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I sent an inquiry to Yamaha asking about if using TuneLab is a violation of Vocaloid’s EULA. It seems like a really cool piece of software and I’d like to use it, but I don’t want to accidentally do something stupid. Cadencii was ok, so I’m assuming TuneLab will be too.
My intent was not to get it pulled. I just thought it would be good to ask the company cause the EULA doesn’t say anything about using third party adjuncts with the software. Also Cadencii has been around forever and never pulled, so I don’t think it would be a big issue.
@IO+ From what I’ve been reading about TuneLab isn’t like VocalShifter where you edit the rendered tracks, it’s a front end for the software and actually loads the voicebanks.
AddictiveCUL (Add)
AddictiveCUL (Add)
Well, Idk much, but I found those things here:


You can read the whole thread here:

My opinion:

Idk if it is bc Idk how it works necessarily, but from the covers I saw it really seems to import in some degree the voicebanks. You can clearly see the audiofiles of the imported voicebaank in display on TuneLab. so I guess it's a little bit dangerous to play with it for now.

About the Twitters being true or no Idk bc I didn't made a deep search, so believe in it or not by yourself.
AddictiveCUL (Add)
AddictiveCUL (Add)
Also, becareful when traveling through this user profile. He has some pretty good taste, ngl (And by good taste I mean men with boobs! XD)
Thinking about Kagamine NT.
My ideal Kagamine update pack would be like this:
Rin "Act3", Power, Sweet, Warm, "Dark"
Len "Act3", Power, Serious, Cold, "Light"
Rin Dark would be a serious-toned voice for Rin like Miku's Dark, with a bit of a Neru (fanloid) tone. Len Light would be a cute-toned voice like Miku Sweet that's like a boyish Lenka.
This would allow a producer to smoothly transition between the two characters in a song without too much contrast.
Just imagine, Rin Power > Rin Act 3 > Rin Sweet > Rin Warm > Rin Dark > Len Cold > Len Serious > Len Act 3 > Len Power > Len Light > Rin Power and repeat.
The Act3 voices (could just be called Native or Original+) would be their original tone from Act1 without that Power tone, but updated to the standards of Append. Yes I know Power is pretty much Act3 but aaaaaaaghhhhh.
This ideal pack makes no sense but I just really like the idea of them being a gradient to eachother, even if they kind of already are.
Had anyone beatboxed with miku? like made beat boxing in Piapro or Vocaloid in general? Or whistling?
I'm always curious about how people do various vocal embellishments, like the "uwaaa" in Rimokon or Una's throat-clearing sound in Kinoshita's "Erai Erai Erai." Or things like whispering.
Same here. I'd love to know how any of these non-lyric sounds are made. Miku's throat-clearing in Patchwork Staccato is another good example.

If anyone has info about this sort of thing, we should really put a resource together.
idk, I'm always asking about AI and gpt models about this stuff, I don't know how useful the advice is so far but I hope it gets in the ballpark.
Asking if anyone else tried and got anywhere with them as well, take for example spitting sound effect.
Note gain: low to maintain a natural and subtle effect
Consonant rate: Increasing it can emphasize consonant sounds, which might be useful for creating the spitting effect
attack speed: consider a slightly faster attack to simulate the suddenness of the effect
Lower dynamics can make the spit sound softer and more delicate.
Increasing breathiness can add a soft quality to the voice. Experiment with this parameter to achieve the desired level of breathiness for your spit sound.
Phonemnes to use: さつっくぷ
While I think it would be cool for people to be able to make vbs for discontinued software, it’s still illegal to do so.
@WyndReed I really don’t think it was necessary to reach out to Yamaha about what randoms on the internet are doing— they’re a massive company and can take care of themselves. They don’t need community members to defend their TOS for them.

