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Other Cryptonloid voicebank updates, collabs, & concert news (crypton_wat Twitter translations)


Apr 9, 2018
What the heck, everyone?! In order to get the stupid discount you can only get it if you own previous versions of Miku, other Cryptonloids don't count! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! WHY?!?!?! ARGGG. Dang it. So cruel. When they said the discount was for Crypton customers I had been expecting since Magical Mirai that they stinking meant any stinking Cryptonloid. Darn it, not only do I have to buy Miku, but also have to buy her at full price. Argg. I am not okay right now. $180... My wallet hurts... RIP wallet... RIP heart that Wat keeps breaking in two.


Edit: This had better happen for every stinking Cryptonloid. Only Kaito discount for Kaito owners, for example. So everyone can feel pain in their wallet every release.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Honestly, that was how I figured it was going to work anyway. It would’ve been awesome if you could get her cheaper for owning any product of theirs, though! I’m sure it’ll be the same way with the rest of them.

In that respect, I’m glad I’ve already got all five (six?) of ’em. :yohioloid_lili:

EDIT: wait, what’s her upgrade discount? It’s 3 in the morning and I’m having trouble navigating everything. :LOL:

ANOTHER EDIT: found it! Owning a previous version of Miku knocks her down to ¥15,400.
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Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
If you purchase her prototype, do you still have to pay for her final release? I want to try this out, but the bottom of the page says preorders for the packaged version begin this coming summer, and as much as I love Miku I’d rather hold out for a physical product.


Passionate Fan
Jan 5, 2019
While reading the info about Hatsune Miku NT on Sonicwire, I discovered this:
To import VOCALOID track is not possible. Please note that some specifications may be different between prototype version and major release version.
Does that mean that using Vocaloid on the new Piapro Studio (now known as Piapro Studio for NT) would never work or we will wait until the final version (next August) so that we could use Vocaloid on Piapro Studio for NT?


New Fan
Apr 8, 2018
While reading the info about Hatsune Miku NT on Sonicwire, I discovered this:

Does that mean that using Vocaloid on the new Piapro Studio (now known as Piapro Studio for NT) would never work or we will wait until the final version (next August) so that we could use Vocaloid on Piapro Studio for NT?
I think this is referring to importing VSQ/VSQx/VPR files, not using Vocaloid banks.
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May 17, 2018
She sounds fine to me but I'm guessing there's people out there who wanted her to sound alot more squeaky.

Also, the design looks like she's singing in the shower. But if she was, why does she have her hair bands still on?
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Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
Listening to the demo, the Piapro VB sounds like V2's tone to me, right down to the occassional "robotic fuzziness". I know it's still a beta bank, but I hope the fuzziness is toned down in the final version.

But the internet connection thing? HOO BOY. If you live in a place where your internet sucks (like me, though I'm not a producer), then if it goes down a routine basis, you're kinda screwed to use Piapro. I kinda understand it as an anti-piracy measure or for software updates, but online at all times rules have been killing PC games for ages, and it's one reason why EmVoice fell over right at the starting line. I don't see why they can't put in a measure where you only need a connection once to authenticate the software on startup, then you don't have to worry about it going down while you're working in Piapro.
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Apr 9, 2018
Also, the design looks like she's singing in the shower. But if she was, why does she have her hair bands still on?
Apparently they did this before to tease her without revealing her new outfit. Also, I noticed she has round ponytails instead of square. My sister noticed she has no ears, thanks.

So I guess this really means that older Cryptonloids and Vocaloids will not work in new Piapro. Also, not being able to use VSQs and stuff makes me think not a lot of cover artists will be interested. On top of the hardware requirements.

I was thinking about the mysterious 3 vocals being available currently. I feel like it's possible that after all the Cryptonloids get on this new engine that they could potentially add more old voice banks (in order to gain more money throughout the years) and they are just getting us started so we aren't waiting til... 2025 for all of Miku's voicebanks.

If you purchase her prototype, do you still have to pay for her final release? I want to try this out, but the bottom of the page says preorders for the packaged version begin this coming summer, and as much as I love Miku I’d rather hold out for a physical product.
You do get the final release for free if you buy the beta version.

I'm gonna preorder the download version cause I don't care about boxes. I feel confused about Kaito now. What if I hate new Piapro/it's not practical for a workflow? It might be better to buy his V3 after all... I'll wait and see after trying Miku, I guess. I wish the demo songs would have been longer so we could better gauge her voice (maybe the demos were rushed so they only let us hear a little?). But actually I am pretty sure the demos were untuned (beta-uchi). Hmm.


