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Other Cryptonloid voicebank updates, collabs, & concert news (crypton_wat Twitter translations)


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Since we’re on the subject of Wat and the VB’s he posted this uhh “interesting” tweet a few days ago Apparently this is the TL and deepL seems to match up with it a bit but of course if there’s anyone who can provide us a better or more accurate TL it’s appreciated. Either way looking forward to seeing what he’s talking about, Kaito NT?
I notice a bit of discussion about this over here. I think @Blue Of Mind made a reasonable guess:
I think Wat wants to make Kaito NT sound more smoother and "sultry" compared to previous Vocaloid versions?
When I heard about it, what occurred to me is that, at least in English, the word "sexy" has been appropriated into a bunch of other things, even if they're not sexual in nature. Cars can be sexy. Parts of music or songs as a whole can be sexy. Sexy has come to mean basically anything of unexpected and uncommon quality. Although the thing seems to need a certain "cool" or "rare" factor to be called "sexy," too--like it has to be cool itself, or in some way exclusive. For example, I doubt anyone has called a great house "sexy," but they would refer to an appealingly-designed automobile as such. Some linguist or sociologist who's given it more thought could probably explain it better.

Anyway, that ramble aside, I think Kaito's voice could be described in either context--either a desire for it to be more sultry, or simply become more sexy in the "awesome" sense.

Or, you know, people have had various issues with Kaito's voice, comparing it to bagpipes or other things. Fixing those things would seem to automatically make it more sexy/maybe erotic in the traditional sense. Though I'm sure there are any number of people who like Kaito's voice as it is.


Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
The first thing that came to my mind was Canterella honestly especially if it’s a song Miku and Kaito will do together. I always felt kaito sounded a bit flat in that song, grace addition was better but I don’t like it personally. So if it’s something like that I can see what Wat means Kaito has a nice voice but he’s unable to do some of the things his counterparts can do and often can just sound very flat. I mean you got Len singing sacred spear meanwhile Kaito doesn’t do well in a song like that so I could see him wanting to give Kaito producers more options (please stop using Len for those songs I beg he just doesn’t sound right lol)
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vocal synth weirdo
Nov 2, 2020
Kaito V3 was my first Vocaloid ever many years ago, and I bought him when he came out because I loved his V1 so much, but I also wanted to use him on the newest tech and English support sounded cool. However to this day, he is probably the one voicebank I have used the least, and thats because his V3 voice is just so so weird. Naoto Fuuga has an amazing voice, and Kaito V1 captures it well, he has a smoky masculine voice with a rough edge to it, and the engine noise from V1 actually kind of adds to it a little. But his V3 has this weird "squishy" texture in his vowels, and it's extremely apparent in his Straight and English voicebanks. He sounds really compressed, nasally, and weak, and I wondered for years if it was because of the Vocaloid engine processing his voice weirdly. BUT APPARENTLY, someone has recently extracted his raw V3 samples and his recordings really just sound like that.. V3 Soft is his nicest V3 vb imo, but other than that, I really hope that KAITO NT when finished sounds less like V3 and more like V1.

I kind of have the same opinion about Luka V4x vs V2, but not as much because her V4 is still more or less usable, and there are some great usages out there.
I think Meiko V3 is the only one of the three who still sounds like herself after all these years.
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Apr 9, 2018

Wat literally says he wants to make Kaito sing an erotic/sensual/sultry song. The word used is EROi, which is the i-adjective version of the loanword noun "erotic". I know that people had been talking about Google translating nuru-nuru as a slimy voice, but it is "smooth" voice in this context.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
If Kaito's DB update makes him better able to pull off a song like that while keeping his essential character, I'd really be interested in seeing it/trying it out. :kaito2_move:

If someone does create said erotic song, it'd be a first-rate in-joke to make some reference to saying slimy stuff or something. It'd be hilarious to anyone who's been following along with Wat/the dev work.
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Hardcore Fan
Apr 11, 2018
I already imagine someone making him cover this kind of songs :

(or others that i won't post here for obvious reasons as it's already well... obvious lol )
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Miku NT update scheduled for tomorrow
This update apparently adds a new VoiceColor "Double" pronunciation system, which can be used to cause a vowel to be repeated twice quickly.

I wonder where you would use something like that? :rune_lili: Maybe for flashier trilling interjection-type stuff? Probably people with more experience than me could think of some really appropriate or more creative uses for it.


