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SynthV Synthesizer V Discussion Thread

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
The name is definitely a wildcard after all the "normal" names we've had for the letter VBs so far. It's also cool to see a VB with an English accent that isn't American or British. (The VP is Australian). I'm definitely hoping he can pull off lighter metal genres too.


Aspiring Fan
Dec 25, 2022
Idk why they named him the same as his voice provider, that is just going to cause confusion.
Anyway he's kinda... meh. Not terrible but I don't like him. And that's all I'm gonna say on him and DT in general today, cause otherwise I would be at the risk of sounding like a party pooper, and I really don't wanna rain on everyone's parade in this thread.


cherish chika
Mar 25, 2018
Oh he's Australian 👀 That explains a lot, but is super exciting. I've been dying for more non-American English commercial voices for years since they kind of stopped happening. But I'd like to see some more demos, especially since they mention soul as a genre. I'd like to hear that.

I also love how keen people's eyes are. I've seen the possible automation feature pointed out (at 1:40-ish, you can see the Tone Shift parameter starts moving over in the panel on the right).

(I didn't realise how familiar he was until I saw Last Window listed. Ninezero was a motion capture model for that game.)


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I do like that we finally get a rock and slightly 'metal' focused voice, that's exciting and all I ever wanted! I just.. don't like his tone at all.
I’m with you there. I’m not gonna write him off, because he’s exactly what I love to see: a unique SynthV vocal! A mature masculine vocal! I just personally don’t… like his tone. Our playlist at work is comprised largely of pre-2010 hits, and he sounds almost like a caricature of the late 90s/early 2000s pop and pop-punk singers I spend eight hours a day listening to. 😭

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
If there's one other issue I can hear with Ninezero so far (aside from people not liking his tone), he sounds like he's constantly shouting in the demo. Of course, Dreamtonics almost always posts terrible demos that undersell their VBs, so it could be a case of poor internal usage. But he's definitely a voice that would greatly benefit from a Soft or Whisper VB.

aru ii

Your Neighborhood Tianyi Enthusiast!
Feb 12, 2021
Tbh after asterian I thought that a good mature male vocal type isn’t really possible on sv, bc asterian was just not giving anything, but 9 0 really proved me wrong, love how he sounds which is super rare for me bc I don’t usually like these kids of voices. Also, is he a part of SynthV gold or not?


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
before knowing anything about why he was named that way i just found it so hilarious after all the theorizing of "what basic white boy name will he get". but i cant hate it entirely when its just the VP's name.... still probably the most wild set of initials for any DT bank so far thanks to it. i dont know anything about the VP or his music so i have no prior opinion.

i always feel like DT's demos have been lackluster in comparison to what the community can do but i can see its also just basic notes + his instant tuning with no/minimal tweaking which i think makes sense to do and its inherently a bad demo (i mostly like the end of that song). i also see he only has 3 vocal modes which makes me think he won't have....that much flexibility? but its hard to say if the way he sounds if more due to the mode its mostly on (Overdrive). my one concern about his voice is theres many parts where the enunciation just isnt varied enough for his incredibly specific sound but theres a few parts in the demo using the Retakes feature that make it sound like he may benefit from it more than other voices? will have to wait and see. really couldve used a more extensive overview of this voice imo, showing off how to use such a unique bank....wonder if theyll show any more before release.
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kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Was gonna make a status on this but I guess it's better off mentioning in the actual thread, but apparently NineZero (the VP) is an antivaxxer and cryptobro. Saw mentions of it on twitter but it was hard finding a source since nobody... actually posted any, so I had to do some digging myself.

The answer is in his likes: went through them about a year back, so here are some examples for anyone else who wanted to see proof like I did (unrelated but why does he like every single tweet he ever posts himself. Mad annoying):

With the vocal sharing its name with its voice provider, usage would be spreading that name around and giving more attention to someone like this. I think it'd be good to be informed before making a decision.


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
Was gonna make a status on this but I guess it's better off mentioning in the actual thread, but apparently NineZero (the VP) is an antivaxxer and cryptobro. Saw mentions of it on twitter but it was hard finding a source since nobody... actually posted any, so I had to do some digging myself.
i was hearing about this too but was having trouble finding information about it so thanks for digging that up!


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
I think it's very odd choice to go with his very specific alias for a non-golden vb ( afaik ) and not name the vb Craig or Andrew or something, but maybe it was at the request of the voicer? idk
I was thinking it's probably because the voicer would still benefit from his name being attached to the product, but he definetly isn't at a level of recognizability that they seem to be going for with the gold series.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Was gonna make a status on this but I guess it's better off mentioning in the actual thread, but apparently NineZero (the VP) is an antivaxxer and cryptobro. Saw mentions of it on twitter but it was hard finding a source since nobody... actually posted any, so I had to do some digging myself.

The answer is in his likes: went through them about a year back, so here are some examples for anyone else who wanted to see proof like I did (unrelated but why does he like every single tweet he ever posts himself. Mad annoying):

With the vocal sharing its name with its voice provider, usage would be spreading that name around and giving more attention to someone like this. I think it'd be good to be informed before making a decision.
This is disappointing. But it’s good to know! Thank you for digging this up. I’m now done following this vocal. 😆


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
I'm super disappointed. I was really excited for the prospect of this vocal if not solely for the raw potential of making silly things, (there were gonna be issues with it-- but it could've been a useful tool) so it's disappointing to keep seeing SHTF at Dreamtonics. I wish they'd say anything to their community at all outside of product announcements.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I'm personally of the opinion that VBs should be divorced from VPs (I mean, people still like SeeU and Yohioloid despite the controversies surrounding their VPs), but I still appreciate that info coming to light. Dreamtonics is definitely one of those companies that aren't deeply into ethics, despite what the rest of the vocal synth community might think on issues like this.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I'm personally of the opinion that VBs should be divorced from VPs (I mean, people still like SeeU and Yohioloid despite the controversies surrounding their VPs), but I still appreciate that info coming to light. Dreamtonics is definitely one of those companies that aren't deeply into ethics, despite what the rest of the vocal synth community might think on issues like this.
I normally agree, except in cases where said VBs are meant to be more direct representations of their VPs (Hio, Sachiko, Fukase, Nemu, Kafu and friends, etc). In those instances, I think it’s perfectly reasonable for people to not divorce the two; even when those vocals have a character avatar, it’s still a caricature of the vocalist rather than a separate entity. That’s why so many people familiar with his VP’s white supremacy rants are uncomfortable using Hio, for example, and why I now feel uncomfortable supporting NineZero knowing some of his personal stances. That divorce is much, much easier in the case of character vocals. It’s a tricky topic to tread!

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