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SynthV Synthesizer V Discussion Thread


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
SOO unexpected hdgdgc, she sounds amazing though! (it's kind of ironical the official Gumi account complained about v6 lacking editing options and then they moved her to another engine few months later orz). She's also very affordable for a new vocal:gumi_lili:

Surely they were already working on her when they made that tweet too 💀💀


Official Piko Husband
Apr 17, 2018
MEGPOID sounds somewhat less powerful than on VOCALOID, I think. At least based on those demos.
But damn she sounds great! Remarkably real and very similar to her VOCALOID as well as her voice provider at the same time. Impressive.

I really hate this phrase, but we can already say that VOCALOID is dead? what exclusive voices does it have left? lol.


Passionate Fan
Apr 13, 2018
OHHH she sounds absolutely amazing 😭 this is everything I ever wanted and I’m here for the multiplat era of singing synths. I cannottttt wait for her release and to hear more of her! I hope her Vivid vocal mode can match the energy of her V3/V4 Power bank along with the tension parameter and such

Surely they were already working on her when they made that tweet too 💀💀
Most likely tbh, but I also like to think that after VX-β being announced without supporting any of the existing V6 was what really made them commit to the SynthV bank cause they did her so dirty 😭

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
SynthV Gumi sounds like what might have happened if she had a Vivid append on Vocaloid, and I do mean that in a good way. It might not be quite as powerful as her Vocaloid VBs, but it does sound a lot brighter. Gumi translates really well to the SynthV engine.

It also makes you wonder if Internet might be planning future ports of their other Vocaloid banks. I know they've made references to Gakupo in the past, and I'd be down for a Lily revival.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
MEGPOID sounds somewhat less powerful than on VOCALOID, I think. At least based on those demos.
But damn she sounds great! Remarkably real and very similar to her VOCALOID as well as her voice provider at the same time. Impressive.

I really hate this phrase, but we can already say that VOCALOID is dead? what exclusive voices does it have left? lol.
Possible she'll have a powerful vocal mode?
(I haven't had a chance to read the detailed news stuff, disregard if her VMs have been announced and there isn't one a;ljkdf)


Passionate Fan
Apr 13, 2018
OHHHHHHHHHHHH my god 😭 Miki Furukawa had hinted about it some months back but I’m SO glad it’s officially confirmed now!!!! miki is one of my favourite Vocaloids EVER so I’m beyond excited to hear her!!! Happy for Kiyoteru as well!!!

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