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  • Me: "Ugh, I have one more section of that Man of 256 Faces VPR to finish, but I just can't do it. I'm all VPR'd out. I'm only human, I have limits."

    Also me: *just finished making a VPR for a Portuguese cover of Assassin Princess in a single five-hour sitting*
    This is equal parts a humble brag and a frustrated rant. To be fair, 256 Faces is five minutes long and 50% Talkloid, and THAT'S what's got me so damn burned out on it. I just need to power through. Five more lines of Talkloid, and it's over.
    "I'm gonna give Solaria a gun"

    Patuk, 2021
    Phew! First vaccine out of the way. My stepmom, an X-ray technician with a passion for all things medical, gave me no shortage of advice: take pain medicine 30 minutes before going in, don’t stop moving your arm, lay down at the first sign of dizziness, keep your feet elevated, etc. So far so good! My arm’s getting a bit cold, and I can tell it’ll be sore as all hell once the medicine wears off, so I’ll have to be diligent about taking more. But I’m so happy I finally did it!
    Also good job on getting the vaccine! :akasakiminato_lili:
    after my first shot i had no side effects, but the second one hit me so bad i had to go home from work and sleep all day. i wish i had these tips when i got mine :yohioloid_lili:
    its the second one that hit me hard too, not the first one- i did stretch/massage my shot arm and took some medication for the pain and it seemed to help too! but nothing stopped me from being knocked out for a day lol. glad you got your shot!!
    At long, long last, you don't have to book COVID vaccination appointments in my town by phone. I, who has severe phone anxiety, have thus booked my first round of Pfizer for tomorrow morning! Wish me luck!
    Since we did a lot of the promotional material for the event, the mayor gave our entire Print team VIP passes to tonight's fireworks display! Free food, free drinks, free booze. I gave mine to our Print manager to bring a friend because I plan to spend the evening keeping my cats from panicking, but still, it's a huge honor. (VIP passes can't be bought; you only get them for being a direct Gold Sponsor or higher. That's like a $5,000 donation.)
    Y'all know me. Y'all know I stan Haiyi. Y'all know I would literally kill forty men to protect her and defend her honor.

    Minus beats her in terms of quality. Minus is, without a doubt, Quadimension's single most HQ piece of software, and the best vocal any generation of SynthesizerV has seen. I'm of firm belief that Haiyi is right behind her and one of the most HQ vocals on SVS, but Minus is 100% perfect and unbeat. Holy crap.
    I've finally found the willpower to start cooking from scratch, as I threatened to start doing once I got my own kitchen. Tonight I made vegan butter and I'm about to make a vegan parmesan topping; tomorrow I hope to put that butter and parmesan to use and make some delicious breadsticks!

    Ah, it feels so good~ the oven at my mom's didn't work and she didn't like when I used the air fryer past a certain time, so I either had to snack or eat out a lot. I'm so happy to have a fully functioning kitchen!
    im so happy for you!!! :D because of my living conditions as a kid i essentially never eat homecooked meals, just snacks, frozen dinners and fast food. i cannot wait to live alone and actually...cook food, and eat real meals outside of restaurants.
    i want to come over for your vegan breadsticks :zunko_smile_lili: :tohukozunko_smile_lili:
    Mmm...bread sticks sound good....!
    The vegan parmesan went fairly well! There were still cashews that hadn't been ground, so by the time I got them all crushed up appropriately, the very bottom was less parmesan and more a chunky cashew butter with all kinds of spices. (Which doesn't sound entirely off-putting, actually.) It's just a matter of getting experience!
    I had a few wins today: I gathered up all of my trash, got my mail, learned how to use the ancient oven in my kitchen that hasn't been upgraded since this complex opened some 50 years ago, made and ate a hot meal from home, and then ordered an enamel pin of the Slovak flag in hopes of opening up more conversations about it. (This is something I've been passionate about for a while now; when I say my girlfriend is from Slovakia, the #1 response I get is "Where's that?". Slovakia's a beautiful country and Slovak is a beautiful language and I want more people to know about them! But I digress.)

    I'm hoping and praying the weekend treats me more kindly. I'm one more bad day away from a breaking point, and the more breaking points I reach the faster and faster I'll deteriorate. I can't afford that. My life's just getting started. I finally cooked. I wanna know simple happiness like this forever.
    This day hasn't been... too terribly great, but, as I'd hoped, I zoomed through the cover I'm working on! I slapped a decent mix on it and I'm gonna have Patuk take a listen when she can, but honestly? I'm super proud of it. It's turning out even better than I'd hoped! Except for the harshes. Finding a good balance there has been difficult.

    Still, I'm happy that I've managed to produce something I'm proud of in record time! I hope I do Utsu P proud.

    I'm... not gonna lie, I'm in a worse place mentally than I've been all year. Customers have been horrible. One tonight made me redo her order three times (after the second, she said it was great, thanked me, then went right to my manager to complain), and when I finally handed her her finished order (twenty minutes past closing) and thanked her for her patience, she told me to jump off a bridge. I didn't even feel anything when she said it. I told her I just might. She smiled and walked away. I did something stupid I haven't done in years upon years and now I just have to hope I don't run into either of my parents until I'm all healed up, unless I can pass it off as an unfortunate run-in with a jagged pallet edge (which, in my defense, has happened before - I have a bit of a reputation for clumsiness at work). Combine that with the myriad of posts on my Facebook talking about the record heatwaves all across the world and how the only way to save the Earth is to commit mass suicide before we can make it worse, and I just... God, I dunno. It's been a rough, rough night, and I've already been struggling for a few weeks now. I'm just praying this is my temporary rock bottom so I can only go up from here.