Disregarding that though it was extremely dumb for these people to forget every basic rule of operational security and market their homebrew projects to the community as if they were products. If they had let this stuff remain “underground” as with other homebrew projects I honestly highly doubt there would have been issues, but presenting it in this form muddies the water from the perspective of a corporation. Unsurprising outcome and they definitely brought this upon themselves
the worst part of the crime was the name
I love Sora's voice too much its so perfect ;-; also i prefer vocaloids english phonemes probs cause I am so exposed to it lol this is a more rough tune and fixed pronunciation no harmonies yet cause ew.
Where do people find vsqx files? I'd love to look at some for learning purposes, but I'm not sure where the best place to find some is.
If anyone own a pairs of sony v6, 7506, cd900 you may already know that stock pads are the weak point of these headphones, these pads are 70s-80s design, very fragile, doesn't hold the shape that well, rather poor noise isolation, overall not good for a long sessions.
I always looking for better alternative aftermarket pads(even a knock-off from china) and end up with Yaxi stpad1 but these pairs cost like 50buck imo it's a little bit overpriced for a synthetic leather pad. The quality of the pads are similar to a stock pads from yamaha hph mt220 which is ok but if yaxi pads cost like 40, i think it's a fair price.

Although i was impressed by yaxi pads for their performance and comfortable, it's even more impressive to think that it can retain most of the signature sounds of these headphones, which is very very difficult to achieve by a aftermarket pads.
I keep the pads because they are the right spacing. If I want over ear headphones to minimize bleedthrough in the pads I use the OneOdio pair.
I still prefer stock pads but the overall cost for changing the pads every 3 months for over a decade is cost more than the headphones itself.

It's quite tedious to do so often, so i decided to switch to yaxi pads. I don't regret it though... Actually it more like a improvement for these headphones, especially the low bass.

I do love to modified my headphones, to improve them both sounds and artistic looking and i take my pride for it, but headphones pads is the last piece that i wanted to mod or change it. These replaceable pads have such a huge impact to the sounds that most people didn't realize and i take any decisions to change it seriously.

Although there is a better headphones out there like Beyerdynamics dt990 or yamhaha hph mt7-8 A technica m70, shure 840 etc, but these vintage sony headphones is still amazing.
not me spending 10 minutes manually fixing up the VoiceToMidi'd notes when i can just auto quantise them 🙃 well, ya live and ya learn
I've been using Miku Dark a lot recently, i have to say, i really like it very much. It's one of the voicebank that can put an example as a well excuited and well engineered voicebank available. Although, Miku Dark is not as sound dramatic like many voicebank that can express their feelings with an honestly (tonal) but her voice has it's own atmosphere.

A rough mix, almost the same file as Luka with slightly tweaking. I have very little problem while mixing her voice, almost instant result.

Best of all, she's sound soothing and moist.
There's something beautiful about hello kittys 50th anniversary and Vocaloids 20th being in the same year
oh no.. did something happen? i tried downloading the lite version of synthv for another pc and i found the linux version wasn't listed on the site. i can still download the pro version, and a lite install i have somewhere else says the last build was april 4. which doesn't seem that long ago, so i'm not sure.

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I don't use SynthV so I apologize for any mistake.. maybe they only support the linux paid version now? I tried to check their official forum page, but is not loading..
on some ubuntu forum, I found they say it works also using Wine and the windows setup. and I found mirror links of the january build of basic version: :gumi_lili:
(I tried checking archive.org too, but nothing)

Wine download (I recommend the latest development version 9.9)
out of curiosity i decided to download the windows basic to try with wine. i give my email for the download link and it turns out an "ubuntu" version, with windows and macos are all linked inside of the email. idk, maybe i just came around at a weird time with the forum down and all of it. so you can still get the linux version, just choose "windows" and the link is in the email under "ubuntu." it'll work on any distro, i'm on fedora.
i also tried the windows version in bottles with the soda runner, works great that way too! :maki_lili: :tsurumaki_lili:

i have an aversion to registering too many times cuz i had to go to customer service to reset my registrations before.. lol. when i decide to register my pro key, i might actually use the windows version anyway since they don't have the vst plugin available on the linux version. i was recently gifted solaria, i gotta use her! :solaria_ani_lili:

also thanks for taking the time to look into it miku. :miku_lili: wine is always the last resort for me. apparently people have been having trouble with vocaloid6, and info on vocal synths in wine is pretty hard to come by in linux land 😅 which is a little weird to me.. because linux has a very healthy audio production community.