Apr 9, 2018
I'm not sure if this has been discussed already, but I noticed they added videos to the voice function section of Miku NT's product page:

All 5 of the videos are uploaded to a YouTube channel called CFM_Onsei (onsei/音声 means "voice" in 音声合成/onsei gousei/vocal synthesis):
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
The blog post on this latest post from Wat seems to include instructions for what to do if you happen to run out of installation copies while updating NT. There also seems to be a page with updates included in this version.



Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Haha my copy deactivated and now it won't activate, Miku NT is the best Synth!
Mm, could be those instructions included in that last tweet might help? I'd imagine they probably made that post because a number of people must be having a similar issue.

The blog post on this latest post from Wat seems to include instructions for what to do if you happen to run out of installation copies while updating NT. There also seems to be a page with updates included in this version.



Aspiring Fan
Apr 19, 2019
Mm, could be those instructions included in that last tweet might help? I'd imagine they probably made that post because a number of people must be having a similar issue.
LOL I had that issue as well, the problem is the prompt where you're supposed to enter your email and password just doesn't come up, and the only other option is to quit the program. I'm just gonna let my computer chill for a week and I'm sure it'll sort itself out.


Apr 9, 2018
Haha my copy deactivated and now it won't activate, Miku NT is the best Synth!
Can you try to do this guide and see if it makes the login prompt pop-up again? If not, try uninstalling both Piapro Studio NT and NT Voice Library HATSUNE MIKU Original. The current version of Piapro studio is (DEC 23) and can be checked at Help > About Piapro Studio. You can also click Help > NT Voice Library Activation to get a popup that says "All installed NT Voice Libraries has been activated" if everything is correct.

According to their guide, the steps are:
1. Go to Licensed Product

2. Click DL/LICENSE under Miku NT

3. Click Turn on Rescue Mode to reset your number of activations
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Can you try to do this guide and see if it makes the login prompt pop-up again? If not, try uninstalling both Piapro Studio NT and NT Voice Library HATSUNE MIKU Original. The current version of Piapro studio is (DEC 23) and can be checked at Help > About Piapro Studio. You can also click Help > NT Voice Library Activation to get a popup that says "All installed NT Voice Libraries has been activated" if everything is correct.

According to their guide, the steps are:
1. Go to Licensed Product
View attachment 4094

2. Click DL/LICENSE under Miku NT
View attachment 4095

3. Click Turn on Rescue Mode to reset your number of activations
View attachment 4096
You know, it occurs to me that Rescue Mode (being able to reset your number of available activations) is a really good idea. I mean, hard drive crashes/etc. are, IMO, an obvious and critical weakness in how the Vocaloid activation process (and other software activations based on hardware ID numbers) works. CeVIO handles it differently (at least last I knew) and makes the whole thing basically automatic, and there are some other plugins that you can just put in your username/password from their site and auth the plugin that way. Offhand, I honestly like either of those better, but still, not knowing the reasons for setting up auth this way, having the ability to reset your own activations is a big improvement over how things used to be.

Per the Sonicwire blog post, there's still a limit on how many times you can use Rescue Mode, but in that case, you can fall back on contacting support.


Aspiring Fan
Dec 7, 2019

Soooo apparently there was this “Teto” livestream and wat was invited to talk about something regarding Teto??? Does anyone has any more info? wat also did tweet something about this:

~~edit: apparently it will be an interview in the 31st, for New Year’s celebration. The past one was just like a test to prepare for the real thing? With nothing particularly important.~~ idk lol
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Apr 9, 2018
Wat did an interview on this livestream at 02:01:58 - 03:01:30 (timestamped)

Question 1 starts at 2:05:27, asking how Wat dealt with corona while doing NT and Project Sekai.
Q2 = What did you think of Teto
Q3 = Thanks for collabs with Teto, made fans happy
Q4 = What effect did Teto/UTAU have on NT
Q5 = Teto songs in Project Sekai?
Q6 = Is it possible for Teto to be in Vocaloid or NT? > Wat says Teto won't be Teto-ey on other engines > Chat and Teto want to hear Teto on other engines but like the other questions, Wat kind of seemed like uhhh, avoiding giving a solid answer.
Q7 = Any plans that'll make Teto fans pumped? > Maybe performance again with Teto

This is the worst summary on the entire planet but I just clicked around randomly and don't have time to listen properly.

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