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SynthV Synthesizer V Discussion Thread

Ryleigh Goldner

Prime Minister of South Zenith
Feb 25, 2023
Bangkok, Thailand
If I had to pick one...
Screw it, I can't pick one, and I don't know how I feel about these voicebanks (my initial pick was going to be Eri, but after hearing these some more, I can't decide)
Hayden and Eri are the most radio-friendly-sounding ones, even more than Saki, I think
Glad to finally hear the first Cantonese voicebank, though
(Above is a copy-and-paste from another thread related to Hayden, Eri, Sheena, and Wei Shu. If it's redundant and unnecessary, I'll take it down)

Now that I've thought about it more, I'd pick Hayden—he sounds like a male singer who would be featured in mainstream EDM/electronic tracks from the early and late 2010s (it's not a bad thing), and he'd probably sound all the more fitting for it with some phoneme, vocal mode, and gender parameter editing

Here are a few examples of what I was thinking:

Cartoon - On & On feat. Daniel Levi (this was the first one that came to mind when I heard him)

Avicii - Wake Me Up (vocals by Aloe Blacc) (this one is a stretch because Aloe Blacc sounds nothing like Hayden and vice versa. It's just nostalgic for me)

Although I'd probably use Hayden for VOCALOUD/VOCALEAMO songs, haha


My second pick would be Eri—she sounds even more mainstream than Mai and Saki. When I heard her rapping, I immediately thought of these for no reason at all:

TeddyLoid - ME!ME!ME! feat. Daoko (original video is extremely NSFW so I can't link it here):

DECO*27 - Izon Kouro (依存香炉) feat. Hatsune Miku (TeddyLoid also worked on this)


No comment regarding Sheena and Wei Shu. Would probably need to hear some covers and originals (not from Dreamtonics) before I can judge




スクリーンショット 2023-10-04 123001.png



I'm still wondering about this, by the way
Also, I noticed Hayden's vocal modes are the only ones shown/visible
I don't know what's up with that

Is 'On & On' even an EDM track?

Added 'electronic'
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Ryleigh Goldner

Prime Minister of South Zenith
Feb 25, 2023
Bangkok, Thailand
frimomen is coming to synthV?!?!?!?!?!?!
Oh my God, it's finally comingggggggggggggggggggggggggg!?!!?!?!?!?!?????!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?
They don't know how long I've waited for this


There are some people saying SynthV Frimomen might be the first male Japanese-made SynthV AI voicebank with a mascot
That's interesting

Added 'AI' since GENBU was the first male Japanese SynthV voicebank with a mascot
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
I liked the jokes and teasing about a Frimomen SV bank back around Teto's release, but I was half expecting they wouldn't go through with it. This was a pleasant surprise to see today! I cannot wait. I don't even care much about talk banks, and I'll definitely be buying his SV 😂


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
wanted to share a screen shot to compare how the new feedback feature for retakes works. i used it a bit in beta so i already gave it data, but its still not a ton. however i hear the changes a lot, and i think its great. this lets you control some issues and it also give you your own original tuning basically. which is great

old generated tuning:



AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
I don't know if anyone mentioned it, but the new 4 DT banks have released + the kids have now come to the DT store! With a disclaimer that the kids were voiced by actual kids, so, y'know, maybe be a little mindful of what you have them sing about

...Also?? POPY/ROSE SynthV is gonna be a thing!


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