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  • I, uh... I think I've hacked pan.baidu.

    There's a way to sign up for the AI Cloud regardless of where you live, which I did months ago, but it still forbade me, so I gave up. About a week ago I installed a VPN and set it to Singapore, just for the fun of it, and tonight I've been on the prowl for NiaoNiao voicebanks. In desperation I tried logging back in... and it works.

    So, uh, the trick is just... not being traceable to the US, I suppose. And this VPN is completely free, so... I'm really, really happy.
    I used to really dislike the smell of rose products (actual roses were fine, but concentrated for skincare products, for example...). A few months ago though, I gave Patuk a Sephora link and told her to pick something out for me; she ended up choosing a rose lip balm. The scent was subtle enough that I could handle it, and I've been using it so much lately since my lips are dead (long story.) that I've, in turn, developed an almost enjoyment of the scent.

    Which is extremely convenient, because rose is used in like everything aimed at parched skin and lips, which I've been plagued with the past month. Now I have more options~

    Be able to mention the Kagamines on the VocaWiki without summoning a certain mod and getting a three-page lecture on why they're objectively the worst VBs, why the people who defend them are trash, and why Engloids are the only good Vocaloids.

    God, you're free to dislike vocals, but don't discredit the VPs as incompetent just because you don't like what was made with their voice! How can someone of her age be so damn immature?
    Oh and also that you ought to praise some specific English vocaloids because some are too niche (oh and try to speak about the galaco campaign without being called like a dumbie because you took part or just brought it )
    I remember reading some of the Mod™'s responses to my friend on a voice call, and she couldn't believe some of those comments

    I had to remind her that those are real

    Honestly the Mod™'s continued involvement in the vocalsynth fandom perplexes me, because if they hate V3 and beyond, why are they still here???
    Just go back to V2, since you'll be right at home there!
    Miki,,, Miki, please stop going grossly off-pitch every time you end a phrase

    On the bright side! Even though she's only temporary as of now, I made Miki her own Piapro icon! Aaaaaah they're so beautiful~

    My consensus thus far on Miki: she's wonderful for songs like Happy Synthesizer! Nice and clear, very poppy and peppy and energetic without being too strong. I can't see myself using her outside of that genre though, since she's, well, Really Fucking Pitchy. But hey, a Vocaloid doesn't have to excel at every genre to be good, and thus I Love Miki~

    (Given she's one of the cheapest 'loids too, I might, maybe, just possibly...)
    Another thought, while I'm on this train: Hello Again by Mayuko using Sonika and Miki, but the "gibberish" is actually Sonika trying to sing in Japanese and Miki lamenting the fact that she has no idea what the fuck she's saying.

    ...it's not that Sonika's Japanese is bad, per say, it's just... weak. Really, really weak.
    Come, my children, enter the alter and let us all confess to our vocalsynth sins.

    Er... I’ve been thinking about it some, and I was curious what others feel their weaknesses are, so I’d love to hear others’ thoughts! My personal sin is overuse of vibratos. I love love LOVE good vibratos, so I find excuses to throw them in where they probably don’t belong, heh.
    • Haha
    Reactions: morrysillusion
    Oh all the half assed Audacity mixes and me just editing the flags in the ust and being shameless enough to post that on SC
    I start too many Projects and never finish them. Since all I make are tests and demos of songs that have been relatively popular at some point in the past. A midi of it is usually available for it for free online. I make my VSQXs and instrumentals from that. I don't think I can call that making a VSQX from scratch but at least gives me proper melody to follow and the proper tempo to keep up with. This makes it really quick and easy for me to pick any song I like, find a midi, put the midi in garage band, make a .wav place holder instrumental, import that and the midi into VOCALOID5, isolate the melody file, and start placing the lyrics in. It takes me about 15 to 30 minutes to do that. They don't all sound good but I wish I could be more narrow-minded about it and make full songs thats are presentable than short DEMO length stuff (I also need to start using Vocaloids I own that aren't MIKU T_T)
    @cafenurse NOOOO AKDJDJS I DID THIS EXACT THING TOO THOUGH 😭 I didn't know how to mix and didn't want to know! (which is still true since I just bought Nectar not too long ago to just do it for me lmao)

    Anyways my confession is before buying Nectar, I rely so heavily on those stock compressor presets fl studio had. Thank god those existed and so many of them because to this day I still don't know wtf attack and release are, and ratios???? why are they putting math into music?

    And my tuning confession is, sometimes i get very un-creative and look up some utaite's cover of the song and straight up copy the way they sing parts of the song :(
    Having beaten Olive Town's plot without really meaning to just now, I think now's a good time for an overall review from a seasoned BokuMono loyalist!
    I understand where people's complaints about the game come from; it's significantly weaker than its preceding 3oT and SoS:FoMT. On top of that, I think it tried too much to be a unique entry and went a little too far in that, to the point that, while it retains the series' tone and spirit, it feels more like a spin-off than a main entry.

    But I still think people are being way too hard on it.

