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Other Cryptonloid voicebank updates, collabs, & concert news (crypton_wat Twitter translations)


Apr 9, 2018
Thanks for sharing the link to this video!

You know, I am really curious about the quality the new deep-learning based VOICEROID will have compared to how Miku sounds talking with (what I assume to be) Cherry Pie. You can clearly hear when each phoneme starts/ends and it sounds a bit fake/like phonemes smushed together (but it sounds MUCH better/understandable than the beta collabs--the one with STV, for example). Part of me wonders if putting in all that effort into a "talkloid" software that you probably have to manually tune after the fact was truly worth it for Crypton/us poor saps who will buy it. What if they could have instead just paid for something like CryptonTalk through AITalk. What if the new AITalk engine sounds much better/more natural than Crypton's results? (Don't get me wrong, I'm gonna be first in line to buy from Crypton when the new Piapro comes out. But I can still critique.)

Also (I'm not sure how to explain this), in the official Cherry Pie demo from March that showed the female/male singing being converted to Miku's voice (this part which I timestamped), it does NOT seem like they used that here. It seems like they used the method nyanyannya used (where he had to tune it to make it sound more legible). Why wouldn't they just coat the voice with the push of the button like in the demo? I am SO skeptical about this, it's not even funny.

Meiko sounds really bad, guys. She sounds super muffled. I legitimately can not understand most of what she said. She sounds really bad like STV beta Miku. When she was talking lower in her throat (not sure how to describe it), it felt like she had a VocaListener-esque demon software gutteral way of talking while having cotton in her mouth. Her posing and pointing with her finger raised just made me think of those drunk people who stick their hand in their face, struggling to stand straight, trying to tell you what's what, but you have no clue what they're going on about. The cringe is strong.

I hope they stinking work on Meiko more and maybe release the Cryptonloids staggered if this is the talking quality we can expect from the non-Miku-lings.


Apr 9, 2018
Source (Last paragraph / First comment on this post)
Thank you for the info, @Mei-Saime

Note: My Chinese is bad, but not so bad that I can't understand the good news contained in this post.

同时也请期待12月下旬的『初音未来 V4 中文版』声库更新噢~
Look forward to the "Hatsune Miku V4 Chinese" voice bank update at the last part of December!※
※ The Japanese calendar is split into 3 parts: joujun (1st ~ 10th), chuujun (11th ~ 20th), and gejun (21st ~ end of the month). I translated "last part of December" to mean "gejun".

Look forward to everyone's new product !Σd(≧ω≦*)

『初音未来 V4 中文版』将在12月下旬进行声库更新,已拥有的用户们可免费进行更新。
There will be an update to "Hatsune Miku V4 Chinese" at the last part of December, users who already own it can update for free.


Apr 9, 2018
Ooh! Nice that they're offering a free update to Miku Chinese owners! Though I don't have her Chinese, I'm crossing my fingers that they offer free updates to people using their other V4s as well!
I know the software isn't gonna be free for somebody because Crypton said they will announce the prices this month. (I assume that the Miku Chinese update and the prices will be announced together?) I am confused by what the update could be (will it be only phonemes, how the software runs, or will they for some reason give Miku Chinese owners new Piapro for free?). I just can't imagine the software they have spent like 2ish years developing would be handed out for free, call me pessimistic if you want. S:


Apr 9, 2018
Looks like Mitchie-M is using new Piapro:

When nyanyannya used new Piapro, it also had pictures of the vocalist in the track:

Clearly you can customize the icons like in current Piapro.

It seems that Mitchie-M is using Miku V4 and Meiko V3 (or at least their artwork) in here.

I am curious if 1) you can use old voicebanks in new Piapro, or if 2) this old art is just among the available art to pick from.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Hm, I wonder if the default icons that come with the Cryptonloids currently are their faces with a transparent background? I'm thinking not, but I don't have my PC ATM to check.


