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SynthV Synthesizer V Discussion Thread


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
seems like a good compromise for the new version being out while recognizing that old versions of the banks would be useful to use as well in case they interact poorly. the quiet change towards calling it beta certainly makes sense but oh boy, they shouldve been referring to new untested things as beta much earlier lol. but its good these things are available and an option at all!


Sourin and Ryuusei Luvr
May 6, 2022
Interesting to note is that you have to download the installer for the beta update from the site yourself, it's not easily accessible from the editor. That solves the problem of people downloading the latest update without knowing what they're getting into 100%. Finally, SynthV is beta-testing it with users first before rolling it out as an update for everyone else.

I've heard they've improved the HDVM somewhat? I saw tweets saying that some voices (not all) sound better now with the update... Not sure if that's just a placebo effect or if the situation actually improved and they just didn't mention it.

Also Re: Telemetry stuff, ngl when i first saw it i was worried since at first glance it seems like DT is collecting data on us, but reading on it further, it doesnt get any personal information and you can choose to opt out of the data collection.

Just wish they were more communicable with the users, esp since aside from the voicepeak announcement they were kinda radio silent on SynthV? like yeah they were probably working on a fix behind the scenes, but it doesnt take much to release an official statement re: the polarizing update and assuring users that a fix will be coming soon.

Hopefully this is a sign of things looking up and HDVM continues to get worked on some more.

(Side note: Glad they didn't do one of their bilibili poems for this update, everyone would've been SOOOO mad and done)


Passionate Fan
Jun 27, 2019
Interesting to note is that you have to download the installer for the beta update from the site yourself, it's not easily accessible from the editor. That solves the problem of people downloading the latest update without knowing what they're getting into 100%. Finally, SynthV is beta-testing it with users first before rolling it out as an update for everyone else.
This is similar to Reaper. Release versions are made available on the main website, and development versions are made available on a separate, bare bones, utilitarian website. Not quite the same method, but the intent and result are identical.

(And just in case anyone's curious, the aforementioned utilitarian website is here: landoleet.org)


Longtime Listener
Apr 8, 2018
I was going to say I'm surprised people caused drama over this, but after thinking about it for a bit it's really not that shocking I guess, especially after reading this thread in the replies.

Dreamtonics is aware of some users' concerns and doubts about the naming of Synthesizer V AI Yuma, and would like to explain the following.
Yuma is a unisex male voice, so we chose a gender-specific name to make it easier for users to identify it. In the process of naming new products, Dreamtonics usually takes internal verification to avoid renaming with the official names of similar products in the industry, but does not consider the situation of product development code name renaming in depth, resulting in the situation of renaming Yuma with other product development codes in the industry. This incident reflects an oversight in the naming process, but the renaming was not intentional.
Dreamtonics will be taking a closer look at potential renames when naming products in the future to prevent this from happening again.
Dreamtonics would like to maintain a friendly discussion in the video comments section. In the early days of the demo video, the Dreamtonics China team removed some comments for the purpose of maintaining the atmosphere in the comments section. Dreamtonics apologizes for this failure to take into account the user's feelings and is not an appropriate response, and will strengthen its workflow in the future to prevent this from happening again.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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Miss Retrocore, at your service!
People really made a big fucking deal over this? And not just Twitter?? :ring_ani_lili:
Edit: So, I read the thread and I have to say, I'm glad it wasn't the western fandom's doing this time. Though it does bring some insight on how different countries perceive vocal synths and what their online discourse about it looks like (and that fighting over petty things isn't just something us westerners do).
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kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I mean... from some clarifications in both tweets, the issue doesn't really seem to be the name. It sounds like people were just pointing it out and Dreamtonics started deleting their comments, which is what got them upset. (Though to be fair it does seem like they only deleted the more harsh ones.)

I'd be pretty annoyed too if a comment I made got deleted by a company for any reason though sdofjdsfi

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I joked about Yuma sharing his name with VY2, but I didn't think any corner of the fandom would actually blow up over it, let alone the Chinese fandom. Though I understand people getting upset about Dreamtonics deleting comments, even if they were nasty ones, because it looked like they were trying to hide something.


Aspiring Fan
Aug 23, 2021
What a silly thing to get upset about! I saw a Twitter reply calling this a "terrible failure" that could cause professionals to "revolt" against Dreamtonics and that the company's future was being threatened by this so-called mistake, and I just thought... That seems a bit much! Maybe chill out? Yuma is barely even an official name for VY2 anyway!
People really made a big fucking deal over this? And not just Twitter?? :ring_ani_lili:
Edit: So, I read the thread and I have to say, I'm glad it wasn't the western fandom's doing this time. Though it does bring some insight on how different countries perceive vocal synths and what their online discourse about it looks like (and that fighting over petty things isn't just something us westerners do).
For as nasty and toxic as Western/English-speaking fandom drama can and often does get, Chinese fandom drama makes that shit look like a polite disagreement at a retirement home book club in comparison. Like, Not All Chinese Fans Are Like That of course, but the ones who Are Like That are so aggressive and vulgar and even sometimes violent with their language that I feel it's notable. I swear like a sailor in private, but some of these Chinese insults I've seen thrown around on places like Twitter and other websites are on a whole other level; I'm not at all surprised that Dreamtonics felt they had to delete some of them to keep the place tolerable.


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
So, has the fiasco with the "AI retakes" mode and its results resolved itself, or is the software still the same was it was during that period?


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
adding to that as well-- no i dont think the AI retakes thing is "solved" if what you mean is it working with the AI voices that sounded bad-- i havent had much issues at all rn with the voices that have been updated for it personally, that i kept (mainly solaria). and being able to rollback your other VB updates is what solved the issues for voices that weren't sounding good iirc, since those voices weren't actually properly updated for this update. so i in that sense, voices should sound fine since the previous version cant use it.

so id say "yes" because i know many were annoyed they updated, the voices that updated didnt sound good, and they couldnt roll back easily. now that they can (and i have w a few) everything sounds fine.

otherwise itll be waiting to see if any of those banks get updates to work with hdvm or if dreamtonics updates hdvm to not affect voices the way it did if they weren't compatible... they shouldve held off, and its annoying it feels like any bank will be affected now if they dont adjust, so i hope they work around that in a way that isnt just rolling back to an old version.
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Oct 8, 2019
I wonder how many changes have been done to the vocoder, even in 7.0 having downgraded vbs affected them because ultimately, it was he editor, not the vb and it's compatibility ( or lack there of ) with HDVM that messed them up, though, HDVM compatibility worsened the effect. Point in case, it was especially observed with Stardust, who did not get HDVM update, that upon being on an upgraded editor, her accent changed.

If the vocoder hasn't been touched in 7.1, then the issue had not been properly addressed imo, though I can't say whether it has or has not been as I haven't run any tests yet, so I'm holding on forming an opinion. But been meaning to run some tests so maybe I'll share some before & afters.

I wonder though, I know people mostly want for the HDVM to have a on & off toggle switch, but I do have to wonder if that's even possible depending on how deeply integrated HDVM actually is...in the rendering process for the lack of better term.

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