    • The characters aren't as deep as the previous two entries, and none of them undergo any significant development. (Ralph's romantic subplot concludes with him realizing that, as much as he enjoyed his days as a celebrated athlete, he's truly fallen in love with his job as ranger and realizes now that it's what he wants to spend the rest of his life doing. Which would probably have felt more satisfying had there been any prior indication that he wasn't certain about his job as a ranger. It came out of nowhere, and I confess my reaction to the final even was a flat "...that's it?".) Character interactions with the player don't change much outside of festivals and major events, not even the character you're wooing. There's no sweet, romantic dialogues outside of cutscenes. And while there's plenty of cutscenes, they often leave the player feeling like they're on the outside looking in.

      But even so, the characters aren't bad. On the contrary; they're every bit as fun and lovable as in the previous two entries! (Sally's a strong contender for my new favorite NPC.) And while they don't change or develop, maybe they don't need to. They're all well-written and enjoyable to interact with. That additional development would have easily made this one of the best entries, social-wise, just on the strength of its cast alone, and while I'm sad they didn't take that extra step, I'll still defend the characters.

    • Crafting is heavily emphasized in this entry, to the point that farming and raising animals is treated as little more than an optional side-quest. Almost from the start, you're able to craft sprinklers, which eliminate the need to water your crops manually; just plant and harvest every few days, and other than that, you never have to touch your fields. You're also given a barn and a coop that you can repair (you just need to craft certain things to fix them up! ....see what I mean?), and then there's farm animals wandering your property that you can domesticate by... walking up to them and pressing A. Take them outside, brush them, and then you don't have to interact with them at all beyond that.

      That said, the crafting aspect of the game is really well-done. Grinding for resources never feels tedious, especially as you upgrade your tools, and there's always new and fun things to find and challenges to face! Getting resources and completing projects is easily the most rewarding aspect of the game. But it's an entry in a series that, for twenty-five years, has been focused on, y'know, farming. So if you love crafting games, you'll adore Olive Town! But if you want a classic farming sim experience, this might not be the game you wanna drop $50 on.

    tl;dr: This is a great game. It's just not a great BokuMono game. Had they slapped another title on it, ala Rune Factory or Innocent Life, I think it would have been received far more kindly. But I enjoy it a lot, and I don't regret investing in it. I'd rank it alongside Tale of Two Towns; flawed and a little flat, but an enjoyable experience nonetheless. So like... solid B+.
    Hmm, interesting! I've been getting more intereted in the game the last few weeks and it really doesn't sounds that bad actually. Might give it a try! Especially because you ranked it alongside Tale of Two Towns, which is one of my fave BokuMono games oops
    Well, after a night-long struggle with my laptop's sound card, I present the logical conclusion to my Soniki post!

    Conclusion: eh. It's difficult to balance them, and as you can see, I failed miserably. (I have Sonika turned all the way up and Miki heavily turned down... having not worked with either much, I'm not sure if Sonika's abnormally quiet or Miki's abnormally loud.) I'd still like to try more, though, because I like the way their tones combine!

    Low-gen Sonika sounds... sorta like Oliver, honestly. At least in Japanese. Maybe a shared Engloid -> Japanese quirk? Oliver's the only Engloid I've made sing in Japanese prior, so I'm not sure.

    Context: bears, especially brown bears, are my absolute favorite animals.

    2.) Going off of my last post: I wanna experiment with Sonika and Miki in a duet! And now I'm being torn in two directions: I really, really wanna mess with Vocaloid some, now that I've had a break, but I really, really wanna make Ralph my (er, Ken's) husband. Nnngggggg...
    Well, I had an unintentional adventure today! I drove to the GameStop that's a few miles from work to pick up the new BokuMono game... but the man at the counter said they didn't have it. No worries! I live on the other side of town, where we have another GameStop. Except THEY were out too. ("I didn't even realize people liked it this much," the associate admitted.) He suggested trying the other location, but I told him I'd BEEN to the other location, and they were out. His system said the other location still had one in stock. He called them, the associate said they didn't have it, then the associate of the second store insisted he at least look for it... and bam! They had it all along.

    Our town isn't particularly big, population-wise, but area-wise? It takes 20 minutes to get from one end to the other going 80. And naturally, that's what I had to do. Twice.

    But! I've got the new game!! And I'm gonna break it out~
    Thank God for the influx of high-quality free DAWs in the past few years!! Tracktion did me a lot of good, but I decided to try out Cakewalk this time, because Tracktion has some quirks I'm not fond of and was prone to crashing when I used it. So far, so good; it feels more streamlined, and plugin use and automation seems nice and simple!

    Now to learn how to do more than upload plugins.
    In what I hope is the finale of a great saga, the guy who tried selling Act1 for $2,300 has now brought the price down to around $200. Honestly, I hope someone takes it for that price. Put the poor sap out of his misery. He's suffered enough. :clara_ani_lili:

    (For reference, this is like the fourth time he's changed the price. The last price change was around $450.)
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