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Other Cryptonloid voicebank updates, collabs, & concert news (crypton_wat Twitter translations)


Vocal Synth Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2020
I love the design, but I feel like I am going to miss the old futuristic look she had. I always associated Crypton with futuristic themes(their name being "Crypton Future Media" does not help with that) because of their designs, so this feels strange. But, I also like having such a fresh new design, so I do not know how to feel.
I am more worried about the VB more then anything. It feels like she is getting the Kaito V3 treatment. Unless her Dark and Whisper appends are very different this time, I worry that they will overlap too much. Hopefully we will get a demo of the appends soon.


crying over Rune Factory 6
Jul 5, 2018
I noticed another thing after comparing her NT design with all the other Miku designs: She looks like she can't stand the feeling of vinyl/latex/plastic-y fabrics on her skin anymore. The amount of that type of fabric reduced a lot over the years and now even her skirt was changed from vinyl to a heavy cotton fabric. And under her sleeves she wears regular farbric too. Poor Miku has irritated skin 😔

Overcast Immortal

Budding producer
Dec 4, 2018
I really like the new design for NT. It doesn't feel like Crypton at all, but that's okay, because it still looks like a fancy new version of Miku.

I also love iXima's newer version of V4. It reminds me of Miku's glorious V3 English design. The colors aren't as interesting as V3 English, but the vibe of an older, more confident Miku is still there.


Aspiring Fan
Dec 7, 2019
I think he means they’ll have more covers in Sekai starting next year with vb improvements? Idk tho
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Bear in mind, Wat handles a few other things besides NT--offhand, I want to think he's mentioned Sekai/other stuff with Sega, maybe Miku Symphony also, maybe some other Cryptonloid anniversaries and such. It's not a super long list, but if he doesn't specifically say it's NT-related, I'd be a little careful about my expectations.

Not that there won't be Meiko/Kaito/Rin/Len/Luka NT banks at some point, though, of course. I wonder if priority will be given to Miku's other languages, or getting all the other CFM-'loids on the new platform?


Apr 9, 2018
New tweet from Wat.
According to google translate:
This is actually about their voice banks. Which can be confirmed by the vocabulary being used and the Japanese comments on the tweet.

LUKA/MEIKO/KAITO's 音声 / onsei /voice (as in 音声合成 / onsei gousei / vocal synthesis).
聞き取りやすさ /kiki-tori yasusa = this is a "very Japanese word", but Wat has used it many times before in reference to making their voices clearer/easier to understand. It literally means "ease of hearing and taking" but is used to refer to the listener's listening comprehension.

In regards to the easiness of being able to understand LUKA/ MEIKO / KAITO's voices,

新しい手法による / atarashii houhou ni yoru / through a new technique
改善の糸口 / kaizen no itoguchi / the lead to betterment = Wat has said betterment when he refers to improving the engine or the voice banks
が見えてきました / ga miete-kimashita / has come to be in sight

a lead to betterment by means of a new technique has come to appear.

主に来年からの案件で適用されていくと思います / Omo-ni rainen kara no anken de tekiyou-sarete-iku to omoimasu / I think it is going to be implemented items mainly next year.
今しばらくお待ち下さい / Ima shibaraku o-machi kudasai / Please wait for a while longer.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Same here. I'm a mostly-committed devotee of download content, plus I have NT on preorder. But that box is just PRETTY. When I happen to think about it, I'm gonna kind of wish I could have gotten one. Kinda like I still kind of want to get V2, but can't find enough reasons to justify it.


Miku-Oshi all the way
Jul 8, 2020
So, new Tweets from Wat. The first one I think talks about NT news for later this week. And the second one on progress on Luka/Meiko/Kaito as well as the appends for Miku.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Adding to the Tweets Jackie shared (Thanks!),

Further info about NT will be coming later this week.

Also, further improvements are ongoing for MEIKO/KAITO/Luka, and good progress is being made. The same is true for Miku's appends, on which they're working on ideas to improve the overall balance.


Vocal Synth Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2020
So Miku NT will be receiving appends. That is unsurprising, but it is good to have confirmation. There probably was confirmation a while back, but I might have missed it.
I find it strange that Meiko/Kaito/Luka are their focus, I thought the Kagamines would be next since they are the second most popular Cryptonloids. I am not upset though, Meiko and Kaito are on much older software now, and Luka V4 had problems due to being pushed to V4 instead of V3, where her update was initially developed. It makes sense that they would be the first to be updated.


Vocal Synth Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2020
Could be. My first thought was that he's referring to the Dark & Whisper VBs that come with NT already; like you said, I hadn't heard anything about other appends before.
That is a good point. I had thought I had missed a tweet regarding future appends, but if you have not heard of any future appends either, then it seems this could either be a confirmation or talk about Dark and Whisper. Wat does not specify what appends he is talking about either.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I do hope Wat is talking about additional VBs for Miku down the line, including perhaps her English and Chinese banks. I'm currently still salty about Solid in particular not being ported to NT lol.

Meiko and Kaito being updated first makes sense because their latest versions are still on V3, and in normal circumstances they would have probably been updated to V5. Luka being updated before the Kagamines surprises me, but Luka V4 did have issues so it does kind of make sense to fix her up first. Crypton's priorities after Miku (not counting additional VBs) might be Meiko -> Kaito -> Luka -> Kagamines. After that, they might either start making new characters (a resurrection of CV04, maybe?) or allow third party companies to release Piapro banks, assuming neither of these scenarios happen while they're still updating their core characters.


Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
It makes sense they’d want to work on Kaito/Luka/Meiko if we’re going by project Sakai the covers are really bad and even when talking those three especially do not sound good. So I’m not surprised they’d want to fix those banks up especially if they’re getting a lot of complaints. I heard Miku was the only NT that would use newly recorded samples so maybe the process for getting out the others will be a lot faster compared to her anyway.
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