and Spider" is how I remember the Hitoyama song.
If I can't remember a name, there's no easy way to fix it (I totally forgot the name of Nerve Impulse recently despite the title being in hiragana)
it can be confusing if a song has 3 official names though, or 2 official ones and a fan name (remember what happened with sand planet?)


kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I just tend to use the most popular name. When it comes to songs that aren't popular/have never been translated, I do tend to stick to the Japanese name (though if it's simple enough, I'll translate it myself if I'm uploading a cover of it while also still providing the original title in romaji).


New Fan
Dec 11, 2019
With the v3 to v5 English Vocaloids, I feel like only 4 of them can be used for heavier edm and rock music without being overpowered. I'm speaking about Dex, Luka Straight English, Cyber Songman and Gumi.

I almost want to count Cyber Diva, Daina, Macne Nana and Miku Eng v4, but they seem really too softish. I think they'll fit softer trance though.


Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Cyber songman can do ok with heavier EDM, but his voice is more on the gentle side and it's difficult to put him in genres like rock (unlike Cyber Diva)
Ruby has a pretty powerful tone, but she's also kinda tinny and nasally so your mileage varies I guess.

Unpopular opinion so we don't get derailed again: I dont think Ruby is just a knock-off Cyber Diva and shes actually kinda okay.

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