This is only happening with the Song banks, too... IA and ONE's Talk AI banks are out, so it's just all the Song ones that are getting delayed. Only Yukari and Kiritan released, but Yukari apparently is buggy and Kiritan is more or less just a NEUTRINO port.
I definitely think it's something on Techno Speech's end, but it's just so weird. No further speculation from me though, just a quick observation that the talk banks seem to be unaffected.
(Kind of unrelated, but I've seen people express disappointment that a lot of new synths these days are split between CeVIO and Synth V and would rather them all be CeVIO since it already has speech and singing capability, but uh... with the way CeVIO's song stuff is working out I don't really blame the companies for going to Synth V instead orz)