    All that bullshit to say: this is a really minor thing, maybe, but on a night like this? I'll take any win I can get. I'm just so freaking happy.
    Ah, working in Utau might be just what I need for my burnout. This is a fairly difficult cover, and I'm using a challenging VB that I've only ever touched once before (and I used his lows and mids while I'm using his highs here), so I'm having to really use my head to make it all flow in an editor I use once every few months max. And y'know what? I'm having a lot of fun!

    I'm hoping this is one of those I just blow through. This is a cover I've wanted to do for a VERY long time, but given its unfortunate name I wanted to at least wait a bit. Now it's time, and I'm gonna make the most of it.
    The good news: I'm finally back on a roll and I'm cranking out a UST for a song I've wanted to cover for a long, long time! (It has a rather... unfortunate name, given recent events, but I think it's safe now.)

    The bad news: it's 2AM and I have to be at work in ten hours. I'm not getting to sleep in the next several hours unless I just start slamming some vodka, which I'd rather not do.

    Ah well. I wanted productivity and I'm getting it, for better or for worse. I'd rather get myself hurt doing something productive than be twiddling my thumbs and wasting oxygen in perfect health!
    I'm still not entirely sure WHAT kicked it off, but I've been on a VeggieTales kick for a few days now. I figured that Yuki cover would help me get it out of my system, but now my head is just playing a constant loop of "COMPASSION AND MERCY! FROM ME TO YOU AND YOU TO ME! EXACTLY WHAT GOD WANTS TO SEE! AND YES! THAT! IS! The POINT!".

    God, if instrumentals were more accessible and Big Idea wasn't so protective of their content, imagine all the covers I could do! The SUV Song with Cyva and Cyman, Dance of the Cucumber with Bruno and Tonio...
    One of my few memories from kindergarten involve my babysitter at the time picking me up early for a "doctor's appointment" and then taking me to the $1 theater (which is now the $7 theater) to get a huge tub of buttery popcorn and watch Jonah. Ebony, if ever you read this, you were the coolest babysitter ever.
    A confession: I haven’t done laundry since I moved. I’ve washed a few necessities in the bathtub and then hung them up in front of a fan to dry, but laundry is the single most exhausting chore for me, and I just haven’t been able to talk myself into doing it. So I took advantage of the fact that my mom’s away for the weekend and decided to do my laundry at her house! Saves me a few bucks, and I don’t have to keep a constant eye on it so my neighbors don’t remove my clothes as soon as the washer stops.

    I got here at around 8PM. It’s now nearly 2AM. My last load is still in the dryer. My cats are gonna be pissed.

    Well, I suppose this is a valuable lesson in not letting laundry build up for nearly two months! I’ll try doing it when my mom’s away at the very least. Gives me less to worry about.
    Welp, only took nearly six hours, but it’s all clean, dry, sorted, and hung! Now just to haul it all back home and try not to do this again.
    Holy shit, I didn't think I'd run into so many copyright issues with a fucking VEGGIETALES song. Even now, I'm not entirely sure if Facebook really did restore the audio or if the message is just gone, because no matter what I'll be able to hear everything...

    Whatever the case! Hopefully the audio IS restored, because I did this in under an hour and I'm quite proud of it. Like... I might post it to my YouTube. Assuming I don't run into copyright hell there too.

    In a fit of hysteric nostalgia, I'm making Yuki sing a song from VeggieTales. I don't do Engrish too terribly often, which is complicated by the fact that she strongly disbelieves in any and all vowel connections, but honestly? It's... it's going a LOT better than I expected for it to.

    I could, in theory, use Oliver and achieve a similarly childish tone without worrying about Engrish, but Yuki's a dead-ringer for the original vocal, and dammit she sounds precious.
    I approached today with optimism. All I get are crushed dreams and my first suicidal episode of June. I wasn’t expecting so many customers to be outright ANGRY today; it’s Friday! Weekend incoming! Yay! Please don't tell me my lack of skills makes me a glorified sweat shop worker, I already know that!

    I’ll try throwing myself into my latest project when I get home and not let myself think about anything else. Unless God wills it otherwise, I just gotta survive. Easy enough, right?
    Ooh, ouch. I'm really sorry you had such a bad day! :sad:

    When I read your post, I immediately thought of this Ted Talk that I saw a little while back. Please consider giving it a look; it's something like 10-15 minutes long, and the guy makes some points that I think directly deal with not only how/why your customers act the way they do, but also how it makes you feel. He's also really funny!

    It might not be a silver bullet, but I hope it helps. Do something fun this evening and feel better!
    Peaches! I'm so sorry to hear that you had a bad day, I will obliterate these angry customers for you.
    Customers suck ass but there are so many people on this planet who love you (like me!) I hope that this weekend treats you better. You deserve to have a nice weekend. Take care of yourself, we're always here for you! <3 <3
    We're nearly done with Pride Month and I haven't gone on a ramble about my childhood favorite video game character being canonically bisexual as of 2020. I'm a sham.

    Anyway! My childhood favorite video game character was revealed to be canonically bisexual last year and I'm still not over it.

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    I've gotta say, seeing how the inclusion of same-sex marriage was handled in the East vs. the West was fucking amazing. In Eastern releases, they do their absolute best to make the same-sex relationships seem more distant and platonic than opposite-sex ones, calling it literally everything except "love", "dating", and "marriage". The Western releases?

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    Maki's English Talk bank is so freaking GOOD. I've had like... two areas where I've wished I could change her phonemes? And this is after making her narrate an entire short story.

    Maki is the one good thing about CeVIO AI, God bless
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