Ahh! That's so cool!
Something tells me when the new piapro comes out, I'm gonna have way too much fun with cherry pie! XD
Something tells me when the new piapro comes out, I'm gonna have way too much fun with cherry pie! XD
同时也请期待12月下旬的『初音未来 V4 中文版』声库更新噢~
Look forward to the "Hatsune Miku V4 Chinese" voice bank update at the last part of December!※
※ The Japanese calendar is split into 3 parts: joujun (1st ~ 10th), chuujun (11th ~ 20th), and gejun (21st ~ end of the month). I translated "last part of December" to mean "gejun".
Look forward to everyone's new product !Σd(≧ω≦*)
『初音未来 V4 中文版』将在12月下旬进行声库更新,已拥有的用户们可免费进行更新。
There will be an update to "Hatsune Miku V4 Chinese" at the last part of December, users who already own it can update for free.
I know the software isn't gonna be free for somebody because Crypton said they will announce the prices this month. (I assume that the Miku Chinese update and the prices will be announced together?) I am confused by what the update could be (will it be only phonemes, how the software runs, or will they for some reason give Miku Chinese owners new Piapro for free?). I just can't imagine the software they have spent like 2ish years developing would be handed out for free, call me pessimistic if you want. S:Ooh! Nice that they're offering a free update to Miku Chinese owners! Though I don't have her Chinese, I'm crossing my fingers that they offer free updates to people using their other V4s as well!
Looks like Mitchie-M is using new Piapro:
When nyanyannya used new Piapro, it also had pictures of the vocalist in the track:
Clearly you can customize the icons like in current Piapro.
It seems that Mitchie-M is using Miku V4 and Meiko V3 (or at least their artwork) in here.
I am curious if 1) you can use old voicebanks in new Piapro, or if 2) this old art is just among the available art to pick from.
The only Cryptonloids I own are Rin/Len. These are their default icons:
View attachment 2596
Comparing these to the Mitchie-M ones, it at least seems like you can see their whole head instead of a cropped close version?
These Rin/Len ones do include their V2, Appends, and V4 designs. So maybe it makes sense to have all versions available as icons for nostalgic people?
If anyone owns any other Cryptonloid and would like to confirm their available icons, please do so.
Hm, the default Cryptonloid icons we have currently (so, the ones uncreepy and Nezuh screenshotted) seem to basically be one of the VB's official art pieces, cropped close to the face and with a color gradient applied to the background. Just for comparison, here's the piece Miku V4X's artwork is based on from Sonicwire:You can see all the icons at: C:\Program Files\Crypton\Piapro Studio VSTi x64\Data\icons\singers\cfm
It doesn't matter what voices you have installed.
After reading MitchieM's blog, I had thought to myself that it explains why nyanyannya made a custom artwork on his videos in which it shows Kaito both in an original artwork and as Doctor=Funk Beat.I think Mitchie M is using his own icons in Logic Pro X like he shows in this blog post.