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Other Cryptonloid voicebank updates, collabs, & concert news (crypton_wat Twitter translations)


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Given the pandemic, I wouldn't be surprised if she was delayed again. While it's sad, I'd understand completely; from what I've gathered Crypton is taking excellent care of its employees right now, so if Miku's still not quite ready for her beta release I can see them pushing the release date back again.
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Apr 9, 2018
I think if they delay it and say it's because of the virus, most people won't complain.

But honestly, I feel like even if the virus wasn't a thing, Crypton would still be late. Wat hasn't tweeted at all since it got delayed last month (March 16th), but before that he hadn't been tweeting, just quietly retweeted the Pocari Sweat collab and hadn't ACTUALLY tweeted about anything NT-related since February 12th regarding Voice Drive (the silence is VERY reassuring about the status of your product *sarcasm*).

So I guess what I am implying is that Crypton will probably be late and they would have been even if the pandemic wasn't a thing. Don't you think when the product is ready, they will have some proper usage demos? I can't believe we haven't gotten a single new software demonstration other than the lone video back from March of last year debuting Cherry Pie!


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I don't know why they would hold off at this point. I mean, they postponed the August Mirai closed the August Mirai's accommodation plan to foreigners, but I don't remember hearing anything else but COVID largely being relatively under control in Japan. So unless they hold off because they think people elsewhere will be too distracted, why not release it?

Don't you think when the product is ready, they will have some proper usage demos? I can't believe we haven't gotten a single new software demonstration other than the lone video back from March of last year debuting Cherry Pie!
That's a good point. To be fair, trying to hype anything other than the virus could be difficult right now. That might be reason enough to hold off, even if she's completely ready.
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Apr 9, 2018
I replied to some people on Twitter about it, but...
  1. I am just very suspicious by the silence. (Where are the bells and whistles?)
  2. The virus situation is delaying a lot of projects for different companies.
  3. No news = bad news when it comes to Wat. He should have started humble bragging by now.
  4. Still no pics of the interface or any software demonstrations.
I would love to be proven wrong, though! I'm just making guesses in the pessimistic direction.
Sep 21, 2019
I’m thinking she’ll probably be delayed again, considering there hasn’t been a lot about her lately (to my knowledge) and with all the COVID-19 stuff. I won’t complain, though. I haven’t gotten around to pre-ordering her and all financial plans for me are kinda up in the air until all this COVID-19 stuff dies down. :P


カイミク || Len English || Arsloid || V5/Piapro
Staff member
Apr 9, 2018
Miku being delayed gives me more of a chance to get her pre-order once I get a job~! :maika_winter_lili:

But I do want to see some teases of the new program. At least show us like a 3 minute video of using the program and using her new voicebank, wat.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Slight off topic, but they certainly haven't postponed Magical Mirai as of now
Oh, right, my bad--I was thinking of how they closed Aug. Mirai's accommodation plan to foreigners and somehow crossed that with the postponement of Miku Expo 2020 US/Canada. :miku3_move:


Apr 9, 2018
I was poking around on Sonicwire and I realized that after all this time, Crypton still hasn't finished the user license agreement for the NT series (which they are just calling "virtualsinger" as opposed to the agreement for V4X being called "v4xcv").

It just says:
Virtual Singer Series
Software license agreement page 1/1

Virtual Singer Series end user license agreement

This product's end user license agreement is currently being adjusted. It will be published as soon as it is complete.

I wonder if it will come out when they let us try out the software or not until the real version comes out?


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I was poking around on Sonicwire and I realized that after all this time, Crypton still hasn't finished the user license agreement for the NT series (which they are just calling "virtualsinger" as opposed to the agreement for V4X being called "v4xcv").

It just says:

I wonder if it will come out when they let us try out the software or not until the real version comes out?
I'd guess they will have something in place for the demo/trial. Otherwise they would be opening themselves up to whatever legal issues the agreement is supposed to protect them from normally.
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Staff member
Apr 8, 2018


Apr 9, 2018
Don't have time to analyze the video/translate, but 愛しyou-P shared a link to this in the VocaVerse Discord. Nyanyannya has used AI Kiritan singing and converted it into Miku and then Rin. I assume it's with Cherry Pie again (so this is the 3rd clip we've gotten from them). The 2nd tweet says they made it with automatic tuning, so I think these results sound much better than the other 2 Kaito clips back then, much more clean.

The only thing I am unsure about it how Rin sounds. She doesn't sound Rin-like to me. But this is the 1st Rin NT clip we've gotten to hear, so that's good!

These are the old clips:

Hand-tuned Kaito from April 2019:

Untuned (automatic results only) Kaito from May 2019:


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Don't have time to analyze the video/translate, but 愛しyou-P shared a link to this in the VocaVerse Discord. Nyanyannya has used AI Kiritan singing and converted it into Miku and then Rin. I assume it's with Cherry Pie again (so this is the 3rd clip we've gotten from them). The 2nd tweet says they made it with automatic tuning, so I think these results sound much better than the other 2 Kaito clips back then, much more clean.

The only thing I am unsure about it how Rin sounds. She doesn't sound Rin-like to me. But this is the 1st Rin NT clip we've gotten to hear, so that's good!

These are the old clips:

Hand-tuned Kaito from April 2019:

Untuned (automatic results only) Kaito from May 2019:
Yeah, she sounds kind of like Rin, but there's this husky, hollow-ish, kind of garbley undertone like she has chest congestion or something.

Still it's good to get new samples--shows things are still progressing! I think I can hear where they sound cleaner--they don't have the extra junk in the higher/lower ranges that you hear in Kaito's samples sometimes.


Jul 18, 2019
Are we sure this is cherry pie hasn't he done pitch transfer in the past? I feel like rin sounds okay a little muffled but I can tell it's Rin
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カイミク || Len English || Arsloid || V5/Piapro
Staff member
Apr 9, 2018
That's why uncreepy said "assumed" so unless nyannyannya says otherwise, we can assumed it was Cherry Pie. We still don't know the rest of the features that will come with Piapro Studio after all. :kaito_ani_lili:

But it's neat to see nyannyannya showing us some brief progress/clips.

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