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Other Cryptonloid voicebank updates, collabs, & concert news (crypton_wat Twitter translations)


UTAU is my religion!!!
Feb 28, 2019
I LOVE HER NEW DESIGN!!!! Initially I wasn't sure how excited I was for it but oh my gosh, she's wearing pumps and ruffles and I'm all for it. Actually I really like the Victorian style sleeves!! Her more puffy style of hair looks nice but I can't decide if I like her original hair better. Really glad they didn't deviate too much from the original style which I was kind of worried about when we heard her hair was going to be different.

But her ruffle theme she's got going on, um YES.


Passionate Fan
Oct 24, 2020
I noticed that everything about her has been fairly angular in the past (The hairties, the tie, her skirt, the little triangle thingies on her shirt, even her hair), making her feel even more artificial and, I guess, android-like than she already is. Which made me think, one of the main reasons I like the NT design is it feels a lot more organic than her past iterations, the flowiness of it all feels much freer and lighter when contrasted to her V4 design which felt kinda suffocating in every aspect, particularly the sleeves. They did a wonderful job incorporating things from every single design, making something fresh without compromising what makes Miku, well, Miku.

img_MIKU_us.png Hew72j5.png
Sep 21, 2019
After seeing it up against her V2 design, I think the new design really takes everything that we loved about the original design and the previous designs and then refines it to its best form.
I am in love with her hair, and those Victorian style pieces of the design are just lovely. I love the frills. <3 (But I guess that’s a given coming from someone who loves Mayu a lot, haha.)


Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
The new design is the most interesting Miku design to date, I’m really glad they gave Ixima and Rella more freedom to be creative with it. It feels a little incomplete to me though. Like they wanted to do more but had to keep it within the bounds of Miku which is a kinda disappointing to me. Maybe it’ll grow on me later but it just feels like she isn’t done, I think that a small jacket and a longer skirt would’ve been really cute something closer to Miku symphony.


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I guess the NT design is...alright. I don't dislike it, but I have to say I don't particularly love it either. The wavy parts of her costume look a bit out of place in my opinion, I preferred the more streamlined designs of previous versions (I don't like V2's sawtooth trim of her shirt though).

What I like about the NT design:
-Not too far from previous designs; the continuity is there
-Overall colour scheme
-Arm covers are back to the classic shape (wide openings)
-Hairpieces (didn't particularly like V4X's hairpieces)
-Transparent arm covers and top of the thigh-highs

What I don't like:
-Wavy design on the shirt and skirt hem, and especially the "sleeves" under the armcovers
-Ribbon instead of a tie. The tie has always been one of the trademarks of Miku's design, too bad it had to be changed

(-I feel like her twintails might have a bit too much volume on the top parts near the hairpieces, though I'm unsure how I feel about it.)

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
Disappointed to hear her only append banks will be Whisper and Dark (for now, perhaps - is EVEC still a thing in NT?). Solid was one of my favourite append banks because of its power, and I did like Sweet too (unless the new Whisper bank is a repackaged Sweet or Soft). I don't care that Vivid and Light are still AWOL, since I couldn't tell much difference between them.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Disappointed to hear her only append banks will be Whisper and Dark (for now, perhaps - is EVEC still a thing in NT?). Solid was one of my favourite append banks because of its power, and I did like Sweet too (unless the new Whisper bank is a repackaged Sweet or Soft). I don't care that Vivid and Light are still AWOL, since I couldn't tell much difference between them.
Honestly, given all the new options for bending and shaping her voice, I think both Solid and Sweet will be easy to mimic in NT! I’m certainly going to experiment with it once I get my hands on her.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Disappointed to hear her only append banks will be Whisper and Dark (for now, perhaps - is EVEC still a thing in NT?).
@Blue Of Mind: Yep, EVEC will be available. I'll provide a quick quote in case by some chance they change their mind or something, though I feel they probably won't:
This high quality voice library was made by using a newly developed resysnthesis technology. All voice segments are tuned through analyzing consonants and vowels in order to avoid any disruption. In addition, the "EVEC: Voice Color function" makes the voice layer variable, which allow users to control the accent. For each sound source, the nuances of pronunciation can be switched according to the lyrics and melody, such as "pronunciation with strong accent", "soft pronunciation", and "pronunciation with fluctuating vowel beginnings".

In addition, each database has multi-sample points and pronunciation adjustments, contains more samples than the previous version.


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
The loose sleeves
The frilly white sleeves underneath
The frilliness of the top
The fullness of the hair
The ribbon

The skirt. everything about the skirt

Overall I love the design! Classic miku v2 will always be my favorite for it's iconicness, nostalgia, and that I just think it was a brilliant blend of technology, music and school-girl uniform, but this design is absolutely lovely and I like it more than miku v3 and v4!


vocal synth weirdo
Nov 2, 2020
Soo uhh... I've noticed the "physical preorders coming soon" message has mysteriously disappeared from the english sonicwire page, just as preorders have begun on the jp crypton site.. Its probably nothing to worry about, since we have bigfishaudio for physical distributions here in the west,,, but with declining popularity in voice synths as a whole, i'm a bit worried and i'm wondering if my impatient self should just preorder it now and use a jp forwarding service to the states...

Aside from that, I love the new design, and although we have less voice banks now, from what I've heard, Piapro NT is a lot more malleable in creating distinct parameter voice sounds than Vocaloid is. I'm extremely interested to hear what the new whisper bank could sound like on the NT engine. My main concern now is what will the future of crypton's english voicebanks be? It took us so long to get a proper english miku voicebank, I really don't want us to have to wait even longer for a new eng voicebank that can meld better with her original nt voice..
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