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
I'm pretty sure from experience when they say you need internet at all times, unlike emvoice, you really just need it at startup to verify your registration and such. It sucks, but it's better antipiracy than usual. There's no chance of being able to use VOCALOID voicebanks in Piapro from what I've seen either, it's very much wishful thinking sadly.

Regarding Miku's voicebank... I... like it a lot? It's very nostalgic of Miku V2 for me, and the untuned beta even sounded decent. I'll probably wait for her boxed version to go on sale before ordering though since I like Crypton's boxes a lot. In fact, I might even be in Japan for then so I could buy it in person. Exciting! Hearing NT voicebanks for the first time makes me really excited for MEIKO and Rin in particular, since their original voicebanks were my favourites of theirs and they definitely seem to be angling towards that. Hopefully we hear news before this time next year on all of them.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
I'll give it plausible deniability and say the hair covers the ears.

PLEASE do not pull an emvoice with the internet connection thing, Crypton. Also not being able to use VSQs sucks, but I do get why since it's Yamaha's...

I'm just gonna sit back and watch for a bit. Think I'll spend my Christmas money on the PFXloids instead for now...


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
Honestly I'm sure some software will pop up that lets you convert .vsqx files over. CeVIO doesn't let you open .vsqx files directly and I'm surprised SynthV lets you even, but Utaformatix lets you convert between .ccs, .vsq, .vsqx and .ust files freely. It's an extra step, sure, but I'm sure it won't be impossible.


Jul 18, 2019
There is a midi exporter plug in for vocaloid 4 or was it 3 that would probably be the easiest way that retains tuning made to work with v1 so this would probably be a good work around
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Agreed, I'm sure someone will do something. Hell, I used to have a V2 mod that made it so you could use job plugins and open VSQx's in it, so I'm confident some smart fan will figure something out :)


i'm late but when i heard the new demo, i really wasn't a fan of how nasally she sounded. it's a core bank but it sounds more like a vivid bank to me, but i remember hearing that miku v3's core bank sounded noticeably softer than the original v2 release so...

edit: since i'm comparing core banks, i wanted to point out her v4 core bank sounds almost identical to her original v2 with the exception of being much smoother and somewhat clearer. i was playing around with it using pitch snap to do that autotune-y kz sound(since i love it) and she sounded about identical.
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I was all excited to get my pre-order in, but then I realized it's the original VB and so, naturally, it'll be Japanese-only. (Yup, I'm a dumbass.) I really hope that I'll still be able to get some kind of discount when her English NT VB is released. I have her JPN VBs, too, so I could still get this one, but it wouldn't be something I'd use often....

There's lots here for people to be excited about, though. I'm thrilled there's a VST mode! (Only the standalone in the prototype, though.)

The English Sonicwire page says

Graphic displays of the directly-editable pitch curve and voice waveform allow for intuitive operation.
Could that end up being the directly-drawn parameters from UTAU that people have wanted?

The internet connection thing isn't ideal. But that could change in the final version. Or maybe it'll point to a better licensing technique than Vocaloid currently uses; maybe something more like CeVIO?
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Could that end up being the directly-drawn parameters from UTAU that people have wanted?
bro i'm REALLY hoping for utau-style parameters, they're so much easier to use and that's why there are so many more amazing utau tuners than vocaloid tuners(speaking on cover artists though). it would make it a lot easier to make miku sound great.


Feb 27, 2019
I'm .... really not impressed? I was already skeptical about the most popular Vocaloids jumping ship to their own editor despite being synonymous with the Vocaloid brand for over 10 years, and I've seen other similar sentiments even in the comment section of this very video, so I was hoping the first glimpses of post-Vocaloid "piapro characters" would make a point of really wowing us and proving that this isn't just a gimmick. Instead, this just sounds like every V2 era Miku upload, which is hella nostalgic for me as a long time fan but ... like, compare this to how Miku sounds in an recent songs. Despite the issues, Vocaloid has gotten a lot more impressive over the years and I don't really think this approach of trying to create a facsimile of the limitations of the older generations is going to help these characters in the long run. I realize this is an "untuned" demonstration and there's probably a bunch of other features that will be shown off in later videos, but so far I'm glad I bought Kagamine V4X when I did. At least I'll still be able to classify them as Vocaloids if/when I use them.

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