Apr 9, 2018
The only Cryptonloids I own are Rin/Len. These are their default icons:
Comparing these to the Mitchie-M ones, it at least seems like you can see their whole head instead of a cropped close version?
These Rin/Len ones do include their V2, Appends, and V4 designs. So maybe it makes sense to have all versions available as icons for nostalgic people?

If anyone owns any other Cryptonloid and would like to confirm their available icons, please do so.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Looks like Mitchie-M is using new Piapro:

When nyanyannya used new Piapro, it also had pictures of the vocalist in the track:

Clearly you can customize the icons like in current Piapro.

It seems that Mitchie-M is using Miku V4 and Meiko V3 (or at least their artwork) in here.

I am curious if 1) you can use old voicebanks in new Piapro, or if 2) this old art is just among the available art to pick from.
The only Cryptonloids I own are Rin/Len. These are their default icons:
View attachment 2596
Comparing these to the Mitchie-M ones, it at least seems like you can see their whole head instead of a cropped close version?
These Rin/Len ones do include their V2, Appends, and V4 designs. So maybe it makes sense to have all versions available as icons for nostalgic people?

If anyone owns any other Cryptonloid and would like to confirm their available icons, please do so.
You can see all the icons at: C:\Program Files\Crypton\Piapro Studio VSTi x64\Data\icons\singers\cfm
It doesn't matter what voices you have installed.
Hm, the default Cryptonloid icons we have currently (so, the ones uncreepy and Nezuh screenshotted) seem to basically be one of the VB's official art pieces, cropped close to the face and with a color gradient applied to the background. Just for comparison, here's the piece Miku V4X's artwork is based on from Sonicwire:

The ones we see in the new Piapro screenshots look to be basically the same, except that they're bigger and the backgrounds are transparent instead of gradient-filled.

So I guess possibly one or more of the following is true:
  • Mitchie-M custom-made these icons him/herself because he/she doesn't like the default ones.
  • CFM wanted these icons to be used in this tweet instead of the actual ones for the new VBs. It seems like a bit of a waste of effort, but the white background wouldn't be too much of a pain to remove. And the transparent background and larger scope of the images does look very nice there, so it makes the new software look better.
  • Whatever VBs Mitchie is using came with these icons by default. Can't be an existing VB in that case, since we have those already. It's hard to believe the new VBs would use old artwork, though.
  • New Piapro automatically replaces the images on a per-character basis. So maybe ALL versions of Miku/Meiko will look like this, unless you change them. Saves on making new art each time, but I'll bet people look forward to the new icons, and it helps people tell the versions apart in the editor, too.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I'm gonna guess it's a combination of Crypton keeping secrets and MitchieM just using their own icons for the heck of it. I honestly really hope those aren't the new icon styles. They seem a little... I dunno, bland? Is that the word I'm looking for? in comparison to the icons we have now.


カイミク || Len English || Arsloid || V5/Piapro
Staff member
Apr 9, 2018
At least 2 more weeks until Miku Chinese update is here... Hopefully the update is good and Miku V4C users can give us the juicy details of what she comes with. Plus since Christmas is also 2 weeks from now, it would be nice to know the prices of the "appends" (bonus if they are good prices!) :miku_winter_lili::maika_winter_lili:


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
For whatever it means or doesn't, it's also worth remembering that Miku Chinese is the only VB with a stand-alone version of Piapro right now. And new Piapro is supposed to have a stand-alone mode, isn't it?

I don't think they'll be shipping new Piapro with Chinese at the moment--I guess I only mention it because I can't help but see the similarity--but I wonder if those two efforts were in any way related.

I'd guess the update to Chinese is more like a Rin/Len Act 2, but I haven't heard of quality issues with Miku Chinese.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I've heard complaints that her Chinese VB's accent is suuuuuuper strong, and she mispronounces phonemes, making her hard to understand to a native speaker. I'd guess maybe that's an issue that'll end up being addressed, as well as the overall quality of her voice. Kind of like the adjustments made between her V3 and V4 English banks?

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